
  • WSR 16-03-011
    [Filed January 7, 2016, 3:08 p.m.]
    Semi-Annual Agenda for Rules Under Development
    (Per RCW 34.05.314)
    January 2016
    Rule-making activity not now anticipated may also be added as conditions warrant between semi-annual agendas:
    1. Rule making will continue for chapter 478-120 WAC, Student conduct code for the University of Washington, during the first half of 2016 (a CR-101 was filed August 4, 2014; a CR-103E was filed June 30, 2015; a CR-102 was filed October 21, 2015; a second CR-103E was filed on October 26, 2015; and a second CR-102 was filed December 22, 2015).
    2. Rule making will continue for chapter 478-160 WAC, Admission and registration procedures for the University of Washington, during the first half of 2016 (a CR-101 was filed on August 5, 2015).
    3. Rule making is anticipated for housekeeping amendments to multiple Title 478 WAC rules during the first half of 2016.
    For more information concerning the above rules, please contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director of Rules Coordination, University of Washington, Box 351210, Seattle, WA 98195-1210, phone (206) 543-9219, e-mail rules@uw.edu, web www.washington.edu/rules/.