EVERETT COMMUNITY COLLEGE [ Filed January 18, 2013, 4:19 p.m. ] Subject of Possible Rule Making: Chapter 132E-120 WAC, WAC 132E-120-130, updating students as research subjects;
WAC 132E-120-150, updating student affairs/student rights;
WAC 132E-120-160, disclosure of student information; WAC 132E-120-170, distribution of literature procedures; WAC 132E-120-190, general policies concerning student conduct; WAC 132E-120-210, student conduct -- Authority and responsibility; WAC 132E-120-220, updating Student conduct code -- Violations; WAC 132E-120-230, student conduct code -- Sanctions for violations; WAC 132E-120-240, Student conduct -- Initial disciplinary procedures; WAC 132E-120-250 Summary suspension -- Purpose and proceedings; WAC 132E-120-260, updating notice of summary suspension; WAC 132E-120-270, summary suspension for failure to appear; WAC 132E-120-290, student conduct committee; WAC 132E-120-300 Appeals of disciplinary action -- General; WAC 132E-120-310, updating student conduct committee hearing procedures; WAC 132E-120-350, readmission after dismissal; WAC 132E-120-360, updating academic grievance procedure; WAC 132E-120-370, updating student affairs grievance procedure; WAC 132E-120-390, updating anti hazing policy; and WAC 132E-120-400, updating drug-free campus policy.
Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 28B.50.140.
Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: WAC 132E-120-130, clarifies the college's expectations for researchers who wish to use students as research subjects; WAC 132E-120-150, changes job title of the contact person, adds a new right of editorial independence in student publications; WAC 132E-120-160, adds enrollment status as directory information, changes job title of responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-170, changes job title of responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-190, changes job title of responsible employee, policy notices will no longer be printed; WAC 132E-120-210, changes job title for responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-220, extends WAC to college housing, changes job title of responsible employee. Adds and clarifies conduct code violations (assault, threat, bullying, stalking, stun guns, fire alarms, tobacco, pets on campus, academic cheating and dishonesty); WAC 132E-120-230, changes job title for responsible employee, removes notice requirement for parents of students under eighteen in cases of discipline; WAC 132E-120-240, changes job title for responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-250, changes job title for responsible employee, obligates student to schedule hearing, WAC 132E-120-260, changes job title of responsible employee, changes response to findings timeline from three days to ten days providing more time to conduct a thorough investigation and thoughtful response; WAC 132E-120-270, changes job title for responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-290, changes job title for responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-300, changes job title for responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-310, changes job title of responsible employee, changes response of student conduct committee timeline from seven days to ten days providing more time for the student conduct committee to consider and respond to the hearing process; WAC 132E-120-350, changes job title for responsible employee; WAC 132E-120-360, changes job title of responsible employee, extends the filing deadline for formal student grievances from the tenth day of the quarter to the last day of the quarter following the alleged grievance; WAC 132E-120-370, changes job title of the responsible employee, extends the filing deadline for formal student grievances from the tenth day of the quarter to the last day of the quarter following the alleged grievance; WAC 132E-120-390, changes policy title to "hazing policy," changes job title of the responsible employee, expands to include student housing, clarifies and defines hazing; and WAC 132E-120-400, changes job title of the responsible employee, expands to include student housing, eliminates the term, "college sponsored."
Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: None.
Process for Developing New Rule: Negotiated rule making.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Jennifer Howard, Vice-President of Administrative Services, Everett Community College, 2000 Tower Street, Everett, WA 98201, e-mail jhoward@everettcc.edu, fax (425) 388-9228 or phone (425) 388-9232. Board of trustee meetings, in which public comment is received, occur each third Tuesday of the month, 5 p.m. at the Olympus Hall Board Room, 801 Wetmore Avenue, Everett, WA 98201.
January 2, 2013
Jennifer L. Howard
Vice-President of
Administrative Services