WSR 16-22-057
[Filed October 31, 2016, 10:45 a.m.]
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: New WAC 390-05-255 Definition of terms "day" and "business day"; and amending WAC 390-12-250 Declaratory order-Petition requisites-Consideration-Disposition, 390-16-033 Earmarked contributions-Reporting-Form, 390-16-240 Earmarked contributions-Definition and use, 390-16-312 Handling contributions of uncertain origin, 390-28-060 Hearing to modify reporting-Administrative law judge proceedings, and 390-32-030 Complaint publication-Fair Campaign Practices Code-Alternative to investigation or adjudicative proceeding.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Proposed new rule defines the terms "day" and "business day" as they are used throughout chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC. Proposed amendments clarify and make consistent the terms "day" and "business day." Proposed amendments remove variations "working days" and "calendar days."
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Proposals simplify the rules and make them easier to understand by using consistent terms throughout. Proposals do not change the effect of the rules.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter
42.17 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Public disclosure commission, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Lori Anderson, 711 Capitol Way, Room 206, Olympia, WA 98504-0908, (360) 664-2737; Implementation and Enforcement: Evelyn Fielding-Lopez, 711 Capitol Way, Room 206, Olympia, WA 98504-0908, (360) 664-2737.
Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: The commission anticipates no enforcement or fiscal impacts.
October 31, 2016
Lori Anderson
Communications and
Training Officer
WAC 390-05-255 Definition of terms "day" and "business day."
(1) "Day" as that term is used in chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC, unless otherwise specified, means a calendar day, including Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays.
(2) "Business day" as used in chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC, means a calendar day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays defined in WAC 357-31-005.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 90-16-083, filed 7/31/90, effective 8/31/90)
WAC 390-12-250 Declaratory order-Petition requisites-Consideration-Disposition.
(1) Any person may submit a petition for a declaratory order pursuant to RCW
34.05.240 in any form so long as it
(a) Clearly states the question the declaratory order is to answer((,)); and
(b) Provides a statement of the facts which raise the question.
(2) The executive director may conduct an independent investigation in order to fully develop the relevant facts.
(3) The executive director will present the petition to the commission at the first meeting when it is practical to do so and will provide the petitioner with at least five business days notice of the time and place of such meeting. Such notice may be waived by the petitioner.
(4) The petitioner may present additional material and/or argument at any time prior to the issuance of the declaratory order.
(5) The commission may issue either a binding or a nonbinding order or decline to issue any order.
(6) The commission may decide that a public hearing would assist its deliberations and decisions. If such a hearing is ordered, it will be placed on the agenda of a meeting and at least five business days notice of such meeting shall be provided to the petitioner.
(7) If an order is to be issued, the petitioner shall be provided a copy of the proposed order and invited to comment.
(8) The declaratory order cannot be a substitute for a compliance action and is intended to be prospective in effect.
(9) The commission will decline to consider a petition for a declaratory or to issue an order when (a) the petition requests advice regarding a factual situation which has actually taken place, or (b) when a pending investigation or compliance action involves a similar factual situation.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-04-027, filed 1/25/16, effective 2/25/16)
WAC 390-16-033 Earmarked contributions-Reporting-Form.
The official form for reporting the details surrounding an earmarked contribution, as required by RCW
42.17A.270, is designated "Special Report E," revised
((2/16)) 2/17. This report shall be filed within two
((working)) business days of receiving a contribution earmarked for another candidate or committee. Copies of this form are available on the commission's web site,, and at the Commission Office, Room 206, Evergreen Plaza Building, Olympia, Washington 98504-0908.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-240 Earmarked contributions-Definition and use.
(1) Earmarked contributions, as that term is used in RCW
42.17A.270 and
42.17A.460, means any contribution given to an intermediary or conduit, either a political committee, candidate or third party, with a designation, instruction, or encumbrance, whether direct or indirect, express or implied, oral or written, which is intended to result in or which does result in all or any part of the contribution being made to or for the promotion of a certain candidate, state official, or ballot proposition.
(2) For purposes of RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410, an earmarked contribution is deemed to be for the promotion of, and attributable to any limit applicable to the candidate, authorized committee, bona fide political party, caucus of the state legislature or political committee designated by the original contributor.
(3) If an earmarked contribution is given to an intermediary or conduit to be spent on behalf of a candidate and the entire amount given is not used for this purpose, the remainder of the contribution shall be given to the designated candidate unless its use is redesignated by the original contributor. If the conduit or intermediary exercise any direction or control over the use of the remainder of the contribution, then the amount of the remainder shall be considered a contribution from the original contributor and the conduit or intermediary to the recipient.
(4) The intermediary or conduit receiving the earmarked contribution shall notify the candidate or political committee for whose use or benefit the contribution is designated within two ((working)) business days after receipt of the contribution.
(5) If an earmarked contribution is refused by the designated recipient candidate or political committee, the earmarked contribution must be returned by the intermediary or conduit to the original contributor within five ((working)) business days of refusal.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-312 Handling contributions of uncertain origin.
No contribution shall be deposited by any candidate or treasurer who believes, from the face of the contribution instrument or for any other reason, the contribution was made in a fictitious name, by one person through an agent, relative, political committee, or any other person so as to conceal the source of the contribution or to exceed the contribution limits provided in RCW
42.17A.405, or
42.17A.410. The candidate or treasurer shall return such contributions within ten
((calendar)) days to the original contributor if his or her identity is known. Otherwise, the contribution instrument shall be endorsed and made payable to "Washington state treasurer" and the contribution sent to the public disclosure commission for deposit in the state's general fund.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-28-060 Hearing to modify reporting-Administrative law judge proceedings.
(1) The commission may request through the office of administrative hearings the appointment of an administrative law judge to hear individual applicants.
(2) After such hearing is concluded, the administrative law judge shall prepare and distribute to the applicant and each commissioner a proposed decision determining the issue. The applicant shall have five business days to file with the commission specific objections to the administrative law judge's proposed decision and to request an opportunity to present additional evidence to the commission. When written objections are timely filed, the commission, at the time of review and ratification, shall consider the whole record or such portions as may be cited by the administrative law judge, applicant or executive director. The commission may also hear additional testimony.
(3) If the applicant files objections to the administrative law judge's proposed decision, the filing requirement from which the applicant has sought modification shall not be suspended unless the commission, upon notice of the filing of objections, determines that a temporary suspension is justifiable pursuant to the criteria set out in RCW
42.17A.120. Such suspension of filing requirements shall be granted only until the decision is finalized by formal action of the commission.
(4) At the next meeting at which the matter can be lawfully considered, the commission shall review and either ratify or modify or revise the proposed order.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-32-030 Complaint publication-Fair Campaign Practices Code-Alternative to investigation or adjudicative proceeding.
(1) Written and signed complaints alleging a violation of one or more specific provisions of WAC 390-32-010. The Fair Campaign Practices Code may be submitted to the commission by any person.
(a) Subject to the limitations in subsection (4) of this section, upon receipt of a complaint under subsection (1) of this section, the executive director shall forward a copy of the complaint to the respondent within twenty-four hours, accompanied by a request for a response to the complaint returned within five business days from the date of mailing.
(b) Upon receipt of any response, the executive director shall forward a copy of the response to the complainant. A copy of the complaint and the response shall be sent to news media at the expiration of the five business days for response. The complaint and the response shall be available at the commission office for public inspection and copying. If no response is received within five business days, the complaint shall be made public without a response.
(c) The commission will not issue comments or opinions about complaints or responses received under this subsection.
(2) As provided by WAC 390-37-055, and considering the factors set forth in WAC 390-37-056, the executive director may authorize the processing of a complaint alleging violations of chapter
42.17A RCW or Title 390 WAC according to the complaint publication process provided in this section.
(a) Subject to the limitations in subsection (4) of this section, upon receipt of a complaint authorized by the executive director for processing under this subsection, the executive director shall forward a copy of the complaint to the respondent, accompanied by a request for a response to the complaint to be returned within five business days from the date of mailing.
(b) Complaints authorized by the executive director for processing under this subsection shall be forwarded to the respondent within
((ten business days of receipt, or)) eight days prior to the date that ballots must be available under RCW
((, whichever is earlier)).
(c) Upon receipt of any response, the executive director shall forward a copy of the response to the complainant. A copy of the complaint and the response shall be sent to news media at the expiration of the five business days for response. The complaint and the response shall be available at the commission office for public inspection and copying. If no response is received within five days, the complaint shall be made public without a response.
(d) Except as provided under (a) or (b) of this subsection, the publication of complaints or responses under this subsection shall constitute the final disposition of complaints authorized by the executive director for processing under this section.
(3) Following the processing of a complaint under subsection (2) of this section, the executive director shall review the complaint and any response received. Whenever a complaint and response indicate that a material violation of chapter
42.17A RCW may have occurred and/or the respondent may not be in substantial compliance with the relevant statutes and rules, considering the factors set forth in WAC 390-37-056, the executive director may:
(a) Dispose of the complaint through an additional alternative response as provided in WAC 390-37-055; or
(b) Direct a formal investigation be conducted.
(4) The commission will make no attempt to secure a reply to and will make no public release of complaints received within eight days of the date that ballots must be mailed to voters under RCW
(5) The filing of a complaint with the commission under this section or any provision of chapter 390-37 WAC constitutes implied consent to have the complainant's identity disclosed.