HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY [ Filed January 15, 2013, 10:59 a.m. ]
Notice of Interpretive or Policy Statement
In accordance with RCW 34.05.230(12), following is a list of policy and interpretive statements issued by the health care authority (HCA).
HCA Legal and Administrative Services
Document Title: Provider Notice #13-01.Subject: Medicaid program of the HCA will make changes in prescription coverage for medicare Part D dual-eligible clients.
Effective for dates of service on and after January 14, 2013, the medicaid program of the HCA will change prescription coverage for medicare Part D dual-eligible clients. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have [has] revised the definition of a Part D drug to include barbiturates when prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy, cancer, or a chronic mental health disorder, and benzodiazepines.
For additional information, contact Amber Lougheed, HCA, P.O. Box 45504, phone (360) 725-1349, TDD/TTY 1-800-848-5429, fax (360) 586-9727, e-mail amber.lougheed@hca.wa.gov, web site http://www.hca.wa.gov/.