WSR 06-24-123 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY [ Filed December 6, 2006, 9:42 a.m. ]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING State Implementation Plan Revision:
Revising Air Quality Regulations in Washington's
State Implementation Plan
The state of Washington and local air pollution control agencies periodically submit air quality regulations to the department of ecology (ecology) for inclusion in Washington's state implementation plan (SIP). The SIP is a statewide plan for meeting federal health-based standards for certain air pollutants.Ecology will hold a public hearing to:
? Receive comments on including changes to several permitting regulations for new and modified air pollution sources in the SIP; and ? Provide for additional clarifications and administrative updates. At the hearing, ecology will receive comments on amending the following local air quality agency and energy facility site evaluation council (EFSEC) regulations in the SIP:
Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council:
Amend: WAC 463-78-005, 463-78-030, and 463-78-100 .
Add: WAC 463-78-140.
Northwest Clean Air Agency:
Amend: Sections 200, 300, 301, and 325.
Add: Section 305.
Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency:
Recodification: Various.
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency:
Amend: Regulation 1, Sections 3.07, 3.11, 3.25, 5.03, 6.01 and 6.03.
Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority:
Amend: Regulation I, Article II, Section 2.13.
There are seven local air quality agencies in Washington state: Benton Clean Air Authority, Northwest Clean Air Agency, Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Southwest Clean Air Agency, Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority, and Yakima Regional Clean Air Authority. Additionally, EFSEC is a state agency with authority from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the state of Washington to issue permits under the federal Clean Air Act and Washington Clean Air Act for facilities under its jurisdiction.
This hearing will be the second of two separate ecology hearings scheduled as follows:
Thursday, January 4, 2007, at 2:00 p.m., at the Department of Ecology, 300 Desmond Drive, Auditorium Room 36, Lacey, WA.
For a SIP hearing, only comments on whether or not to include the changes in the SIP are considered. Written comments must be postmarked no later than January 5, 2007, and should be sent to Brett Rude, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600.
For more information about the updates or the SIP process prior to the hearing, please contact Brett Rude, (360) 407-6847.
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