
  • WSR 15-24-108
    [Filed December 1, 2015, 11:56 a.m., effective January 1, 2016]
    Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
    Purpose: The purpose of the amendments are to make technical corrections, update the process of private school approval in response to the office of the superintendent of public instruction (OSPI) and the private school community, clarify definitions, and describe the process for handling complaints against private schools.
    Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending chapter 180-90 WAC.
    Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28A.195.040.
    Adopted under notice filed as WSR 15-12-108 on June 2, 2015.
    Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version:
    WAC 180-90-112 (5)(a), clarifies that a "non-Washington state certificated teacher" means a person who does not have a Washington state certification consistent with WAC 181-79A-030(2), which defines the certificate as a license issued by the superintendent of public instruction to teachers, administrators, and educational staff associates. This change was made in response to comments from OSPI.
    WAC 180-90-112 (5)(a)(ii), adds back some definitions to the minimum requirements of a noncertificated person that were struck in the proposed rules. The reason for this change is to establish a baccalaureate degree or a minimum of three calendar years in a specialized field as minimum requirements for non-Washington state certificated teachers. This change was made in response to comments from OSPI.
    WAC 180-90-112 (5)(b)(ii), clarifies that the school will annually report, in an addendum to the certificate of compliance, to the office of the superintendent of public instruction on the academic preparations and experience of each non-Washington state certificated teacher. This change was made in response to comments from OSPI.
    WAC 180-90-112 (5)(d), adds "superintendent" to certificated staff who may provide general supervision to non-Washington state certificated teachers. This change was made to clarify the rules.
    WAC 180-90-160 (1)(b), adds "in attendance" and edits language to be parallel to the basic education definition of a school day in RCW 28A.150.220. This change was made in response to comments from OSPI.
    WAC 180-90-160 (1)(c)(ii), strikes the requirement that information be forwarded to OSPI if the school hires a non-Washington state certificated teacher subsequent to submitting its annual report. This change was made in response to comments from OSPI.
    A final cost-benefit analysis is available by contacting Linda Drake, State Board of Education, P.O. Box 47206, [Olympia,] WA 98504-7206, phone (360) 725-6028, fax (360) 586-2357, e-mail linda.drake@k12.wa.us.
    Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 1, Amended 7, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 1, Amended 7, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Date Adopted: July 9, 2015.
    Ben Rarick
    Executive Director
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-23-104, filed 11/16/10, effective 12/17/10)
    WAC 180-90-112 Definitions.
    The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
    (1) "Approved private school" means a nonpublic school or nonpublic school district conducting a program consisting of kindergarten and at least grade one, or a program consisting of any or all of grades one through twelve which has been approved by the state board of education in accordance with the minimum standards for approval as prescribed in this chapter.
    (2)(a) "Reasonable health requirements" means those standards contained in chapter 246-366 WAC as adopted by the state board of health.
    (b) "Reasonable fire safety requirements" means those standards adopted by the state fire marshal pursuant to chapter 43.44 RCW.
    (3)(a) "Minor deviation" means a variance from the standards established by these regulations which represents little or no threat to the health or safety of students and school personnel, and which does not ((raise a question as to)) impact the ability of the school to provide an educational program which is in substantial compliance with the minimum standards set forth in WAC 180-90-160, and which, therefore, does not preclude the granting of full approval.
    (b) "Major deviation" means a variance from the standards established by these regulations which represents little or no threat to the health or safety of students and school personnel but ((raises a question as to)) may impact the ability of the school to provide an educational program which substantially complies with the minimum standards set forth in WAC 180-90-160, but is not so serious as to constitute an unacceptable deviation.
    (c) "Unacceptable deviation" means a variance from the standards established by these regulations which either:
    (i) Constitutes a ((serious, imminent)) threat to the health or safety of students or school personnel; or
    (ii) Demonstrates that the school is not capable of providing an educational program which substantially complies with the minimum standards set forth in WAC 180-90-160.
    (4) "Total instructional hour offering" means those hours when students are provided the opportunity to engage in educational activity planned by and under the direction of school staff, as directed by the administration and board of directors, inclusive of intermissions for class changes, recess and teacher/parent-guardian conferences which are planned and scheduled by the approved private school for the purpose of discussing students' educational needs for progress, and exclusive of time actually spent for meals.
    (5)(a) "Non-Washington state certificated teacher" means a person who does not have a Washington state certification consistent with WAC 181-79A-030(2), but who has:
    (i) A K-12 teaching certificate from a nationally accredited preparation program, other than Washington state, recognized by the U.S. Department of Education; or
    (ii) A minimum of ((forty-five quarter credits beyond the)) a baccalaureate degree ((with a minimum of forty-five quarter credits in courses)) in the subject matter to be taught or in ((courses)) a field closely related to the subject matter to be taught; or
    (iii) A minimum of ((three)) one calendar year((s)) of experience in a specialized field. For purposes of this subsection the term "specialized field" means a specialized area of the curriculum where skill or talent is applied and where entry into an occupation in such field generally does not require a baccalaureate degree((,)) including, but not limited to, the fields of art, drama, dance, music, physical education, and career and technical or occupational education.
    (b) "Exceptional case" means that a circumstance exists within a private school in which:
    (i) The educational program offered by the private school will be significantly improved with the employment of a non-Washington state certificated teacher. Each teacher not holding a valid Washington state certificate shall have experience or academic preparation appropriate to K-12 instruction and consistent with the school's mission. Such experience or academic preparation shall be consistent with the provisions of (c) of this subsection; and
    (ii) The school ((which)) employs ((a non-Washington state certificated teacher or teachers pursuant to this subsection employs)) at least one ((person certified pursuant to rules of the state board of education and (c) of this subsection to every twenty-five FTE students enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve. The school will report the academic preparations and experience of each teacher providing K-12 instruction)) Washington state certified teacher, administrator, or superintendent who provides general supervision to any non-Washington state certificated teacher. The school will annually report to the office of the superintendent of public instruction the academic preparations and experience of each non-Washington state certificated teacher providing k-12 instruction in an addendum to the certificate of compliance as provided in WAC 180-90-160; and
    (iii) The non-Washington state certificated teacher of the private school, employed pursuant to this section ((and as)), has been verified by the private school, ((meets)) as meeting the age, good moral character, and personal fitness requirements of WAC 181-79A-150 (1) and (2), and has not had his or her teacher's certificate revoked by any state or foreign country((. ()) consistent with WAC 181-79A-155 (5)(a).(()))
    (c) "Unusual competence": As applied to an exceptional case wherein the educational program as specified in RCW 28A.195.010 and WAC 180-90-160(7) will be significantly improved with the employment of a non-Washington state certificated teacher as defined in (a) of this subsection.
    (d) "General supervision" means that a Washington state certificated teacher ((or)), administrator, or superintendent shall be generally available at the school site to observe and advise the teacher employed under provision of (c) of this subsection and shall evaluate pursuant to policies of the private school.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 03-04-053, filed 1/29/03, effective 3/1/03)
    WAC 180-90-130 Approval-Annual certification-Adverse findings.
    (1) At least ninety days prior to the commencement of the annual school term or period, the chief administrator of each private school shall file with the superintendent of public instruction, in accordance with procedures established by the superintendent of public instruction, a certificate of compliance in the form and substance set forth in WAC 180-90-160.
    (2) The superintendent of public instruction shall review each certificate. The review shall be completed within thirty days after receipt of a completed application.
    (3) If the superintendent of public instruction finds no minor, major, or unacceptable deviations, the superintendent of public instruction shall ((so notify the private school and shall)) recommend full approval of the private school to the state board of education.
    (4) If the superintendent of public instruction finds deviation, the private school shall be notified ((in writing)) through written or electronic communication of any minor, major, or unacceptable deviations which must be corrected.
    (5) If the superintendent of public instruction finds ((minor,)) major((,)) or unacceptable deviations, the superintendent of public instruction shall not transmit the recommendation regarding approval status to the state board of education until the private school submits a narrative report indicating agreement or not with the findings of the superintendent of public instruction and any proposed remedial action to address the reported deviations. Upon receipt of the narrative report, the superintendent of public instruction shall transmit the recommendation and the narrative report to the state board of education. Minor deviations will be resolved with the office of the superintendent of public instruction staff prior to submission for approval. In the case of major deviations, the private school may request that the state board of education grant provisional status for up to one year so the private school may take action to meet the requirements.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 85-24-056, filed 12/2/85)
    WAC 180-90-139 Approval action by SBE.
    The state board of education shall take one of the following actions:
    (1) If no deviations are found, the state board of education shall grant full approval.
    (2) If minor deviations are found and the private school ((acknowledges the existence of such deviations and indicates an intent to correct such deviations in its narrative response)) has resolved the deviations, the state board of education shall grant full approval.
    (3) If major deviations are found and the private school in its narrative report ((assures)) provides satisfactory assurance of compliance by the commencement of the annual school term, the state board of education shall grant full approval.
    (4) If major deviations are found and the private school in its narrative report, supplemented by direct testimony to the state board of education, demonstrates it is not practical to correct such major deviations prior to the commencement of the annual school term but establishes to the satisfaction of the state board of education its ((commitment)) ability to correct such deviation as soon as is practical, the state board of education shall grant such private school provisional approval for the period of time the state board of education determines is necessary to correct the major deviation but no longer than one year.
    (5) If unacceptable deviations are found or if the private school fails to comply with timely corrective conditions within subsection (2), (3), or (4) of this section for minor or major deviations, state board of education approval shall be denied or rescinded.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 03-04-053, filed 1/29/03, effective 3/1/03)
    WAC 180-90-141 Loss of private school approval.
    (1) The superintendent of public instruction is authorized to rescind approval of a private school for one or more of the following reasons:
    (a) Failure to have students enrolled for any six consecutive calendar months in the school's physical facilities or failure to provide evidence of student enrollment upon request of the superintendent of public instruction for the said period of time.
    (b) Failure to provide verification that the approved private school teaching staff have a valid Washington state teaching certificate or meet the provisions of WAC 180-90-112 (5)(((b)(ii))).
    (c) Failure to provide verification that the physical facilities of the school meet the health and fire safety standards.
    (2) The superintendent of public instruction shall notify the state board of education of decisions to rescind approval.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 85-24-056, filed 12/2/85)
    WAC 180-90-145 Approval-((Annual certification and)) Initial application-Exception.
    Any potential private school which is unable to file its application for approval at least ((90)) ninety days prior to the commencement of the annual school term or period may ((in any event)) request ((that)) the superintendent of public instruction ((to)) review the application and ((that)) the superintendent's findings and recommendations be submitted to the state board of education. This request shall be granted if the superintendent of public instruction finds ((that)) the private school was not sufficiently developed prior to the 90 day time period to enable it to comply with that requirement. The superintendent of public instruction shall have the discretion to grant the request in other exceptional circumstances. If ((said)) the superintendent of public instruction grants the request ((is granted)), the review shall be completed within thirty days and the findings and recommendations presented to the state board of education.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 14-19-032, filed 9/8/14, effective 10/9/14)
    WAC 180-90-160 Minimum standards and certificate form.
    (1) The annual certificate required by WAC 180-90-130 shall be in substantial compliance with the form and substance of the following:
    School District
    Private School/
    District Address
    I, . . . . . . , do hereby certify that I am the principal or chief administrator of the above named school; that said school is located at the address listed above, and conducts grades . . . . . . through . . . . . . with a projected enrollment of . . . . . . ; and that said school is scheduled to meet throughout the . . . . . . school year, the following standards with the exception only of such deviations, if any, as are set forth in an attachment to this certificate of compliance
    I, . . . . . . , do hereby certify that I am the superintendent of the above named private school district; and that the private schools under my jurisdiction are scheduled to meet throughout the school year, the following standards with the exception only of such deviations as are set forth in an attachment to this certificate of compliance; and that a list of such schools, including the grades conducted and the projected enrollment for each school, accompanies this certificate:
    ((Following initial approval as a private school by the state board of education, evidence of current accreditation by a state board of education approved accrediting body may be submitted annually in lieu of approval documents described in 1-12.
    (1))) (a) The minimum school year for instructional purposes consists of no less than ((180)) one hundred eighty school days or the equivalent in annual minimum instructional hour offerings as prescribed in RCW 28A.150.220.
    (((2))) (b) On each school day, pupils enrolled ((in)) and in attendance at the school are ((provided the opportunity to be)) engaged in educational activity planned by and under the direction of the ((staff, as directed by the administration and/or governing board)) school; and that pupils are provided a total instructional hour offering as prescribed in RCW 28A.150.220 except that the percentages for basic skills, work skills, and optional subjects and activities prescribed in RCW 28A.150.220 do not apply to private schools and that the total instructional hour offering, except as otherwise specifically provided in RCW 28A.150.220, made available is at least:
    (((a))) (i) 450 hours for students in kindergarten.
    (((b))) (ii) 1000 hours for students in grades one through twelve.
    (((3))) (c) All classroom teachers hold appropriate Washington State certification except for:
    (((a))) (i) Teachers for religious courses or courses for which no counterpart exists in the public schools: Provided, That a religious course is a course of study separate from the courses of study defined in RCW 28A.195.010 including occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of the appreciation of art and music all in sufficient units for meeting state board of education graduation requirements; and/or
    (((b))) (ii) A person of unusual competence who is not certified but who will teach students in an exceptional case under the general supervision of a Washington state certificated teacher ((or)), administrator, or superintendent pursuant to WAC 180-90-112. The non-Washington state certificated teacher, the Washington state certificated person who will supervise, and the exceptional circumstances are listed on the addendum to this certificate((: Provided, That if a non-Washington state certificated teacher is employed subsequent to the filing of this certificate, this same information shall be forwarded to the superintendent of public instruction within thirty days from the date of employment)).
    (((4))) (d) If the school operates an extension program for parents, guardians, or persons having legal custody of a child to teach children in their custody, the extension program meets the following requirements:
    (((a))) (i) The parent, guardian, or custodian is supervised by a person certified under chapter 28A.410 RCW and who is employed by the school;
    (((b))) (ii) The planning by the certified person and the parent, guardian, or person having legal custody includes objectives consistent with (a), (b), (e) through (g) of this subsection ((and subsections (1), (2), (5), (6), and (7) of this section));
    (((c))) (iii) The certified person spends a minimum average each month of one contact hour per week with each student under his or her supervision who is enrolled in the extension program;
    (((d))) (iv) Each student's progress is evaluated by the certified person; and
    (((e))) (v) The certified person does not supervise more than thirty students enrolled in the approved private school's extension program.
    (((5))) (e) Measures have been taken to safeguard all permanent records against loss or damage through either the storage of such records in fire-resistant containers or facilities, or the retention of duplicates in a separate and distinct area;
    (((6))) (f) The physical facilities of the school are adequate to meet the program offered, and all school facilities and practices are in substantial compliance with reasonable health and fire safety standards, as substantiated by current inspection reports of appropriate health and fire safety officials which are on file in the chief administrator's office;
    (((7))) (g) The school's curriculum includes instruction in the basic skills of occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of appreciation of art and music in sufficient units for meeting state board of education graduation requirements, as set forth in chapter 180-51 WAC. A school may substitute courses specific to the mission or focus of the school to satisfy the requirement of WAC 180-51-068(7);
    (((8))) (h) The school or its organized district maintains up-to-date policy statements related to the administration and operation of the school or district;
    (((9))) (i) The school does not engage in a policy of racial segregation or discrimination;
    (((10))) (j) The governing authority of this private school or private school district has been apprised of the requirements of chapter 180-90 WAC relating to the minimum requirements for approval of private schools and such governing authority has further been apprised of all deviations from the rules and regulations of the state board of education and the standards contained in chapter 180-90 WAC. I have reported all such deviations herewith.
    Dated this . . . . day of . . . . . . , 20 . . .
    . . . . 
    . . . . 
    . . . . 
    (phone number)
    (((11))) (2) Approval by the state board of education is contingent upon on-going compliance with the standards certified herein. The superintendent of public instruction shall be notified of any deviation from these standards which occurs after the action taken by the state board of education. Such notification shall be filed within thirty days of occurrence of the deviation.
    (((12))) (3) Failure to comply with the requirements of this chapter may result in the revocation of the approval of the private school and shall be considered in subsequent application for approval as a private school.
    ((Dated this . . . . day of . . . . . . , 20 . . .
    . . . . 
    . . . . 
    . . . . 
    (phone number)))
    (4) Following initial approval as a private school by the state board of education, evidence of current accreditation by a state board of education approved accrediting body may be submitted annually in lieu of approval documents described in subsection (1)(a) through (j) of this section.
    WAC 180-90-170 Complaints against private schools.
    (1) Complaints about an approved private school may be made in writing to the office of public instruction.
    (2) If a complaint against a private school is received, the office of the superintendent of public instruction will:
    (a) Notify the complainant that the communication was received;
    (b) Notify the school of the complaint, provide a copy of the complaint if requested, and provide an opportunity for the school to respond. All correspondence will conform to state and federal student privacy laws; and
    (c) Review the complaint and the school's response and may take appropriate action it deems necessary. Any action taken by the office of the superintendent of public instruction will be limited to authority pursuant to chapter 28A.195 RCW and the rules promulgated thereunder.
    (3) The record of the complaint, the response and any action taken will be retained according to the record retention schedule established by the office of the secretary of state for the office of the superintendent of public instruction.

Document Information

Effective Date: