
  • WSR 16-23-024
    [Filed November 7, 2016, 9:41 a.m.]
    Title or Subject: Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) 17-0003 Time Limits for Medical Withdrawal Management.
    Effective Date: January 1, 2017.
    Description: The health care authority (agency) and the division of behavioral health and recovery services (DBHR) in the behavioral health administration, department of social and health services (DSHS) anticipate submitting medicaid SPA 17-0003 to remove any administrative burden to extend a stay for medical withdrawal management (previously known as detoxification) beyond three days for alcohol medical withdrawal management and five days for substance-related medical withdrawal management. Medical withdrawal management stays will be based on medical necessity; requests for exception to rule will no longer be required. The proposed effective date will be January 1, 2017. This SPA is expected to have no effect on the annual aggregate expenditures. Participating providers will receive no less than they would have under previous reimbursement methods.
    SPA 17-0003 is in the development process; therefore, a copy is not yet available for review. The agency and DSHS would appreciate any input or concerns regarding this SPA. To request a copy when it becomes available or submit comments, please contact the person named below (please note that all comments are subject to public review and disclosure, as are the names of those who comment): Sandra Mena-Tyree, DBHR, P.O. Box 45330, Olympia, WA 98504-5330, phone (360) 725-3750, e-mail MenaSA@dshs.wa.gov.