WSR 13-23-094
[Filed November 20, 2013, 9:22 a.m., effective April 1, 2014]
Effective Date of Rule: April 1, 2014.
Purpose: Amendments to chapter 51-56 WAC, Adoption and amendment of the 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 51-56-0200, 51-56-0600, 51-56-1600, and 51-56-1700.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW
19.27A.025, 19.27A.045.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 13-15-157 on July 23, 2013.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: 1. WAC 51-56-0600, Section 604.11, was amended to read as follows:
604.11 Lead Content. The allowable lead content in pipes and pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption shall be a maximum weighted average of 0.25 percent with respect to the wetted surfaces of pipes and pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures in accordance with NSF 372. The maximum allowable lead content in pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption shall be not more than a weighted average of 0.25 percent with respect to the wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures. For solder and flux, the lead content shall be not more than 0.2 percent where used in piping systems that convey or dispense water for human consumption.
(1) Pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, fixtures, or backflow preventers used for nonpotable services such as manufacturing, industrial processing, irrigation, outdoor watering, or any other uses where the water is not used for human consumption.
(2) Water closets, bidets, urinals, fill valves, flushometer valves, tub fillers, shower valves, service saddles, or water distribution main gate valves that are 2 inches (50 mm) in diameter or larger.
This language is the same as that adopted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials at their November 4, 2013, technical committee meeting to address federal law that goes into effect on January 4, 2014. The two exceptions found in this language help meet the concerns expressed during public testimony that the original language was too broad. This language more closely mirrors the federal safe drinking water law.
2. WAC 51-56-1600, Section 1604.12.2.3(1) was amended to read:
(1) Reclaimed (recycled) On-site treated nonpotable water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter, and the reclaimed (recycled) on-site treated water riser shall be drained.
This is an editorial change to this section. A copy error had inadvertently included the same language in three very similar sections. This same section is repeated in three subsections addressing three different types of alternate water sources, but the same source was retained in all three subsections. This section and Section 1702.2.3 were corrected.
3. WAC 51-56-1700, Section 1702.2.3(1) was amended to read:
(1) Reclaimed (recycled) Rainwater water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter, and the reclaimed (recycled) rainwater riser shall be drained.
See item 2, above for explanatory statement.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: November 8, 2013.
C. Ray Allshouse
Council Chair
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-04-054, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13)
WAC 51-56-0200 Chapter 2-Definitions.
205.0 Certified Backflow Assembly Tester - A person certified by the Washington state department of health under chapter 246-292 WAC to inspect (for correct installation and approval status) and test (for proper operation)
((approved)), maintain and repair (in compliance with chapter 18.106 RCW) backflow
prevention assemblies
, devices and air gaps.
210.0 Hot Water - Water at a temperature exceeding or equal to 100°F.
211.0 Insanitary - A condition that is contrary to sanitary principles or is injurious to health.
Conditions to which "insanitary" shall apply include the following:
(1) A trap that does not maintain a proper trap seal.
(2) An opening in a drainage system, except where lawful, that is not provided with an approved liquid-sealed trap.
(3) A plumbing fixture or other waste discharging receptor or device that is not supplied with water sufficient to flush and maintain the fixture or receptor in a clean condition, except as otherwise provided in this code.
(4) A defective fixture, trap, pipe, or fitting.
(5) A trap, except where in this code exempted, directly connected to a drainage system, the seal of which is not protected against siphonage and backpressure by a vent pipe.
(6) A connection, cross-connection, construction, or condition, temporary or permanent, that would permit or make possible by any means whatsoever for an unapproved foreign matter to enter a water distribution system used for domestic purposes.
(7) The foregoing enumeration of conditions to which the term "insanitary" shall apply, shall not preclude the application of that term to conditions that are, in fact, insanitary.
218.0 Plumbing System - Includes all potable water, building supply and distribution pipes, all reclaimed water systems, all plumbing fixtures and traps, all drainage and vent pipe(s), and all building drains including their respective joints and connection, devices, receptors, and appurtenances within the property lines of the premises and shall include potable water piping, potable water treating or using equipment, medical gas and medical vacuum systems, and water heaters: Provided, That no certification shall be required for the installation of a plumbing system within the property lines and outside a building.
225.0 Water/Wastewater Utility - A public or private entity, including a water purveyor as defined in chapter 246-290 WAC, which may treat, deliver, or do both functions to reclaimed (recycled) water, potable water, or both to wholesale or retail customers.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-04-054, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13)
WAC 51-56-0600 Chapter 6-Water supply and distribution.
603.1 General. Cross-connection control shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Devices or assemblies for protection of the public water system must be models approved by the department of health under WAC 246-290-490. The authority having jurisdiction shall coordinate with the local water purveyor where applicable in all matters concerning cross-connection control within the property lines of the premises.
No person shall install any water operated equipment or mechanism, or use any water treating chemical or substance, if it is found that such equipment, mechanism, chemical or substance may cause pollution or contamination of the domestic water supply. Such equipment or mechanism may be permitted only when equipped with an approved backflow prevention device or assembly.
603.2 Approval of Devices or Assemblies. Before any device or assembly is installed for the prevention of backflow, it shall have first been approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Devices or assemblies shall be tested for conformity with recognized standards or other standards acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Backflow prevention devices and assemblies shall comply with Table 603.2, except for specific applications and provisions as stated in Section 603.5.1 through 603.5.21.
All devices or assemblies installed in a potable water supply system for protection against backflow shall be maintained in good working condition by the person or persons having control of such devices or assemblies. Such devices or assemblies shall be tested in accordance with Section 603.4.2 and WAC 246-290-490. If found to be defective or inoperative, the device or assembly shall be replaced or repaired. No device or assembly shall be removed from use or relocated or other device or assembly substituted, without the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.
Testing shall be performed by a Washington state department of health certified backflow assembly tester.
TABLE 603.2
Backflow Prevention Devices, Assemblies and Methods
The following line is deleted from the table:
| | | | | | |
Device, Assembly or Method | Applicable Standards | Pollution (Low Hazard) | Contamination (High Hazard) | Installation |
Back Siphonage | Back Pressure | Back Siphonage | Back Pressure |
Backflow preventer for carbonated beverage dispensers (two independent check valves with a vent to the atmosphere.) | ASSE 1022 | X | | | | Installation includes carbonated beverage machines or dispensers. These devices operate under intermittent or continuous pressure conditions. |
603.4.2 Testing. For devices and assemblies other than those regulated by the Washington department of health in conjunction with the local water purveyor for the protection of public water systems, the authority having jurisdiction shall ensure that the premise owner or responsible person shall have the backflow prevention assembly tested by a Washington state department of health certified backflow assembly tester:
(1) At the time of installation, repair or relocation; and
(2) At least on an annual schedule thereafter, unless more frequent testing is required by the authority having jurisdiction.
603.5.6 Protection from Lawn Sprinklers and Irrigation Systems. Potable water supplies to systems having no pumps or connections for pumping equipment, and no chemical injection or provisions for chemical injection, shall be protected from backflow by one of the following ((devices)):
(1) Atmospheric vacuum breaker (AVB).
(2) Pressure vacuum breaker backflow prevention assembly (PVB).
(3) Spill-resistant pressure vacuum breaker (SVB).
(4) Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP).
(5) A double check valve backflow prevention assembly (DC) may be allowed when approved by the water purveyor and the authority having jurisdiction.
603.5.10 Steam or Hot Water Boilers. Potable water connections to steam or hot water boilers shall be protected by an air gap or a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.
603.5.12 Beverage Dispensers. Potable water supply to carbonators shall be protected by a listed reduced pressure principle backflow preventer as approved by the authority having jurisdiction for the specific use. The backflow preventer shall be located in accordance with Section 603.4.3. The piping downstream of the backflow preventer shall not be of copper, copper alloy, or other material that is affected by carbon dioxide.
603.5.13 Prohibited Location. Backflow preventers shall not be located in any area containing fumes or aerosols that are toxic, poisonous, infectious, or corrosive.
603.5.15 Protection from Fire Systems. Except as provided under Sections 603.5.15.1 and 603.5.15.2, potable water supplies to fire protection systems that are normally under pressure, including but not limited to standpipes and automatic sprinkler systems, except in one or two family or townhouse residential flow-through or combination sprinkler systems piped in materials approved for potable water distribution systems, shall be protected from back-pressure and back-siphonage by one of the following testable ((devices)) assemblies:
1. Double check valve backflow prevention assembly (DC).
2. Double check detector fire protection backflow prevention assembly.
3. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP).
4. Reduced pressure detector fire protection backflow prevention assembly.
Potable water supplies to fire protection systems that are not normally under pressure shall be protected from backflow and shall meet the requirements of the appropriate standard(s) referenced in Table 1401.1.
604.11 Lead Content. The maximum allowable lead content in pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings and fixtures intended to convey or dispense water for human consumption shall be not more than a weighted average of 0.25 percent with respect to the wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings and fixtures. For solder and flux, the lead content shall be not more than 0.2 percent where used in piping systems that convey or dispense water for human consumption.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, fixtures or backflow preventers used for nonpotable services such as manufacturing, industrial processing, irrigation, outdoor watering, or any other uses where the water is not used for human consumption. |
| 2. Water closets, bidets, urinals, fill valves, flushometer valves, tub fillers, shower valves, service saddles, or water distribution main gate valves that are two inches (50 mm) in diameter or larger. |
604.14 Plastic water service piping may terminate within a building, provided the connection to the potable water distribution system shall be made as near as is practical to the point of entry and shall be accessible. Barbed insert fittings with hose clamps are prohibited as a transition fitting within the building.
608.5 Drains. Relief valves located inside a building shall be provided with a drain, not smaller than the relief valve outlet, of galvanized steel, hard drawn copper piping and fittings, CPVC, PP, or listed relief valve drain tube with fittings which will not reduce the internal bore of the pipe or tubing (straight lengths as opposed to coils) and shall extend from the valve to the outside of the building, with the end of the pipe not more than two (2) feet (610 mm) nor less than six (6) inches (152 mm) above the ground or the flood level of the area receiving the discharge and pointing downward. Such drains may terminate at other approved locations. No part of such drain pipe shall be trapped or subject to freezing. The terminal end of the drain pipe shall not be threaded.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Where no drainage was provided, replacement water heating equipment shall only be required to provide a drain pointing downward from the relief valve to extend between two feet (610 mm) and six inches (152 mm) from the floor. No additional floor drain need be provided. |
610.4 Systems within the range of Table 610.4 may be sized from that table or by the method set forth in Section 610.5.
Listed parallel water distribution systems shall be installed in accordance with their listing.
612.1 General. Where residential fire sprinkler systems are installed, they shall be installed in accordance with the International Building Code or International Residential Code.
613.0 Insulation of Potable Water Piping. Domestic water piping within commercial buildings shall be insulated in accordance with Section C403.2.8 and Table C403.2.8 or Section C404.6 of the Washington State Energy Code, as applicable.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-04-054, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13)
WAC 51-56-1600 Chapter 16-Alternate water sources for nonpotable applications.
1601.1.1 Allowable use of Alternative Water. Where approved or required by the authority having jurisdiction, alternate water sources (reclaimed (recycled) water, gray water and on-site treated nonpotable water) shall be permitted to be used in lieu of potable water for the applications identified in this chapter. Gray water shall not be used for irrigation except as permitted by the department of health rules.
1601.2 System Design. Alternate water source systems in accordance with this chapter shall be designed by a person registered or licensed to perform plumbing design work. Components, piping, and fittings used in an alternate water source system shall be listed.
1601.3 Permit. It shall be unlawful for a person to construct, install, alter, or cause to be constructed, installed, or altered an alternate water source system in a building or on a premise without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
1601.5.2 Maintenance Log. A maintenance log for gray water, and on-site treated nonpotable water systems required to have a permit in accordance with Section 1601.3 shall be maintained by the property owner and be available for inspection. The property owner or designated appointee shall ensure that a record of testing, inspection and maintenance in accordance with Table 1601.5 is maintained in the log. The log will indicate the frequency of inspection and maintenance for each system.
1601.10 Abandonment. Where alternate water source systems for nonpotable use are abandoned, the procedure for abandonment shall be as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Components of the abandoned system including, but not limited to, pipe, tubing, fittings and valves shall not be used for potable water systems.
1602.0 Gray Water Systems, is not adopted. Gray water shall not be used for irrigation except as permitted by the department of health rules.
1603.4 Connection to Potable or Reclaimed (Recycled) Water Systems. Reclaimed (recycled) water systems shall have no connection to a potable water supply or alternate water source system. Potable water is permitted to be used as makeup water for a reclaimed (recycled) water storage tank provided the water supply inlet is protected by an approved air gap in accordance with this code.
1603.11.2.3 Discovery of Cross Connection. In the event that a cross-connection is discovered, the following procedure, in the presence of the AHJ, shall be activated immediately:
(1) Reclaimed (recycled) water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter, and the reclaimed (recycled) water riser shall be drained.
(2) Potable water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter.
(3) The cross-connection shall be uncovered and disconnected.
(4) The building shall be retested following procedures listed in Sections 1603.11.2.1 and 1603.11.2.2.
(5) The potable water system shall be chlorinated with 50 parts-per-million (ppm) chlorine for twenty-four hours.
(6) The potable water system shall be flushed after twenty-four hours, and a standard bacteriological test for drinking water shall be performed by a laboratory certified for drinking water in Washington state. Where test results are satisfactory to the authority having jurisdiction, health authority having jurisdiction, and the water purveyor, the potable water system shall be permitted to be recharged. See also chapter 246-290 WAC.
1604.1 General. The provisions of this section shall apply to the installation, construction, alteration, and repair of on-site treated nonpotable water systems intended to supply uses such as water closets, urinals, trap primers for floor drains and floor sinks, and other uses approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
1604.12.2.3 Discovery of Cross Connection. In the event that a cross-connection is discovered, the following procedure, in the presence of the AHJ, shall be activated immediately:
(1) On-site treated nonpotable water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter, and the on-site treated water riser shall be drained.
(2) Potable water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter.
(3) The cross-connection shall be uncovered and disconnected.
(4) The building shall be retested following procedures listed in Sections 1603.11.2.1 and 1603.11.2.2.
(5) The potable water system shall be chlorinated with 50 parts-per-million (ppm) chlorine for twenty-four hours.
(6) The potable water system shall be flushed after twenty-four hours, and a standard bacteriological test for drinking water shall be performed by a laboratory certified for drinking water in Washington state. Where test results are satisfactory to the authority having jurisdiction, health authority having jurisdiction, and the water purveyor, the potable water system shall be permitted to be recharged. See also chapter 246-290 WAC.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 13-04-054, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13)
WAC 51-56-1700 Chapter 17-Nonpotable rainwater catchment systems.
1702.0 Nonpotable Rainwater Catchment Systems.
1702.1 General. The installation, construction, alteration, and repair of rainwater catchments systems intended to supply uses such as water closets, urinals, trap primers for floor drains and floor sinks, irrigation, industrial processes, water features, cooling tower makeup and other uses shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
| |
EXCEPTION: | Exterior irrigation piping. |
1702.2 Permit. It shall be unlawful for a person to construct, install, alter, or cause to be constructed, installed, or altered a nonpotable rainwater catchment system in a building or on a premises without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the authority having jurisdiction.
| |
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. A permit is not required for exterior rainwater catchment systems used for outdoor drip and subsurface irrigation with a maximum storage capacity of 360 gallons (1363 L). |
| 2. A plumbing permit is not required for rainwater catchment systems for single family dwellings where outlets, piping, and system components are located on the exterior of the building. This does not exempt the need for permits where required for electrical connections, tank supports, or enclosures. |
1702.2.1 Plumbing Plan Submission. No permit for a rainwater catchment system shall be issued until complete plumbing plans, with data satisfactory to the Authority Having Jurisdiction, have been submitted and approved.
1702.2.3 Discovery of Cross Connection. In the event that a cross-connection is discovered, the following procedure, in the presence of the AHJ, shall be activated immediately:
(1) Rainwater catchment water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter, and the rainwater water riser shall be drained.
(2) Potable water piping to the building shall be shutdown at the meter.
(3) The cross-connection shall be uncovered and disconnected.
(4) The building shall be retested following procedures listed in Sections 1603.11.2.1 and 1603.11.2.2.
(5) The potable water system shall be chlorinated with 50 parts-per-million (ppm) chlorine for twenty-four hours.
(6) The potable water system shall be flushed after twenty-four hours, and a standard bacteriological test for drinking water shall be performed by a laboratory certified for drinking water in Washington state. Where test results are satisfactory to the authority having jurisdiction, health authority having jurisdiction, and the water purveyor, the potable water system shall be permitted to be recharged. See also chapter 246-290 WAC.
1702.12 Abandonment. Where nonpotable rainwater catchment systems are abandoned, the procedure for abandonment shall be as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Components of the abandoned system including, but not limited to, pipe, tubing, fittings and valves shall not be used for potable water systems.