CLEMENCY AND PARDONS BOARD [ Filed January 29, 2009, 9:21 a.m. ] The Washington state clemency and pardons board hereby gives notice that a quarterly hearing is scheduled for March 12, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., in Senate Hearing Room 1, of the John A. Cherberg Building, Olympia, Washington. The following petitions will be considered by the board:
Petitioner: Petition For: Linda Bonner Restoration of Civil Rights (tabled from 12/11/08) Byron Boyd Restoration of Civil Rights Minerva Espinoza Restoration of Civil Rights Delbert Ferree Restoration of Civil Rights Robert Griffin Restoration of Civil Rights Ali Hufane Restoration of Civil Rights Faduma Hufane Restoration of Civil Rights Ricky LeVa Restoration of Civil Rights Patrick Osborne Restoration of Civil Rights Robert Thompson Restoration of Civil Rights Bob Dale Beasley Commutation Michelle Gustafson Commutation Jeannette Murphy Commutation Robert Landry Pardon