
  • WSR 11-23-093



    [ Filed November 17, 2011, 2:30 p.m. ]

         During the 2011 legislative special session, the legislature passed, and the governor signed, ESSB 5931, consolidating and creating central service agencies. As part of that legislation, the department of enterprise services (DES) was created. This new agency consists of the department of general administration (GA), the state printer, and parts of the department of information services (DIS), department of personnel (DOP) and office of financial management (OFM). As part of the legislation, the rules for the affected agencies are transferred to DES, along with future rule-making authority.

         Currently, GA enacted rules are in TITLE 236 WAC. Except for the public records chapter (chapter 236-56 WAC), all GA rules will be transferred to DES. DES will begin the rule-making process to repeal chapter 236-56 WAC and enact a new public disclosure chapter in TITLE 200 WAC for the new agency. In addition, five DOP enacted rules in TITLE 357 WAC and three OFM enacted chapters in TITLE 82 WAC will be transferred to DES.

         Based on the above-referenced legislation, I request the code reviser's office decodify the GA, DOP and OFM rules listed below and recodify these rules as DES rules under the chapter/sections listed in TITLE 200 WAC, as shown below.

         If you need additional information, please contact Jack Zeigler at (360) 902-0970, jack.zeigler@ga.wa.gov or Roselyn Marcus at (360) 902-0568, roselyn.marcus@ofm.wa.gov.



    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-11 200-10 Compliance with State Environmental Policy Act.

    Risk Management


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    82-60 200-100 Self-insurance requirements as to local governments and nonprofit corporations.
    82-65 200-110 Local government self-insurance health and welfare program requirements.
    82-70 200-120 Affordable housing entity joint self-insurance property and liability program requirements.
    236-100 200-130 Flood mitigation standards for state agencies.

    Capitol Campus Buildings and Grounds


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-12 200-200 State capitol grounds traffic and parking regulations.
    236-16 200-210 Capitol Lake and adjoining lands and roadways.
    236-17 200-220 Use of the public areas of the capitol buildings and grounds.
    236-18 200-230 Requirements for commemorative and art works on state capitol grounds.
    236-20A 200-240 Display of flags -- State capitol grounds.

    Contracts and Supply Chain Management

    WAC Sections
    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-48-002 200-300-010 Purpose.
    236-48-003 200-300-015 Definitions.
    236-48-011 200-300-020 Public notice.
    236-48-012 200-300-025 Receipt of bids, quotes or proposals.
    236-48-013 200-300-030 Amendment of invitation for bid, request for quotation or request for proposal.
    236-48-021 200-300-035 Supplier lists.
    236-48-024 200-300-040 Removal or suspension.
    236-48-025 200-300-045 Appeal, reapplication or reinstatement.
    236-48-035 200-300-050 Bid guarantee.
    236-48-036 200-300-055 Performance guarantees.
    236-48-071 200-300-060 Form of bid, quote or proposal.
    236-48-079 200-300-065 Standard specifications.
    236-48-083 200-300-070 Acceptance of alternate bid, quote or proposal.
    236-48-085 200-300-075 In-state preference bids.
    236-48-094 200-300-080 Partial award.
    236-48-096 200-300-085 Bid award preference.
    236-48-098 200-300-090 Rejection.
    236-48-099 200-300-095 Acceptance of terms.
    236-48-111 200-300-100 Handling of bids and proposals if publicly opened.
    236-48-121 200-300-105 Mistakes in bid(s) or proposals detected prior to opening.
    236-48-122 200-300-110 Mistakes in bid(s) or proposals detected during or after bid opening.
    236-48-123 200-300-115 Disclosure of information.
    236-48-124 200-300-120 Informalities in bids, quotes, or proposals.
    236-48-132 200-300-125 Notice of cancellation or rejection of bids.
    236-48-141 200-300-130 Protests and appeals -- Form and substance.
    236-48-142 200-300-135 Office of state procurement protest procedure prior to award.
    236-48-143 200-300-140 Office of state procurement protest procedure after award.
    236-48-152 200-300-145 Offset against contractor payments.
    236-48-153 200-300-150 Delivery date.
    236-48-165 200-300-155 Change in product offered.
    236-48-166 200-300-160 Contract extension.
    236-48-167 200-300-165 Additions or deletions to contract or purchase order.
    236-48-230 200-300-170 Leases.


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-49 200-310 Relationship and procedures between division of purchasing and state agencies.


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-51 200-320 Competitive contracting.


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-28 200-330 Small works roster.
    236-60 200-340 Suggested design and construction standards of sidewalk and curb ramps for the physically handicapped person without uniquely endangering the blind.
    236-70 200-350 A rule to facilitate private investment in energy conservation for state-owned facilities.


    WAC Sections
    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-48-190 200-360-010 Surplus property disposal priorities.
    236-48-1901 200-360-015 Surplus property -- Exceptions to disposal priorities.
    236-48-1902 200-360-020 Surplus property -- Intent of state surplus priorities.
    236-48-191 200-360-025 Surplus property auction.
    236-48-192 200-360-030 Sealed bid -- Surplus property.
    236-48-193 200-360-035 Negotiation -- Surplus property.
    236-48-194 200-360-040 Guarantee of quality, etc., state responsibility for -- Surplus property.
    236-48-195 200-360-045 Weight merchandise -- Surplus property.
    236-48-196 200-360-050 Removal -- Surplus property.
    236-48-197 200-360-055 Withdrawal from sale or rejection of bids -- Surplus property.
    236-48-198 200-360-060 Sale of surplus property to state elected officials or employees.


    WAC Sections
    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-48-250 200-370-010 Use of credit, charge cards or purchasing cards.
    236-48-251 200-370-015 Distribution of credit, charge cards or purchasing cards.
    236-48-252 200-370-020 Credit limits.
    236-48-253 200-370-025 Payment of credit or purchasing card bills.

    Energy Efficiency Services Account


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-200 200-400 Energy efficiency services account.

    Motor Vehicle Fleets


    Decodify Recodify as DES
    236-20 200-500 State vehicle marking requirements and exceptions.

    Employee Training and Development

    WAC Sections

    Decodify Recodify as DES
    357-34-010 200-600-010 Who is responsible for employee training and development?
    357-34-015 200-600-015 What are the employer's training and development responsibilities?
    357-34-020 200-600-020 Can employers require employees to attend training?
    357-34-030 200-600-025 What are the requirements for the employer's training and development plans?
    357-34-125 200-600-030 How do agencies report their compliance with WAC 357-34-100 to the department?

    Joyce Turner
