
  • WSR 12-03-010



    [ Filed January 5, 2012, 10:53 a.m. ]

    Semi-Annual Agenda for Rules under Development

    (Per RCW 34.05.314)

    January 2012

         Rule-making activity not now anticipated may also be added as conditions warrant between semi-annual agendas.

         1. Rule making for housekeeping amendments to various TITLE 478 WAC rules continues during the first half of 2012 (CR-105 was filed as WSR 11-22-026).

         2. Rule making continues for chapter 478-156 WAC, Rules for the University of Washington residence halls and family housing apartments, during the first half of 2012 (CR-101 was filed as WSR 11-20-075, CR-102 was filed as WSR 11-23-139).

         3. Rule making continues for WAC 478-160-163 Waivers of tuition and fees, during the first half of 2012 (CR-101 was filed as WSR 11-20-078, CR-102 was filed as WSR 11-24-090).

         4. Rule making for chapter 478-276 WAC, Governing access to public records, is anticipated to continue during the first half of 2012 (CR-101 was filed as WSR 10-04-104).

         5. Rule making for chapter 478-140 WAC, Rules and regulations for the University of Washington governing student education records, is anticipated to continue during the first half of 2012 (CR-101 was filed as WSR 09-17-078).

         For more information concerning the above rules, please contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director of Rules Coordination, University of Washington, Box 351210, Seattle, WA 98195-1210, phone (206) 543-9219, fax (206) 685-3825, e-mail rules@uw.edu, web www.washington.edu/admin/rules/.