
  • WSR 14-22-092
    [Filed November 4, 2014, 11:57 a.m.]
    Original Notice.
    Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 14-05-049.
    Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 365-190 WAC, Minimum guidelines to classify agricultural, forest and mineral lands and critical areas and chapter 365-196 WAC, Procedural criteria for adopting comprehensive plans and development regulations.
    Hearing Location(s): Washington State Department of Commerce, 1011 Plum Street S.E., Building 5, Columbia River Room 110, Olympia, WA, on December 11, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
    Date of Intended Adoption: January 15, 2014 [2015].
    Submit Written Comments to: Scott Kuhta, Growth Management Services, Washington State Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 42525, Olympia, WA 98504-2525, e-mail wacupdate@commerce.wa.gov, fax (360) 586-8440, by December 11, 2014, 9 a.m.
    Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Scott Kuhta by December 9, 2014, TTY (360) 586-0772 or (509) 795-6884.
    Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: To amend existing rules to reflect statutory changes adopted between 2011 and 2012. This includes amending three rules to clarify that "critical areas" do not include irrigation and drainage ditches (RCW 36.70A.030); and amending ten rules to reflect new deadlines for counties and cities to comply with required reviews, revisions, and evaluations under the Growth Management Act (GMA) (RCW 36.70A.130 and 36.70A.215).
    The following eleven rules were amended to reflect new or amended statutes: WAC 365-190-030, 365-196-200, 365-196-310, 365-196-315, 365-196-325, 365-196-400, 365-196-415, 365-196-425, 365-196-430, 365-196-600, and 365-196-610.
    Reasons Supporting Proposal: To bring the rules into conformance with legislative changes to the GMA, chapter 36.70A RCW.
    Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 36.70A.050 and 36.70A.190.
    Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 36.70A RCW.
    Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
    Name of Proponent: Washington state department of commerce, governmental.
    Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Scott Kuhta, 10 North Post Street, Suite 445, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 795-6884; Implementation: Jeff Wilson, P.O. Box 42525, Olympia, WA 98504-2525, (360) 725-3055; and Enforcement: No enforcement authority.
    No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Proposed changes reflect direct statutory requirements that impose no direct obligations. Chapters 365-190 and 365-196 WAC provide guidance to counties and cities regarding implementation of the GMA. Counties and cities consider these rules, but they are not binding on counties and cities. In choosing how to implement the GMA, using the guidance in the rules, counties and cities may or may not choose to revise their comprehensive plans, development regulations, and other local land use ordinances. The rules are not substantive and if the local government does not follow the rules, they are not subject to any penalty or sanction nor do the rules establish standards for the issuance of a license.
    Although the choices made by local governments may result in some impacts to many types and sizes of businesses, these rules do not directly regulate any businesses. Instead, they provide guidance to local governments in developing their plans and regulations. Thus, it can be determined that the rules do not impose more than minor costs on businesses in an industry, and a small business economic impact statement is not required.
    A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The department of commerce is not listed as one of the agencies to which this section applies and does not wish to make this section voluntarily applicable to the rule per subsection (5)(a)(ii). Therefore, unless subsection (5)(a)(ii) is invoked by the joint administrative rules review committee after the filing of the CR-102, no cost-benefit analysis needs to be prepared for this rule.
    November 4, 2014
    Nick Demerice
    Assistant Director
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-190-030 Definitions.
    (1) "Agricultural land" is land primarily devoted to the commercial production of horticultural, viticultural, floricultural, dairy, apiary, vegetable, or animal products or of berries, grain, hay, straw, turf, seed, Christmas trees not subject to the excise tax imposed by RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140, finfish in upland hatcheries, or livestock, and that has long-term commercial significance for agricultural production. These lands are referred to in this chapter as agricultural resource lands to distinguish between formally designated lands, and other lands used for agricultural purposes.
    (2) "City" means any city or town, including a code city.
    (3) "Critical aquifer recharge areas" are areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water, including areas where an aquifer that is a source of drinking water is vulnerable to contamination that would affect the potability of the water, or is susceptible to reduced recharge.
    (4) "Critical areas" include the following:
    (a) Wetlands;
    (b) Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water, referred to in this chapter as critical aquifer recharge areas;
    (c) Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas;
    (d) Frequently flooded areas; and
    (e) Geologically hazardous areas.
    (5) "Erosion hazard areas" are those areas containing soils which, according to the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Program, may experience significant erosion. Erosion hazard areas also include coastal erosion-prone areas and channel migration zones.
    (6)(a) "Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas" are areas that serve a critical role in sustaining needed habitats and species for the functional integrity of the ecosystem, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will persist over the long term. These areas may include, but are not limited to, rare or vulnerable ecological systems, communities, and habitat or habitat elements including seasonal ranges, breeding habitat, winter range, and movement corridors; and areas with high relative population density or species richness. Counties and cities may also designate locally important habitats and species.
    (b) "Habitats of local importance" designated as fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas include those areas found to be locally important by counties and cities.
    (c) "Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas" does not include such artificial features or constructs as irrigation delivery systems, irrigation infrastructure, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches that lie within the boundaries of, and are maintained by, a port district or an irrigation district or company.
    (7) "Forest land" is land primarily devoted to growing trees for long-term commercial timber production on land that can be economically and practically managed for such production, including Christmas trees subject to the excise tax imposed under RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140, and that has long-term commercial significance. These lands are referred to in this chapter as forest resource lands to distinguish between formally designated lands, and other lands used for forestry purposes.
    (8) "Frequently flooded areas" are lands in the flood plain subject to at least a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year, or within areas subject to flooding due to high groundwater. These areas include, but are not limited to, streams, rivers, lakes, coastal areas, wetlands, and areas where high groundwater forms ponds on the ground surface.
    (9) "Geologically hazardous areas" are areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake, or other geological events, are not suited to siting commercial, residential, or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns.
    (10) "Landslide hazard areas" are areas at risk of mass movement due to a combination of geologic, topographic, and hydrologic factors.
    (11) "Long-term commercial significance" includes the growing capacity, productivity, and soil composition of the land for long-term commercial production, in consideration with the land's proximity to population areas, and the possibility of more intense uses of land. Long-term commercial significance means the land is capable of producing the specified natural resources at commercially sustainable levels for at least the twenty-year planning period, if adequately conserved. Designated mineral resource lands of long-term commercial significance may have alternative post-mining land uses, as provided by the Surface Mining Reclamation Act, comprehensive plan and development regulations, or other laws.
    (12) "Mine hazard areas" are those areas directly underlain by, adjacent to, or affected by mine workings such as adits, tunnels, drifts, or air shafts.
    (13) "Mineral resource lands" means lands primarily devoted to the extraction of minerals or that have known or potential long-term commercial significance for the extraction of minerals.
    (14) "Minerals" include gravel, sand, and valuable metallic substances.
    (15) "Natural resource lands" means agricultural, forest and mineral resource lands which have long-term commercial significance.
    (16) "Public facilities" include streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools.
    (17) "Public services" include fire protection and suppression, law enforcement, public health, education, recreation, environmental protection, and other governmental services.
    (18) "Seismic hazard areas" are areas subject to severe risk of damage as a result of earthquake induced ground shaking, slope failure, settlement, soil liquefaction, debris flows, lahars, or tsunamis.
    (19) "Species of local importance" are those species that are of local concern due to their population status or their sensitivity to habitat alteration or that are game species.
    (20) "Urban growth" refers to growth that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings, structures, and impermeable surfaces to such a degree as to be incompatible with the primary use of such land for the production of food, other agricultural products, or fiber, or the extraction of mineral resources. Urban growth typically requires urban governmental services. "Characterized by urban growth" refers to land having urban growth located on it, or to land located in relationship to an area with urban growth on it as to be appropriate for urban growth.
    (21) "Volcanic hazard areas" shall include areas subject to pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and inundation by debris flows, lahars, mudflows, or related flooding resulting from volcanic activity.
    (22) "Wetland" or "wetlands" means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. However, wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas to mitigate conversion of wetlands, if permitted by the county or city.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-196-200 Statutory definitions.
    The following definitions are contained in chapter 36.70A RCW and provided under this section for convenience. Most statutory definitions included in this section are located in RCW 36.70A.030. Other relevant statutory terms defined elsewhere in chapter 36.70A RCW are also included in this section.
    (1) "Adopt a comprehensive land use plan" means to enact a new comprehensive land use plan or to update an existing comprehensive land use plan.
    (2) "Agricultural land" means land primarily devoted to the commercial production of horticultural, viticultural, floricultural, dairy, apiary, vegetable, or animal products or of berries, grain, hay, straw, turf, seed, Christmas trees not subject to the excise tax imposed by *RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140, finfish in upland hatcheries, or livestock and that has long-term commercial significance for agricultural production.
    (3) "City" means any city or town, including a code city.
    (4) "Comprehensive land use plan," "comprehensive plan," or "plan" means a generalized coordinated land use policy statement of the governing body of a county or city that is adopted pursuant to this chapter.
    (5) "Critical areas" include the following areas and ecosystems:
    (a) Wetlands;
    (b) Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water;
    (c) Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas;
    (d) Frequently flooded areas; and
    (e) Geologically hazardous areas.
    "Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas" does not include such artificial features or constructs as irrigation delivery systems, irrigation infrastructure, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches that lie within the boundaries of and are maintained by a port district or an irrigation district or company.
    (6) "Department" means the department of commerce.
    (7) "Development regulations" or "regulation" means the controls placed on development or land use activities by a county or city, including, but not limited to, zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline master programs, official controls, planned unit development ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and binding site plan ordinances together with any amendments thereto. A development regulation does not include a decision to approve a project permit application, as defined in RCW 36.70B.020, even though the decision may be expressed in a resolution or ordinance of the legislative body of the county or city.
    (8) "Essential public facilities" includes those facilities that are typically difficult to site, such as airports, state education facilities and state or regional transportation facilities as defined in RCW 47.06.140, state and local correctional facilities, solid waste handling facilities, and in-patient facilities including substance abuse facilities, mental health facilities, group homes, and secure community transition facilities as defined in RCW 71.09.020.
    (9) "Forest land" means land primarily devoted to growing trees for long-term commercial timber production on land that can be economically and practically managed for such production, including Christmas trees subject to the excise tax imposed under *RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.110, and that has long-term commercial significance. In determining whether forest land is primarily devoted to growing trees for long-term commercial timber production on land that can be economically and practically managed for such production, the following factors shall be considered:
    (a) The proximity of the land to urban, suburban, and rural settlements;
    (b) Surrounding parcel size and the compatibility and intensity of adjacent and nearby land uses;
    (c) Long-term local economic conditions that affect the ability to manage for timber production; and
    (d) The availability of public facilities and services conducive to conversion of forest land to other uses.
    (10) "Geologically hazardous areas" means areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake, or other geological events, are not suited to the siting of commercial, residential, or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns.
    (11) "Long-term commercial significance" includes the growing capacity, productivity, and soil composition of the land for long-term commercial production, in consideration with the land's proximity to population areas, and the possibility of more intense uses of the land.
    (12) "Master planned resort" means a self-contained and fully integrated planned unit development, in a setting of significant natural amenities, with primary focus on destination resort facilities consisting of short-term visitor accommodations associated with a range of developed on-site indoor or outdoor recreational facilities.
    (13) "Minerals" include gravel, sand, and valuable metallic substances.
    (14) "Public facilities" include streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools.
    (15) "Public services" include fire protection and suppression, law enforcement, public health, education, recreation, environmental protection, and other governmental services.
    (16) "Rural character" refers to the patterns of land use and development established by a county in the rural element of its comprehensive plan:
    (a) In which open space, the natural landscape, and vegetation predominate over the built environment;
    (b) That foster traditional rural lifestyles, rural-based economies, and opportunities to both live and work in rural areas;
    (c) That provide visual landscapes that are traditionally found in rural areas and communities;
    (d) That are compatible with the use of the land by wildlife and for fish and wildlife habitat;
    (e) That reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development;
    (f) That generally do not require the extension of urban governmental services; and
    (g) That are consistent with the protection of natural surface water flows and groundwater and surface water recharge and discharge areas.
    (17) "Rural development" refers to development outside the urban growth area and outside agricultural, forest, and mineral resource lands designated pursuant to RCW 36.70A.170. Rural development can consist of a variety of uses and residential densities, including clustered residential development, at levels that are consistent with the preservation of rural character and the requirements of the rural element. Rural development does not refer to agriculture or forestry activities that may be conducted in rural areas.
    (18) "Rural governmental services" or "rural services" include those public services and public facilities historically and typically delivered at an intensity usually found in rural areas, and may include domestic water systems, fire and police protection services, transportation and public transit services, and other public utilities associated with rural development and normally not associated with urban areas. Rural services do not include storm or sanitary sewers, except as otherwise authorized by RCW 36.70A.110(4).
    (19) "Urban governmental services" or "urban services" include those public services and public facilities at an intensity historically and typically provided in cities, specifically including storm and sanitary sewer systems, domestic water systems, street cleaning services, fire and police protection services, public transit services, and other public utilities associated with urban areas and normally not associated with rural areas.
    (20) "Urban growth" refers to growth that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings, structures, and impermeable surfaces to such a degree as to be incompatible with the primary use of land for the production of food, other agricultural products, or fiber, or the extraction of mineral resources rural uses, rural development, and natural resource lands designated pursuant to RCW 36.70A.170. A pattern of more intensive rural development, as provided in RCW 36.70A.170 (1)(d), is not urban growth. When allowed to spread over wide areas, urban growth typically requires urban governmental services. "Characterized by urban growth" refers to land having urban growth located on it, or to land located in relationship to an area with urban growth on it as to be appropriate for urban growth.
    (21) "Urban growth areas" means those areas designated by a county pursuant to RCW 36.70A.110.
    (22) "Wetland" or "wetlands" means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands.
    RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.118 were repealed or decodified by 2001 c 249 §§ 15 and 16. RCW 84.33.120 was repealed by 2001 c 249 § 16 and by 2003 c 170 § 7.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-22-103, filed 11/2/10, effective 12/3/10)
    WAC 365-196-310 Urban growth areas.
    (1)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, counties and cities may not expand the urban growth area into the one hundred-year flood plain of any river or river segment that:
    (i) Is located west of the crest of the Cascade mountains; and
    (ii) Has a mean annual flow of one thousand or more cubic feet per second as determined by the department of ecology.
    (b) Subsection (1)(a) of this section does not apply to:
    (i) Urban growth areas that are fully contained within a flood plain and lack adjacent buildable areas outside the flood plain;
    (ii) Urban growth areas where expansions are precluded outside flood plains because:
    (A) Urban governmental services cannot be physically provided to serve areas outside the flood plain; or
    (B) Expansions outside the flood plain would require a river or estuary crossing to access the expansion; or
    (iii) Urban growth area expansions where:
    (A) Public facilities already exist within the flood plain and the expansion of an existing public facility is only possible on the land to be included in the urban growth area and located within the flood plain;
    (B) Urban development already exists within a flood plain as of July 26, 2009, and is adjacent to, but outside of, the urban growth area, and the expansion of the urban growth area is necessary to include such urban development within the urban growth area; or
    (C) The land is owned by a jurisdiction planning under this chapter or the rights to the development of the land have been permanently extinguished, and the following criteria are met:
    (I) The permissible use of the land is limited to one of the following: Outdoor recreation; environmentally beneficial projects including, but not limited to, habitat enhancement or environmental restoration; storm water facilities; flood control facilities; or underground conveyances; and
    (II) The development and use of such facilities or projects will not decrease flood storage, increase storm water runoff, discharge pollutants to fresh or salt waters during normal operations or floods, or increase hazards to people and property.
    (c) Under (a)(i) of this subsection, "one hundred-year flood plain" means the same as "special flood hazard area" as set forth in WAC 173-158-040 as it exists on July 26, 2009.
    (2) Requirements.
    (a) Each county planning under the act must designate an urban growth area or areas within which urban growth must be encouraged and outside of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature. Each county must designate an urban growth area in its comprehensive plan.
    (b) Each city that is located in such a county shall be included within an urban growth area. An urban growth area may include more than a single city.
    (c) An urban growth area may include territory that is located outside a city if such territory already is characterized by urban growth or is adjacent to territory already characterized by urban growth.
    (d) Based upon the growth management planning population projection selected by the county from within the range provided by the office of financial management, and based on a county-wide employment forecast developed by the county at its discretion, the urban growth areas shall include areas and densities sufficient to permit the urban growth that is projected to occur in the county for the succeeding twenty-year period. Counties and cities may provide the office of financial management with information they deem relevant to prepare the population projections, and the office shall consider and comment on such information and review projections with cities and counties before they are adopted. Counties and cities may petition the office to revise projections they believe will not reflect actual population growth.
    (e) The urban growth area may not exceed the areas necessary to accommodate the growth management planning projections, plus a reasonable land market supply factor, or market factor. In determining this market factor, counties and cities may consider local circumstances. Cities and counties have discretion in their comprehensive plans to make many choices about accommodating growth. Each urban growth area shall permit urban densities and shall include greenbelt and open space areas.
    (f) Counties and cities should facilitate urban growth as follows:
    (i) Urban growth should be located first in areas already characterized by urban growth that have existing public facilities and service capacities adequate to serve urban development.
    (ii) Second, urban growth should be located in areas already characterized by urban growth that will be served by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any additional needed public facilities and services that are provided by either public or private sources.
    (iii) Third, urban growth should be located in the remaining portions of the urban growth area.
    (g) In general, cities are the units of local government most appropriate to provide urban governmental services. In general, it is not appropriate that urban governmental services be extended to or expanded in rural areas except in those limited circumstances shown to be necessary to protect basic public health and safety and the environment and when such services are financially supportable at rural densities and do not permit urban development. Recommendations governing the extension of urban services into rural areas are found in WAC 365-196-425.
    (h) Each county that designates urban growth areas must review, ((at least every ten years,)) according to the time schedule specified in RCW 36.70A.130(5), periodically its designated urban growth areas, and the densities permitted within both the incorporated and unincorporated portions of each urban growth area (see WAC 365-196-610).
    (i) The purpose of the urban growth area review is to assess the capacity of the urban land to accommodate population growth projected for the succeeding twenty-year planning period.
    (ii) This review should be conducted jointly with the affected cities. ((The purpose of the ten-year urban growth area review is to assess the capacity of the urban land to accommodate population growth projected for the succeeding twenty-year planning period.))
    (iii) In conjunction with this review by the county, each city located within an urban growth area shall review the densities permitted within its boundaries, and the extent to which the urban growth occurring within the county has located within each city and the unincorporated portions of the urban growth areas.
    (3) General procedure for designating urban growth areas.
    (a) The designation process shall include consultation by the county with each city located within its boundaries. The adoption, review and amendment of the urban growth area should reflect a cooperative effort among jurisdictions to accomplish the requirements of the act on a regional basis, consistent with the county-wide planning policies and, where applicable, multicounty planning policies.
    (b) Each city shall propose the location of an urban growth area.
    (c) The county shall attempt to reach agreement with each city on the location of an urban growth area within which the city is located.
    (d) If an agreement is not reached with each city located within the urban growth area, the county shall justify in writing why it so designated an urban growth area.
    (e) As growth occurs, most lands within the urban growth area should ultimately be provided with urban governmental services by cities, either directly or by contract. Other service providers are appropriate within urban growth areas for regional or county-wide services, or for isolated unincorporated pockets characterized by urban growth. Counties and cities should provide for development phasing within each urban growth area to ensure the orderly sequencing of development and that services are provided as growth occurs.
    (f) Counties and cities should develop and evaluate urban growth area proposals with the purpose of accommodating projected urban growth through infill and redevelopment within existing municipal boundaries or urban areas. In some cases, expansion will be the logical response to projected urban growth.
    (g) Counties, cities, and other municipalities, where appropriate, should negotiate interlocal agreements to coordinate land use management with the provision of adequate public facilities to the urban growth area. Such agreements should facilitate urban growth in a manner consistent with the cities' comprehensive plans and development regulations, and should facilitate a general transformation of governance over time, through annexation or incorporation, and transfer of nonregional public services to cities as the urban area develops.
    (4) Recommendations for meeting requirements.
    (a) Selecting and allocating county-wide growth forecasts. This process should involve at least the following:
    (i) The total county-wide population is the sum of the population allocated to each city; the population allocated to any portion of the urban growth area associated with cities; the population allocated to any portion of the urban growth area not associated with a city; and the population growth that is expected outside of the urban growth area.
    (ii) RCW 43.62.035 directs the office of financial management to provide a reasonable range of high, medium and low twenty-year population forecasts for each county in the state, with the medium forecast being most likely. Counties and cities must plan for a total county-wide population that falls within the office of financial management range.
    (iii) Consideration of other population forecast data, trends, and implications. In selecting population forecasts, counties and cities may consider the following:
    (A) Population forecasts from outside agencies, such as regional or metropolitan planning agencies, and service providers.
    (B) Historical growth trends and factors which would cause those trends to change in the future.
    (C) General implications, including:
    (I) Public facilities and service implications. Counties and cities should carefully consider how to finance the necessary facilities and should establish a phasing plan to ensure that development occurs at urban densities; occurs in a contiguous and orderly manner; and is linked with provision of adequate public facilities. These considerations are particularly important when considering forecasts closer to the high end of the range. Jurisdictions considering a population forecast closer to the low end of the range should closely monitor development and population growth trends to ensure actual growth does not begin to exceed the planned capacity.
    (II) Overall land supplies. Counties and cities facing immediate physical or other land supply limitations may consider these limitations in selecting a forecast. Counties and cities that identify potential longer term land supply limitations should consider the extent to which current forecast options would require increased densities or slower growth in the future.
    (III) Implications of short term updates. The act requires that twenty-year growth forecasts and designated urban growth areas be updated at a minimum ((every ten years)) during the periodic review of comprehensive plans and development regulations (WAC 365-196-610). Counties and cities should consider the likely timing of future updates, and the opportunities this provides for adjustments.
    (D) Counties and cities are not required to adopt forecasts for annual growth rates within the twenty-year period, but may choose to for planning purposes. If used, annual growth projections may assume a consistent rate throughout the planning period, or may assume faster or slower than average growth in certain periods, as long as they result in total growth consistent with the twenty-year forecasts selected.
    (iv) Selection of a county-wide employment forecast. Counties, in consultation with cities, should adopt a twenty-year county-wide employment forecast to be allocated among urban growth areas, cities, and the rural area. The following should be considered in this process:
    (A) The county-wide population forecast, and the resulting ratio of forecast jobs to persons. This ratio should be compared to past levels locally and other regions, and to desired policy objectives; and
    (B) Economic trends and forecasts produced by outside agencies or private sources.
    (v) Projections for commercial and industrial land needs. When establishing an urban growth area, counties should designate sufficient commercial and industrial land. Although no office of financial management forecasts are available for industrial or commercial land needs, counties and cities should use a county-wide employment forecast, available data on the current and projected local and regional economies, and local demand for services driven by population growth. Counties and cities should consider establishing a county-wide estimate of commercial and industrial land needs to ensure consistency of local plans.
    Counties and cities should consider the need for industrial lands in the economic development element of their comprehensive plan. Counties and cities should avoid conversion of areas set aside for industrial uses to other incompatible uses, to ensure the availability of suitable sites for industrial development.
    (vi) Selection of community growth goals with respect to population, commercial and industrial development and residential development.
    (vii) Selection of the densities the community seeks to achieve in relation to its growth goals. Inside the urban growth areas densities must be urban. Outside the urban growth areas, densities must be rural.
    (b) General considerations for determining the need for urban growth areas expansions to accommodate projected population and employment growth.
    (i) Estimation of the number of new persons and jobs to be accommodated based on the difference between the twenty-year forecast and current population and employment.
    (ii) Estimation of the capacity of current cities and urban growth areas to accommodate additional population and employment over the twenty-year planning period. This should be based on a land capacity analysis, which may include the following:
    (A) Identification of the amount of developable residential, commercial and industrial land, based on inventories of currently undeveloped or partially developed urban lands.
    (B) Identification of the appropriate amount of greenbelt and open space to be preserved or created in connection with the overall growth pattern and consistent with any adopted levels of service. See WAC 365-196-335 for additional information.
    (C) Identification of the amount of developable urban land needed for the public facilities, public services, and utilities necessary to support the likely level of development. See WAC 365-196-320 for additional information.
    (D) Based on allowed land use development densities and intensities, a projection of the additional urban population and employment growth that may occur on the available residential, commercial and industrial land base. The projection should consider the portion of population and employment growth which may occur through redevelopment of previously developed urban areas during the twenty-year planning period.
    (E) The land capacity analysis must be based on the assumption that growth will occur at urban densities inside the urban growth area. In formulating land capacity analyses, counties and cities should consider data on past development, as well as factors which may cause trends to change in the future. For counties and cities subject to RCW 36.70A.215, information from associated buildable lands reports should be considered. If past development patterns have not resulted in urban densities, or have not resulted in a pattern of desired development, counties and cities should use assumptions aligned with desired future development patterns. Counties and cities should then implement strategies to better align future development patterns with those desired.
    (F) The land capacity analysis may also include a reasonable land market supply factor, also referred to as the "market factor." The purpose of the market factor is to account for the estimated percentage of developable acres contained within an urban growth area that, due to fluctuating market forces, is likely to remain undeveloped over the course of the twenty-year planning period. The market factor recognizes that not all developable land will be put to its maximum use because of owner preference, cost, stability, quality, and location. If establishing a market factor, counties and cities should establish an explicit market factor for the purposes of establishing the amount of needed land capacity. Counties and cities may consider local circumstances in determining an appropriate market factor. Counties and cities may also use a number derived from general information if local study data is not available.
    (iii) An estimation of the additional growth capacity of rural and other lands outside of existing urban growth areas compared with future growth forecasted, and current urban and rural capacities.
    (iv) If future growth forecasts exceed current capacities, counties and cities should first consider the potential of increasing capacity of existing urban areas through allowances for higher densities, or for additional provisions to encourage redevelopment. If counties and cities find that increasing the capacity of existing urban areas is not feasible or appropriate based on the evidence they examine, counties and cities may consider expansion of the urban growth area to meet the future growth forecast.
    (c) Determining the appropriate locations of new or expanded urban growth area boundaries. This process should consider the following:
    (i) Selection of appropriate densities. For all jurisdictions planning under the act, the urban growth area should represent the physical area where that jurisdiction's urban development vision can be realized over the next twenty years. The urban growth area should be based on densities which accommodate urban growth, served by adequate public facilities, discourage sprawl, and promote goals of the act. RCW 36.70A.110 requires that densities specified for land inside the urban growth area must be urban densities. See WAC 365-196-300 for recommendations on determining appropriate urban densities.
    (ii) The county should attempt to define urban growth areas to accommodate the growth plans of the cities. Urban growth areas should be defined so as to facilitate the transformation of services and governance during the planning period. However, physical location or existing patterns of service make some unincorporated areas which are characterized by urban growth inappropriate for inclusion in any city's potential growth area.
    (iii) Identifying the location of any new lands added to the urban growth area. Lands should be included in the urban growth area in the following priority order:
    (A) Existing incorporated areas;
    (B) Land that is already characterized by urban growth and has adequate public facilities and services;
    (C) Land already characterized by urban growth, but requiring additional public facilities and urban services; and
    (D) Lands adjacent to the above, but not meeting those criteria.
    (iv) Designating industrial lands. Counties and cities should consult with local economic development organizations when identifying industrial lands to identify sites that are particularly well suited for industry, considering factors such as:
    (A) Rail access;
    (B) Highway access;
    (C) Large parcel size;
    (D) Location along major electrical transmission lines;
    (E) Location along pipelines;
    (F) Location near or adjacent to ports and commercial navigation routes;
    (G) Availability of needed infrastructure; or
    (H) Absence of surrounding incompatible uses.
    (v) Consideration of resource lands issues. Urban growth areas should not be expanded into designated agricultural, forest or resource lands unless no other option is available. Prior to expansion of the urban growth area, counties and cities must first review the natural resource lands designation and conclude the lands no longer meet the designation criteria for resource lands of long-term commercial significance. Designated agricultural or forest resource lands may not be located inside the urban growth area unless a city or county has enacted a program authorizing transfer or purchase of development rights.
    (vi) Consideration of critical areas issues. Although critical areas exist within urban areas, counties and cities should avoid expanding the urban growth areas into areas with known critical areas extending over a large area. See RCW 36.70A.110(8) for legislative direction on expansion of urban growth areas into the one hundred-year flood plain of river segments that are located west of the crest of the Cascade mountains and have a mean annual flow of one thousand or more cubic feet per second.
    (vii) If there is physically no land available into which a city might expand, it may need to revise its proposed urban densities or population levels in order to accommodate growth on its existing land base.
    (d) Evaluating the feasibility of the overall growth plan. Counties and cities should perform a check on the feasibility of the overall plan to accommodate growth. If, as a result of this evaluation, the urban growth area appears to have been drawn too small or too large, the proposal should be adjusted accordingly. Counties and cities should evaluate:
    (i) The anticipated ability to finance the public facilities, public services, and open space needed in the urban growth area over the planning period. When conducting a review of the urban growth areas, counties and cities should develop an analysis of the fiscal impact of alternative land use patterns that accommodate the growth anticipated over the succeeding twenty-year period. This provides the public and decision makers with an estimate of the fiscal consequences of various development patterns. This analysis could be done in conjunction with the analysis required under the State Environmental Policy Act.
    (ii) The effect that confining urban growth within the areas defined is likely to have on the price of property and the impact thereof on the ability of residents of all economic strata to obtain housing they can afford.
    (iii) Whether the level of population and economic growth contemplated can be achieved within the capacity of available land and water resources and without environmental degradation.
    (iv) The extent to which the comprehensive plan of the county and of adjacent counties and cities will influence the area needed.
    (e) County actions in adopting urban growth areas.
    (i) A change to the urban growth area is an amendment to the comprehensive plan and requires, at a minimum, an amendment to the land use element. Counties and cities should also review and update the transportation, capital facilities, utilities, and housing elements to maintain consistency and show how any new areas added to the urban growth area will be provided with adequate public facilities. A modification of any portion of the urban growth area affects the overall urban growth area size and has county-wide implications. Because of the significant amount of resources needed to conduct a review of the urban growth area, and because some policy objectives require time to achieve, frequent, piecemeal expansion of the urban growth area should be avoided. Site-specific proposals to expand the urban growth area should be deferred until the next comprehensive review of the urban growth area.
    (ii) Counties and cities that are required to participate in the buildable lands program must first have adopted and implemented reasonable measures as required by RCW 36.70A.215 before considering expansion of an urban growth area.
    (iii) Consistent with county-wide planning policies, counties and cities consulting on the designation of urban growth areas should consider the following implementation steps:
    (A) Establishment of agreements regarding land use regulations and the provision of services in that portion of the urban growth area outside of an existing city into which it is eventually expected to expand.
    (B) Negotiation of agreements for appropriate allocation of financial burdens resulting from the transition of land from county to city jurisdiction.
    (C) Provision for an ongoing collaborative process to assist in implementing county-wide planning policies, resolving regional issues, and adjusting growth boundaries.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-196-315 Buildable lands review and evaluation.
    (1) Purpose. The review and evaluation program required by RCW 36.70A.215 is referred to as the "buildable lands program." The buildable lands program is intended to determine if urban densities are being achieved within urban growth areas by comparing local planning goals and assumptions with actual development and determining if actual development is consistent with the comprehensive plan. It also determines if there is sufficient commercial, industrial and housing capacity within the adopted urban growth area to accommodate the county's twenty-year planning targets. If, through this evaluation, it is determined that there is an inconsistency between planned and built-out densities or there is insufficient development capacity, counties and cities must adopt and implement measures, other than expanding urban growth areas, that are reasonably likely to increase consistency. These measures are referred to as "reasonable measures." Products derived through the program should be used as a technical resource to local policy makers for subsequent comprehensive plan updates.
    (2) Required jurisdictions.
    (a) The following counties, and the cities located within those counties, must establish and maintain a buildable lands program as required by RCW 36.70A.215:
    (i) Clark;
    (ii) King;
    (iii) Kitsap;
    (iv) Pierce;
    (v) Snohomish; and
    (vi) Thurston.
    (b) If another county or city establishes a program containing features of the buildable lands program, they are not obligated to meet the requirements of RCW 36.70A.215.
    (3) County-wide planning policies.
    (a) Buildable lands programs must be established in county-wide planning policies.
    (b) The buildable lands program must contain policies that establish a framework for implementation and continued administration.
    (c) The buildable lands program's framework for implementation and administration may be adopted administratively. The program's framework must contain policies or procedures to:
    (i) Provide guidance for the collection and analysis of data;
    (ii) Provide for the evaluation of the data ((every five years)) no later than one year prior to the deadline for review of comprehensive plans and development regulations required by RCW 36.70A.130, commonly referred to as the buildable lands report;
    (iii) Provide for the establishment of methods to resolve disputes among jurisdictions regarding inconsistencies in collection and analysis of data; and
    (iv) Provide for the amendment of the county-wide policies and county and city comprehensive plans as needed to remedy inconsistencies identified through the evaluation required by this section, or to bring these policies and plans into compliance with the requirements of the act.
    (d) The program's framework for implementation and administration should, in addition to the above, address the following:
    (i) Establishment of the lead agency responsible for the overall coordination of the program;
    (ii) Establishment of criteria and timelines for each county or city to:
    (A) Make a determination as to consistency or inconsistency between what was envisioned in adopted county-wide planning policies, comprehensive plans and development regulations and actual development that has occurred;
    (B) Adopt and implement reasonable measures, if necessary;
    (C) Report on the monitoring of the effectiveness of reasonable measures that have been adopted and implemented. Such reporting could be included in the subsequent ((five-year)) buildable lands report;
    (D) Transmit copies of any actions taken under (d)(ii)(A), (B) and (C) of this subsection to the department.
    (iii) Providing opportunities for the public to review and comment on the following:
    (A) Refinement of data collection and analysis methods for the review and evaluation elements of the program;
    (B) Determinations as to consistency or inconsistency between what was envisioned in adopted county-wide planning policies, comprehensive plans and development regulations and actual development that has occurred; and
    (C) Adoption of reasonable measures, and reports on the monitoring of their effectiveness.
    (iv) Public involvement may be accommodated during review and evaluation of a county or city comprehensive plan in consideration of the buildable land report information. This would generally include public review and comment opportunities before the planning commission or legislative body during the normal local government planning process.
    (4) Buildable lands program reporting.
    (a) ((Every five years)) No later than one year prior to the deadline for review of comprehensive plans and development regulations required by RCW 36.70A.130, the buildable lands program must compile and publish an evaluation, known as the buildable lands report. ((The first report was due September 1, 2002, and subsequent reports every five years thereafter.)) Each buildable lands report must be submitted to the department upon publication.
    (b) The buildable lands reports must compare growth and development assumptions, targets, and objectives contained in the county-wide planning policies and the county and city comprehensive plans with actual growth and development that has occurred ((during the preceding five years)) since the last required buildable lands report. The results of this analysis are intended to aid counties and cities in reviewing and adjusting planning strategies.
    (c) The publication, "Buildable Lands Program Guidelines," available from the department, may be used as a source for suggested approaches for meeting the requirements of the program.
    (5) Criteria for determining consistency or inconsistency.
    (a) The determination of consistency or inconsistency for each county or city maintaining a buildable lands program must be made under RCW 36.70A.215(3):
    (i) Evaluation under RCW 36.70A.215 (3)(a) should determine whether the comprehensive plan and development regulations sufficiently accommodate the population projection established for the county and allocated within the county and between the county and its cities, consistent with the requirements in RCW 36.70A.110.
    (ii) Evaluation under RCW 36.70A.215 (3)(b) should compare the achieved densities, type and density range for commercial, industrial and residential land uses with the assumed densities that were envisioned in the applicable county-wide planning policies, and the comprehensive plan.
    (iii) Evaluation under RCW 36.70A.215 (3)(c) should determine, based on actual development densities determined in the evaluation under RCW 36.70A.215 (3)(b), the amount of land needed for commercial, industrial and residential uses for the remaining portion of the twenty-year planning period. This evaluation should consider the type and densities of each type of land use as envisioned in the county-wide planning policies, comprehensive plan.
    (b) The evaluation used to determine whether there is a consistency or inconsistency should include any additional standards identified in the county-wide planning policies or in other policies that are specifically directed for use in the evaluation.
    (6) Measures to address inconsistencies.
    (a) The legislative bodies of counties and cities are responsible for the adoption of reasonable measures requiring legislative action to amend their individual comprehensive plans and development regulations. Counties, in consultation with cities, are responsible for amending the county-wide planning policies reasonably likely to increase consistency. Annual monitoring and reporting is the responsibility of the adopting jurisdiction, but may be carried out by either the adopting jurisdiction or other designated agency or person.
    (b) If a county or city determines an inconsistency exists, the county or city should establish a timeline for adopting and implementing measures that are reasonably likely to increase consistency ((in the succeeding five years)) during the succeeding review and evaluation period. The responsible county or city may utilize its annual review under RCW 36.70A.130(2) to make adjustments to its comprehensive plan and development regulations that are necessary to implement reasonable measures. Information regarding the adoption, implementation, and monitoring of reasonable measures should be made available to the public. Counties and cities may not rely on expansion of the urban growth area as a measure to address the inconsistency.
    (i) Each county or city is responsible for implementing reasonable measures within its jurisdiction and must adopt measures that are designed to remedy the inconsistency within the remaining planning horizon of the adopted comprehensive plan;
    (ii) Each county or city adopting reasonable measures is responsible for documenting its methodology and expectations for monitoring to provide a basis to evaluate whether the adopted measures have been effective in increasing consistency during the subsequent ((five-year)) review and evaluation period;
    (iii) If the monitoring of reasonable measures fails to show increased consistency relative to adopted policies, plans and development regulations during the subsequent ((five-year)) review and evaluation period, the county or city should evaluate whether the measures in question should be revised, replaced, supplemented or rescinded;
    (iv) If monitoring of reasonable measures demonstrates that such measures have remedied the inconsistency, the adopting county or city may discontinue monitoring;
    (v) A copy of any action taken to adopt, amend, or rescind reasonable measures should be submitted to the department.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-22-103, filed 11/2/10, effective 12/3/10)
    WAC 365-196-325 Providing sufficient land capacity suitable for development.
    (1) Requirements.
    (a) RCW 36.70A.115 requires counties and cities to ensure that, taken collectively, comprehensive plans and development regulations provide sufficient capacity of land suitable for development within their jurisdictions to accommodate their allocated housing and employment growth, including the accommodation of, as appropriate, the medical, governmental, educational, institutional, commercial, and industrial facilities related to such growth, as adopted in the applicable county-wide planning policies and consistent with the twenty-year population forecast from the office of financial management. To demonstrate this requirement is met, counties and cities must conduct an evaluation of land capacity sufficiency that is commonly referred to as a "land capacity analysis."
    (b) Counties and cities must((, at minimum,)) complete a land capacity analysis that demonstrates sufficient land for development or redevelopment to meet their adopted growth allocation targets during the ((ten-year)) review of urban growth areas required by RCW 36.70A.130 (3)(a). See WAC 365-196-310 for guidance in estimating and providing sufficient land capacity.
    (c) Counties and cities subject to RCW 36.70A.215 must determine land capacity sufficiency as part of the buildable lands reporting required ((at least every five years)) no later than one year prior to the deadline for periodic review of comprehensive plans and development regulations required by RCW 36.70A.130, and adopt and implement measures that are reasonably likely to increase the consistency between land capacity and growth allocations. See WAC 365-196-315 for guidance.
    (d) ((Although it is not required, counties and cities may elect to conduct a land capacity analysis during the periodic review and update of comprehensive plans required under RCW 36.70A.130(1).
    (e))) A complete land capacity analysis is not required to be undertaken for every amendment to a comprehensive plan or development regulation outside of the act's required periodic reviews. However, when considering amendments to the comprehensive plan or development regulations which increase or decrease allowed densities, counties and cities should estimate the degree of increase or decrease in development capacity on lands subject to the amendments, and estimate if the capacity change may affect its ability to provide sufficient capacity of land suitable for development. If so, the county or city should complete a land capacity analysis.
    (2) Recommendations for meeting requirement.
    (a) Determining land capacity sufficiency. The land capacity analysis is a comparison between the collective effects of all development regulations operating on development and the assumed densities established in the land use element. In order to achieve sufficiency, the development regulations must allow at least the low end of the range of assumed densities established in the land use element. This assures a city or county can meet its obligation to accommodate the growth allocated through the county-wide population allocation process.
    (b) Appropriate area for analysis. The focus of the analysis is on the county or city's ability to meet its obligation to accommodate the growth allocated through the county-wide population or employment allocation process. Providing sufficient land capacity for development does not require a county or city to achieve or evaluate sufficiency for every parcel of a future land use designation provided the area as a whole ensures sufficient land capacity for development.
    (c) The land capacity analysis should evaluate what the development regulations allow, rather than what development has actually occurred. Many factors beyond the control of counties and cities will control the amount and pace of actual development, what density it is built at and what types and densities of development are financially viable for any set of economic conditions. Counties and cities need not ensure that particular types of development are financially feasible in the context of short term market conditions. Counties and cities should, however, consider available information on trends in local markets to inform its evaluation of sufficient land capacity for the twenty-year planning period.
    (d) Development phasing. RCW 36.70A.115 does not create an obligation to ensure that all land in the urban growth area is available for development at the same time. When counties or cities establish mechanisms for development phasing, zoned densities in the short term may be established that are substantially lower than called for in the future land use designations. In these cases, a county or city ensures a sufficient land capacity suitable for development by implementing its development phasing policies to allow development to occur within the twenty-year planning period. Development phasing is described in greater detail in WAC 365-196-330.
    (e) The department recommends the following means of implementing the requirements of RCW 36.70A.115.
    (i) Periodic evaluation. Counties and cities ensure sufficient land capacity for development by comparing the achieved density of development that has been permitted in each zoning category to the assumed densities established in the land use element using existing permitting data. If existing permitting data shows that the densities approved are lower than assumed densities established in the land use element, counties and cities should review their development regulations to determine if regulatory barriers are preventing development at the densities as envisioned. This ((could occur as part of the seven-year review and update required in RCW 36.70A.130 (1)(a). It)) evaluation must occur ((at a minimum)) as part of the ((ten-year)) urban growth area review required in RCW 36.70A.130 (3)(a) and as part of the buildable lands review and evaluation program conducted under RCW 36.70A.215.
    (ii) Flexible development standards. Counties and cities could ensure sufficient land capacity for development by establishing development regulations to allow development proposals that transfer development capacity from unbuildable portions of a development parcel to other portions of the development parcel so the underlying zoned density is still allowed. This may provide for flexibility in some dimensional standards provided development is consistent with state law and all impacts are mitigated.
    (iii) Evaluation of development capacity impacts of proposed development regulation amendments. Counties and cities may also consider evaluation of whether proposed amendments to development regulations will have a significant impact on the ability of a county or city to provide sufficient capacity of land for development.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-196-400 Mandatory elements.
    (1) Requirements.
    (a) The comprehensive plan must include, at a minimum, a future land use map.
    (b) The comprehensive plan must contain descriptive text covering objectives, principles, and standards used to develop the comprehensive plan.
    (c) The comprehensive plan must be an internally consistent document and all elements shall be consistent with the future land use map.
    (d) Each comprehensive plan must include each of the following:
    (i) A land use element;
    (ii) A housing element;
    (iii) A capital facilities plan element;
    (iv) A utilities element;
    (v) A transportation element.
    (e) Required elements enacted after January 1, 2002, must be included in each comprehensive plan that is updated under RCW 36.70A.130(1), but only if funds sufficient to cover applicable local government costs are appropriated and distributed by the state at least two years before the applicable review and update deadline in RCW 36.70A.130(((4))) (5). The department will notify counties and cities when funds have been appropriated for this purpose. Elements enacted after January 1, 2002, include:
    (i) An economic development element; and
    (ii) A parks and recreation element.
    (f) County comprehensive plans must also include a rural element including lands that are not designated for urban growth, agriculture, forest, or mineral resources.
    (g) Additionally, each county and city comprehensive plan must contain:
    (i) A process for identifying and siting essential public facilities.
    (ii) The goals and policies of the shoreline master program adopted by the county or city, either directly in the comprehensive plan, or through incorporation by reference as described in WAC 173-26-191.
    (2) Recommendations for overall design of the comprehensive plan.
    (a) The planning horizon for the comprehensive plan must be at least the twenty-year period following the adoption of the comprehensive plan.
    (b) The comprehensive plan should include or reference the statutory goals and requirements of the act as guiding the development of the comprehensive plan and should also identify any supplementary goals adopted in the comprehensive plan.
    (c) Each county and city comprehensive plan should include, or reference, the county-wide planning policies, along with an explanation of how the county-wide planning policies have been integrated into the comprehensive plan.
    (d) Each comprehensive plan must contain a future land use map showing the proposed physical distribution and location of the various land uses during the planning period. This map should provide a graphic display of how and where development is expected to occur.
    (e) The comprehensive plan should include a vision for the community at the end of the twenty-year planning period and identify community values derived from the visioning and other citizen participation processes. Goals may be further defined with policies and objectives in each element of the comprehensive plan.
    (f) Each county and city should include at the beginning of its comprehensive plan a section which summarizes, with graphics and a minimum amount of text, how the various pieces of the comprehensive plan fit together. A comprehensive plan may include overlay maps and other graphic displays depicting known critical areas, open space corridors, development patterns, phasing of development, neighborhoods or subarea definitions, and other plan features.
    (g) Detailed recommendations for preparing each element of the comprehensive plan are provided in WAC 365-196-405 through 365-196-485.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-196-415 Capital facilities element.
    (1) Requirements. The capital facilities element of a comprehensive plan must contain at least the following features:
    (a) An inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities, also referred to as "public facilities," showing the locations and capacities of the capital facilities;
    (b) A forecast of the future needs for such capital facilities based on the land use element;
    (c) The proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new capital facilities;
    (d) At least a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such purposes; and
    (e) A requirement to reassess the land use element if probable funding falls short of meeting existing needs and to ensure that the land use element, capital facilities plan element, and financing plan within the capital facilities plan element are coordinated and consistent. Park and recreation facilities shall be included in the capital facilities plan element.
    (2) Recommendations for meeting requirements.
    (a) Inventory of existing facilities.
    (i) Counties and cities should create an inventory of existing capital facilities showing locations and capacities, including the extent to which existing facilities have capacity available for future growth.
    (ii) Capital facilities involved should include, at a minimum, water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water facilities, reclaimed water facilities, schools, parks and recreational facilities, police and fire protection facilities.
    (iii) Capital facilities that are needed to support other comprehensive plan elements, such as transportation, the parks and recreation or the utilities elements, may be addressed in the capital facility element or in the specific element.
    (iv) Counties and cities should periodically review and update the inventory. At a minimum this review must occur as part of the ((seven-year)) periodic update required by RCW 36.70A.130(1). Counties and cities may also maintain this inventory annually in response to changes in the annual capital budget.
    (b) Forecast of future needs.
    (i) Counties and cities should forecast needs for capital facilities during the planning period, based on the levels of service or planning assumptions selected and consistent with the growth, densities and distribution of growth anticipated in the land use element. The forecast should include reasonable assumptions about the effect of any identified system management or demand management approaches to preserve capacity or avoid the need for new facilities.
    (ii) The capital facilities element should identify all capital facilities that are planned to be provided within the planning period, including general location and capacity.
    (A) Counties and cities should identify those improvements that are necessary to address existing deficiencies or to preserve the ability to maintain existing capacity.
    (B) Counties and cities should identify those improvements that are necessary for development.
    (C) Counties and cities may identify any other improvements desired to raise levels of services above locally adopted minimum standards, to enhance the quality of life in the community or meet other community needs not related to growth such as administrative offices, courts or jail facilities. Counties and cities are not required to set level of service standards for facilities that are not necessary for development. Because these facilities are not necessary for development, the failure to fund these facilities as planned would not require a reassessment of the land use element if funding falls short as required by RCW 36.70A.070 (3)(e).
    (c) Financing plan.
    (i) The capital facilities element should include creation of at least a six-year capital facilities plan for financing capital facilities needed within that time frame. Counties and cities should forecast projected funding capacities based on revenues available under existing laws and ordinances, followed by the identification of sources of public or private funds for which there is reasonable assurance of availability. Where the services and capital facilities are provided by other entities, these other providers should provide financial information as well. If the funding strategy relies on new or previously untapped sources of revenue, the capital facilities element should include an estimate of new funding that will be supplied. Adoption of the development regulations or other actions to secure these funding sources should be included in the implementation strategy.
    (ii) The six-year plan should be updated at least biennially so financial planning remains sufficiently ahead of the present for concurrency to be evaluated. Such an update of the capital facilities element may be integrated with the county's or city's annual budget process for capital facilities.
    (d) Reassessment.
    (i) Counties and cities must reassess the land use element and other elements of the comprehensive plan if the probable funding falls short of meeting the need for facilities that are determined by a county or city to be necessary for development. Counties and cities should identify a mechanism to periodically evaluate the adequacy of public facilities based on adopted levels of service or other objective standards. The evaluation should determine if a combination of existing and funded facilities are adequate to maintain or exceed adopted level of service standards.
    (ii) This evaluation must occur, at a minimum, as part of the periodic review and update required in RCW 36.70A.130 (1)((, during the review of urban growth areas required by RCW 36.70A.130)) and (3) and as major changes are made to the capital facilities element.
    (iii) If public facilities are inadequate, local governments must address this inadequacy. If the reassessment identifies a lack of adequate public facilities, counties and cities may use a variety of strategies including, but not limited to, the following:
    (A) Reducing demand through demand management strategies;
    (B) Reducing levels of service standards;
    (C) Increasing revenue;
    (D) Reducing the cost of the needed facilities;
    (E) Reallocating or redirecting planned population and employment growth within the jurisdiction or among jurisdictions within the urban growth area to make better use of existing facilities;
    (F) Phasing growth or adopting other measures to adjust the timing of development, if public facilities or services are lacking in the short term for a portion of the planning period;
    (G) Revising county-wide population forecasts within the allowable range, or revising the county-wide employment forecast.
    (3) Relationship between the capital facilities element and the land use element.
    (a) Providing adequate public facilities is a component of the affirmative duty created by the act for counties and cities to accommodate the growth that is selected and allocated, to provide sufficient capacity of land suitable for development, and to permit urban densities.
    (b) The needs for capital facilities should be dictated by the land use element. The future land use map designates sufficient land use densities and intensities to accommodate the population and employment that is selected and allocated. The land uses and assumed densities identified in the land use element determine the location and timing of the need for new or expanded facilities.
    (c) A capital facilities element includes the new and expanded facilities necessary for growth over the twenty-year life of the comprehensive plan. Facilities needed for new growth, combined with needs for maintenance and rehabilitation of the existing systems and the need to address existing deficiencies constitutes the capital facilities demand.
    (4) Relationship to plans of other service providers or plans adopted by reference. A county or city should not meet their responsibility to prepare a capital facilities element by relying only on assurances of availability from other service providers. When system plans or master plans from other service providers are adopted by reference, counties and cities should do the following:
    (a) Summarize this information within the capital facilities element;
    (b) Synthesize the information from the various providers to show that the actions, taken together, provide adequate public facilities; and
    (c) Conclude that the capital facilities element shows how the area will be provided with adequate public facilities.
    (5) Relationship between growth and provision of adequate public facilities.
    (a) Counties and cities should identify in the capital facility element which types of facilities it considers to be necessary for development.
    (i) Counties and cities should identify facilities as necessary for development if the need for new facilities is reasonably related to the impacts of development.
    (ii) Capital facilities must be identified as necessary for development if a county or city imposes an impact fee as a funding strategy for those facilities.
    (iii) In urban areas, all facilities necessary to achieve urban densities must be identified as necessary for development.
    (b) For those capital facilities deemed necessary for development, adequate public facilities may be maintained as follows:
    (i) Transportation facilities are the only facilities required to have a concurrency mechanism, although a local government may adopt a concurrency mechanism for other facilities that are deemed necessary for development. See WAC 365-196-840.
    (ii) Counties and cities should determine which capital facilities will be required as a condition of project approval, but not subject to concurrency. These may include, for example: Capital facilities required to ensure adequate water availability, capital facilities necessary to handle wastewater, and capital facilities necessary to manage storm water.
    (iii) For capital facilities that are necessary for development, but not identified in subsection (2)(b)(ii)(A) or (B) of this section, counties and cities should set a minimum level of service standard, or provide some other objective basis for assessing the need for new facilities or capacity. This standard must be indicated as the baseline standard, below which the jurisdiction will not allow service to fall. Policies must require periodic analysis to determine if the adopted level of service is being met consistent with this section.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-22-103, filed 11/2/10, effective 12/3/10)
    WAC 365-196-425 Rural element.
    Counties must include a rural element in their comprehensive plan. This element shall include lands that are not designated for urban growth, agriculture, forest, or mineral resources. The rural element shall permit land uses that are compatible with the rural character of such lands and provide for a variety of rural densities.
    (1) Developing a written record. When developing the rural element, a county may consider local circumstances in establishing patterns of rural densities and uses, but must develop a written record explaining how the rural element harmonizes the planning goals in the act and meets the requirements of the act. This record should document local circumstances the county considered and the historic patterns of development in the rural areas.
    (2) Establishing a definition of rural character.
    (a) The rural element shall include measures that apply to rural development and protect rural character. Counties must define rural character to guide the development of the rural element and the implementing development regulations.
    (b) The act identifies rural character as patterns of land use and development that:
    (i) Allow open space, the natural landscape, and vegetation to predominate over the built environment;
    (ii) Foster traditional rural lifestyles, rural-based economies, and opportunities to both live and work in rural areas;
    (iii) Provide visual landscapes that are traditionally found in rural areas and communities;
    (iv) Are compatible with the use of land by wildlife and for fish and wildlife habitat;
    (v) Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development;
    (vi) Generally do not require the extension of urban governmental services; and
    (vii) Are consistent with protection of natural surface water flows and ground water and surface water recharge and discharge areas.
    (c) Counties should adopt a locally appropriate definition of rural character. Rural areas are diverse in visual character and in density, across the state and across a particular county. Rural development may consist of a variety of densities and uses. It may, for example, include clustered residential development at levels consistent with the preservation of rural character. Counties should define rural development both in terms of its visual character and in terms of the density and intensity of uses. Defining rural development in this way allows the county to use its definition of rural development both in its future land use designations and in its development regulations governing rural development.
    (3) Rural densities.
    (a) The rural element should provide for a variety of densities that are consistent with the pattern of development established in its definition of rural character. The rural comprehensive plan designations should be shown on the future land use map. Rural densities are a range of densities that:
    (i) Are compatible with the primary use of land for natural resource production;
    (ii) Do not make intensive use of the land;
    (iii) Allow open space, the natural landscape, and vegetation to predominate over the built environment;
    (iv) Foster traditional rural lifestyles, rural-based economies, and opportunities to both live and work in rural areas;
    (v) Provide visual landscapes that are traditionally found in rural areas and communities;
    (vi) Are compatible with the use of the land by wildlife and for fish and wildlife habitat;
    (vii) Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development;
    (viii) Generally do not require the extension of urban governmental services;
    (ix) Are consistent with the protection of natural surface water flows and ground water and surface water recharge and discharge areas; and
    (x) Do not create urban densities in rural areas or abrogate the county's responsibility to encourage new development in urban areas.
    (b) Counties should perform a periodic analysis of development occurring in rural areas, to determine if patterns of rural development are protecting rural character and encouraging development in urban areas. This analysis should occur ((at least every ten years,)) along with the ((ten-year)) urban growth area review required in RCW 36.70A.130 (3)(a). The analysis may include the following:
    (i) Patterns of development occurring in rural areas.
    (ii) The percentage of new growth occurring in rural versus urban areas.
    (iii) Patterns of rural comprehensive plan or zoning amendments.
    (iv) Numbers of permits issued in rural areas.
    (v) Numbers of new approved wells and septic systems.
    (vi) Growth in traffic levels on rural roads.
    (vii) Growth in public facilities and public services costs in rural areas.
    (viii) Changes in rural land values and rural employment.
    (ix) Potential build-out at the allowed rural densities.
    (x) The degree to which the growth that is occurring in the rural areas is consistent with patterns of rural land use and development established in the rural element.
    (4) Rural governmental services.
    (a) Rural governmental services are those public facilities and services historically and typically delivered at intensities usually found in rural areas, and may include the following:
    (i) Domestic water system;
    (ii) Fire and police protection;
    (iii) Transportation and public transportation; and
    (iv) Public utilities, such as electrical, telecommunications and natural gas lines.
    (b) Rural services do not include storm or sanitary sewers. Urban governmental services that pass through rural areas when connecting urban areas do not constitute an extension of urban services into a rural area provided those public services are not provided in the rural area. Sanitary sewer service may be provided only if it:
    (i) Is necessary to protect basic public health and safety and the environment;
    (ii) Is financially supportable at rural densities; and
    (iii) Does not permit urban development.
    (c) When establishing levels of service in the capital facilities and transportation element, each county should establish rural levels of service, for those rural services that are necessary for development, to determine if it is providing adequate public facilities. Counties are not required to use a single level of service for the entire rural area and may establish varying levels of service for public services in different rural areas. Where private purveyors or other public entities provide rural services, counties should coordinate with them to establish and document appropriate levels of service.
    (d) Rural areas typically rely on natural systems to adequately manage storm water and typically rely on on-site sewage systems to treat wastewater. Development in rural areas also typically relies on individual wells, exempt wells or small water systems for water. Counties should ensure the densities it establishes in rural areas do not overwhelm the ability of natural systems to provide these services without compromising either public health or the vitality of the surrounding ecosystem.
    (e) Rural road systems are not typically designed to handle large traffic volumes. Local conditions may influence varying levels of service for rural road system, and level of service standards for rural arterials should be set accordingly. Generally, level of service standards should reflect the expectation that high levels of local traffic and the associated road improvements are not usually associated with rural areas.
    (f) Levels of public services decrease, and corresponding costs increase when demand is spread over a large area. This is especially true for public safety services and both school and public transportation services. Counties should provide clear expectations to the public about the availability of rural public services. Counties should ensure the densities it establishes in rural areas do not overwhelm the capacity of rural public services.
    (5) Innovative zoning techniques.
    (a) Innovative zoning techniques allow greater flexibility in rural development regulations to create forms of development that are more consistent with rural character than forms of development generated by conventional large-lot zoning. Innovative zoning techniques may allow forms of rural development that:
    (i) Result in rural development that is more visually compatible with the surrounding rural areas;
    (ii) Maximize the availability of rural land for either resource use or wildlife habitat;
    (iii) Increase the operational compatibility of the rural development with use of the land for resource production;
    (iv) Decrease the impact of the rural development on the surrounding ecosystem;
    (v) Does not allow urban growth; and
    (vi) Does not require the extension of urban governmental services.
    (b) Rural clusters. One common form of innovative zoning technique is the rural cluster. A rural cluster can create smaller individual lots than would normally be allowed in exchange for open space that preserves a significant portion of the original parcel.
    (i) When calculating the density of development for zoning purposes, counties should calculate density based on the number of dwelling units over the entire development parcel, rather than the size of the individual lots created.
    (ii) The open space portion of the original parcel should be held by an easement, parcel or tract for open space or resource use. This should be held in perpetuity, without an expiration date.
    (iii) If a county allows bonus densities in a rural cluster, the resulting density after applying the bonus must be a rural density.
    (iv) Rural clusters may not create a pattern of development that relies on or requires urban governmental services. Counties should establish a limit on the size of the residential cluster so that a cluster does not constitute urban growth in a rural area. A very large project may create multiple smaller clusters that are separated from each other and use a different access point to avoid creating a pattern of development that would constitute urban growth.
    (v) Development regulations governing rural clusters should include design criteria that preserve rural visual character.
    (6) Limited areas of more intense rural development. The act allows counties to plan for isolated pockets of more intense development in the rural area. These are referred to in the act as limited areas of more intense rural development or LAMIRDs.
    (a) LAMIRDs serve the following purposes:
    (i) To recognize existing areas of more intense rural development and to minimize and contain these areas to prevent low density sprawl;
    (ii) To allow for small-scale commercial uses that rely on a rural location;
    (iii) To allow for small-scale economic development and employment consistent with rural character; and
    (iv) To allow for redevelopment of existing industrial areas within rural areas.
    (b) An existing area or existing use is one that was in existence on the date the county became subject to all of the provisions of the act:
    (i) For a county initially required to fully plan under the act, on July 1, 1990.
    (ii) For a county that chooses to fully plan under the act, on the date the county adopted the resolution under RCW 36.70A.040(2).
    (iii) For a county that becomes subject to all of the requirements of the act under RCW 36.70A.040(5), on the date the office of financial management certifies the county's population.
    (c) Counties may allow for more intensive uses in a LAMIRD than would otherwise be allowed in rural areas and may allow public facilities and services that are appropriate and necessary to serve LAMIRDs subject to the following requirements:
    (i) Type 1 LAMIRDs - Isolated areas of existing more intense development. Within these areas, rural development consists of infill, development, or redevelopment of existing areas. These areas may include a variety of uses including commercial, industrial, residential, or mixed-use areas. These may be also characterized as shoreline development, villages, hamlets, rural activity centers, or crossroads developments.
    (A) Development or redevelopment in LAMIRDS may be both allowed and encouraged provided it is consistent with the character of the existing LAMIRD in terms of building size, scale, use, and intensity. Counties may allow new uses of property within a LAMIRD, including development of vacant land.
    (B) When establishing a Type I LAMIRD, counties must establish a logical outer boundary. The purpose of the logical outer boundary is to minimize and contain the areas of more intensive rural development to the existing areas. Uses, densities or intensities not normally allowed in a rural area may be allowed inside the logical outer boundary consistent with the existing character of the LAMIRD. Appropriate and necessary levels of public facilities and services not otherwise provided in rural areas may be provided inside the logical outer boundary.
    (C) The logical outer boundary must be delineated primarily by the built environment as it existed on the date the county became subject to the planning requirements of the act.
    (I) Some vacant land may be included within the logical outer boundary provided it is limited and does not create a significant amount of new development within the LAMIRD.
    (II) Construction that defines the built environment may include above or below ground improvements. The built environment does not include patterns of vesting or preexisting zoning, nor does it include roads, clearing, grading, or the inclusion within a sewer or water service area if no physical improvements are in place. Although vested lots and structures built after the county became subject to the act's requirements should not be considered when identifying the built environment, they may be included within the logical outer boundary as infill.
    (III) The logical outer boundary is not required to strictly follow parcel boundaries. If a large parcel contains an existing structure, a county may include part of the parcel in the LAMIRD boundary without including the entire parcel, to avoid a significant increase in the amount of development allowed within the LAMIRD.
    (D) The fundamental purpose of the logical outer boundary is to minimize and contain the LAMIRD. Counties should favor the configuration that best minimizes and contains the LAMIRD to the area of existing development as of the date the county became subject to the planning requirements of the act. When evaluating alternative configurations of the logical outer boundary, counties should determine how much new growth will occur at build out and determine if this level of new growth is consistent with rural character and can be accommodated with the appropriate level of public facilities and public services. Counties should use the following criteria to evaluate various configurations when establishing the logical outer boundary:
    (I) The need to preserve the character of existing natural neighborhoods and communities;
    (II) Physical boundaries such as bodies of water, streets and highways, and land forms and contours;
    (III) The prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries; and
    (IV) The ability to provide public facilities and public services in a manner that does not permit low-density sprawl.
    (E) Once a logical outer boundary has been adopted, counties may consider changes to the boundary in subsequent amendments. When doing so, the county must use the same criteria used when originally designating the boundary. Counties should avoid adding new undeveloped parcels as infill, especially if doing so would add to the capacity of the LAMIRD.
    (ii) Type 2 LAMIRDs - Small-scale recreational uses. Counties may allow small-scale tourist or recreational uses in rural areas. Small-scale recreational or tourist uses rely on a rural location and setting and need not be principally designed to serve the existing and projected rural population.
    (A) Counties may allow small-scale tourist or recreational uses through redevelopment of an existing site, intensification of an existing site, or new development on a previously undeveloped site, but not new residential development. Counties may allow public services and facilities that are limited to those necessary to serve the recreation or tourist uses and that do not permit low-density sprawl. Small-scale recreational or tourist uses may be added as accessory uses for resource-based industry. For accessory uses on agricultural lands of long-term commercial significance, see WAC 365-196-815.
    (B) Counties are not required to designate Type 2 LAMIRDs on the future land use map and may allow them as a conditional use. If using a conditional use process, counties should include in their development regulations conditions that address all the statutory criteria for the location of a Type 2 LAMIRD. Conditions must assure that Type 2 LAMIRDs:
    (I) Are isolated, both from urban areas and from each other. Conditions should include spacing criteria to avoid creating a pattern of strip development;
    (II) Are small in scale;
    (III) Are consistent with rural character;
    (IV) Rely on a rural location or a natural setting;
    (V) Do not include new residential development;
    (VI) Do not require services and facilities beyond what is available in the rural area; and
    (VII) Are operationally compatible with surrounding resource-based industries.
    (iii) Type 3 LAMIRDs - Small-scale businesses and cottage industries. Counties may allow isolated small-scale businesses and cottage industries that are not principally designed to serve the existing and projected rural population and nonresidential uses, but do provide job opportunities for rural residents, through the intensification of development on existing lots or on undeveloped sites.
    (A) Counties may allow the expansion of small-scale businesses in rural areas as long as those small-scale businesses are consistent with the rural character of the area as defined by the county in the rural element. Counties may also allow new small-scale businesses to use a site previously occupied by an existing business as long as the new small-scale business conforms to the rural character of the area. Any public services and public facilities provided to the cottage industry or small-scale business must be limited to those necessary to serve the isolated nonresidential use and shall be provided in a manner that does not permit low-density sprawl.
    (B) Counties are not required to designate Type 3 LAMIRDs on the future land use map and may allow them as a conditional use. If using a conditional use process, counties should include in their development regulations conditions that address all the statutory criteria for the location of a Type 3 LAMIRD. Conditions must assure that Type 3 LAMIRDs:
    (I) Are isolated, both from urban areas and from each other. Conditions should include spacing criteria to avoid creating a pattern of strip development;
    (II) Are small in scale;
    (III) Are consistent with rural character;
    (IV) Do not include new residential development;
    (V) Do not require public services and facilities beyond what is available in the rural area; and
    (VI) Are operationally compatible with surrounding resource-based industries.
    (d) Major industrial developments and master planned resorts governed by other requirements. Counties may not use the provisions of RCW 36.70A.070 (5)(d)(iii) to permit a major industrial development or a master planned resort. These types of development must comply with the requirements of RCW 36.70A.360 through 36.70A.368. For more information about major industrial developments, see WAC 365-196-465. For more information about master planned resorts, see WAC 365-196-460.
    Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-196-430 Transportation element.
    (1) Requirements. Each comprehensive plan shall include a transportation element that implements, and is consistent with, the land use element. The transportation element shall contain at least the following subelements:
    (a) Land use assumptions used in estimating travel;
    (b) Estimated traffic impacts to state-owned transportation facilities resulting from land use assumptions to assist the department of transportation in monitoring the performance of state facilities, to plan improvements for the facilities, and to assess the impact of land-use decisions on state-owned transportation facilities;
    (c) Facilities and services needs, including:
    (i) An inventory of air, water, and ground transportation facilities and services, including transit alignments and general aviation airports facilities, to define existing capital facilities and travel levels as a basis for future planning. This inventory must include state-owned transportation facilities within the county's or city's jurisdictional boundaries;
    (ii) Level of service standards for all locally owned arterials and transit routes to serve as a gauge to judge performance of the system. These standards should be regionally coordinated;
    (iii) For state-owned transportation facilities, level of service standards for highways, as prescribed in chapters 47.06 and 47.80 RCW, to gauge the performance of the system. The purposes of reflecting level of service standards for state highways in the local comprehensive plan are to monitor the performance of the system, to evaluate improvement strategies, and to facilitate coordination between the county's or city's six-year street, road, or transit program and the department of transportation's ten-year investment program. The concurrency requirements of RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(b) do not apply to transportation facilities and services of statewide significance except for counties consisting of islands whose only connection to the mainland are state highways or ferry routes. In these island counties, state highways and ferry route capacity must be a factor in meeting the concurrency requirements in RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(b);
    (iv) Specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance locally owned transportation facilities or services that are below an established level of service standard;
    (v) Forecasts of traffic for at least ten years based on the adopted land use plan to provide information on the location, timing, and capacity needs of future growth;
    (vi) Identification of state and local system needs to meet current and future demands. Identified needs on state-owned transportation facilities must be consistent with the statewide multimodal transportation plan required under chapter 47.06 RCW;
    (d) Finance, including:
    (i) An analysis of funding capability to judge needs against probable funding resources;
    (ii) A multiyear financing plan based on the needs identified in the comprehensive plan, the appropriate parts of which shall serve as the basis for the six-year street, road, or transit program required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation systems. The multiyear financing plan should be coordinated with the ten-year improvement program developed by the department of transportation as required by RCW 47.05.030;
    (iii) If probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs, a discussion of how additional funding will be raised, or how land use assumptions will be reassessed to ensure that level of service standards will be met;
    (e) Intergovernmental coordination efforts, including an assessment of the impacts of the transportation plan and land use assumptions on the transportation systems of adjacent jurisdictions;
    (f) Demand-management strategies;
    (g) Pedestrian and bicycle component to include collaborative efforts to identify and designate planned improvements for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and corridors that address and encourage enhanced community access and promote healthy lifestyles;
    (h) The transportation element, and the six-year plan required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation systems, and the ten-year plan required by RCW 47.05.030 for the state, must be consistent.
    (2) Recommendations for meeting element requirements.
    (a) Consistency with the land use element, regional and state planning.
    (i) RCW 36.70A.070(6) requires that the transportation element implement and be consistent with the land use element. Counties and cities should use consistent land use assumptions, population forecasts, and planning periods for both elements.
    (ii) Counties and cities should refer to the statewide multimodal transportation plan produced by the department of transportation under chapter 47.06 RCW to ensure consistency between the transportation element and the statewide multimodal transportation plan. Local transportation elements should also reference applicable department of transportation corridor planning studies, including scenic byway corridor management plans.
    (iii) Counties and cities should refer to the regional transportation plan developed by their regional transportation planning organization under chapter 47.80 RCW to ensure the transportation element reflects regional guidelines and principles; is consistent with the regional transportation plan; and is consistent with adopted regional growth and transportation strategies. Considering consistency during the development and review of the transportation element will facilitate the certification of transportation elements by the regional transportation planning organization as required by RCW 47.80.023(3).
    (iv) Counties and cities should develop their transportation elements using the framework established in county-wide planning policies, and where applicable, multicounty planning policies. Using this framework ensures their transportation elements are coordinated and consistent with the comprehensive plans of other counties and cities sharing common borders or related regional issues as required by RCW 36.70A.100 and 36.70A.210.
    (v) Counties and cities should refer to the six-year transit plans developed by municipalities or regional transit authorities pursuant to RCW 35.58.2795 to ensure their transportation element is consistent with transit development plans as required by RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(c).
    (vi) Land use elements and transportation elements may incorporate commute trip reduction plans to ensure consistency between the commute trip reduction plans and the comprehensive plan as required by RCW 70.94.527(5). Counties and cities may also include transportation demand management programs for growth and transportation efficiency centers designated in accordance with RCW 70.94.528.
    (b) The transportation element should contain goals and policies to guide the development and implementation of the transportation element. The goals and policies should be consistent with statewide and regional goals and policies. Goals and policies should address the following:
    (i) Roadways and roadway design that provides safe access and travel for all users, including motorists, transit vehicles and riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians;
    (ii) Public transportation, including public transit and passenger rail, intermodal transfers, and multimodal access;
    (iii) Bicycle and pedestrian travel;
    (iv) Transportation demand management, including education, encouragement and law enforcement strategies;
    (v) Freight mobility including port facilities, truck, air, rail, and water-based freight;
    (vi) Transportation finance including strategies for addressing impacts of development through concurrency, impact fees, and other mitigation; and
    (vii) Policies to preserve the functionality of state highways within the local jurisdiction such as policies to provide an adequate local network of streets, paths, and transit service so that local short-range trips do not require single-occupant vehicle travel on the state highway system; and policies to mitigate traffic and storm water impacts on state-owned transportation facilities as development occurs.
    (c) Inventory and analysis of transportation facilities. RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(A) requires an inventory of air, water, and ground transportation facilities and services, including transit alignments and general aviation airport facilities. The inventory defines existing capital facilities and travel levels as a basis for future planning. The inventory must include state-owned transportation facilities within the city's or county's jurisdictional boundaries. Counties and cities should identify transportation facilities which are owned or operated by others. For those facilities operated by others, counties and cities should refer to the responsible agencies for information concerning current and projected plans for transportation facilities and services. Counties, cities, and agencies responsible for transportation facilities and services should cooperate in identifying and resolving land use and transportation compatibility issues.
    (i) Air transportation facilities.
    (A) Where applicable, counties and cities should describe the location of facilities and services provided by any general aviation airport within or adjacent to the county or city, and should reference any relevant airport planning documents including airport master plans, airport layout plans or technical assistance materials made available by the Washington state department of transportation, aviation division.
    (B) Counties and cities should identify supporting transportation infrastructure such as roads, rail, and routes for freight, employee, and passenger access, and assess the impact to the local transportation system.
    (C) Counties and cities should assess the compatibility of land uses adjacent to the airport and discourage the siting of incompatible uses in the land use element as directed by RCW 36.70A.510 and WAC 365-196-455.
    (ii) Water transportation facilities.
    (A) Where applicable, counties and cities should describe or map any ferry facilities and services, including ownership, and should reference any relevant ferry planning documents. The inventory should identify if a ferry route is subject to concurrency under RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(b). A ferry route is subject to concurrency if it serves counties consisting of islands whose only connection to the mainland are state highways or ferry routes.
    (B) Counties and cities should identify supporting infrastructure such as parking and transfer facilities, bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicle access to ferry terminals and assess the impact on the local transportation system.
    (C) Where applicable, counties and cities should describe marine and inland waterways, and related port facilities and services. Counties and cities should identify supporting transportation infrastructure, and assess the impact to the local transportation system.
    (iii) Ground transportation facilities and services.
    (A) Roadways. Counties and cities must include a map of roadways owned or operated by city, county, and state governments.
    (I) Counties and cities may describe the general travel market (i.e., commuter, tourist, farm to market, etc.) served by the transportation network. The inventory may include information such as: Traffic volumes, truck volumes and classification, functional classification, strategic freight corridor designation, preferred freight routes, scenic and recreational highway designation, and ownership.
    (II) For state highways, counties and cities should coordinate with the regional office of the Washington state department of transportation to identify designated high occupancy vehicle or high occupancy toll lanes, access classification, roadside classification, functional classification, and whether the highway is a state-designated highway of statewide significance, or state scenic and recreational highway designated under chapter 47.39 RCW. These designations may impact future development along state highway corridors. If these classifications impact future land use, this information should be included in the comprehensive plan along with reference to any relevant corridor planning documents.
    (B) Public transportation and rail facilities and services.
    (I) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(A) requires an inventory of transit alignments. Where applicable, counties and cities must inventory existing public transportation facilities and services. This section should reference transit development plans that provide local services. The inventory should contain a description of regional and intercity rail, and local, regional, and intercity bus service, paratransit, or other services. Counties and cities should include a map of local transit routes. The inventory should also identify locations of passenger rail stations and major public transit transfer stations for appropriate land use.
    (II) Where applicable, such as where a major freight transfer facility is located, counties and cities should include a map of existing freight rail lines, and reference any relevant planning documents. Counties and cities should assess the adequacy of supporting transportation infrastructure such as roads, rail, and navigational routes for freight, employee, and passenger access, and the impact on the local transportation system.
    (d) If the planning area is within a National Ambient Air Quality Standards nonattainment area, compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of l990 is required. Where applicable, the transportation element should include: A map of the area designated as the nonattainment area for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5); a discussion of the severity of the violation(s) contributed by transportation-related sources; and a description of measures that will be implemented consistent with the state implementation plan for air quality. Counties and cities should refer to chapter 173-420 WAC, and to local air quality agencies and metropolitan planning organizations for assistance.
    (e) Level of service standards. Level of service standards serve to monitor the performance of the system, to evaluate improvement strategies, and to facilitate coordination between city, county and state transportation investment programs.
    (i) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(B) requires the transportation element to include level of service standards for all locally owned arterials. Counties and cities may adopt level of service standards for other locally owned roads or travel modes at their discretion.
    (ii) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(C) requires level of service standards for highways, as reflected in chapters 47.06 and 47.80 RCW, to gauge the performance of the transportation system. The department of transportation, in consultation with counties and cities, establishes level of service standards for state highways and ferry routes of statewide significance. Counties and cities should refer to the state highway and ferry plans developed in accordance with chapter 47.06 RCW for the adopted level of service standards.
    (iii) Regional transportation planning organizations and the department of transportation jointly develop level of service standards for all other state highways and ferry routes. Counties and cities should refer to the regional transportation plans developed in accordance with chapter 47.80 RCW for the adopted level of service standards.
    (iv) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(B) requires the transportation element to include level of service standards for all transit routes. To identify level of service standards for public transit services, counties and cities should include the established level of service or performance standards from the transit provider and should reference any relevant planning documents.
    (v) Adopted level of service standards should reflect access, mobility, mode-split, or capacity goals for the transportation facility depending upon the surrounding development density and community goals, and should be developed in consultation with transit agencies serving the planning area.
    (vi) The measurement methodology and standards should vary based on the urban or rural character of the surrounding area. The county or city should also balance the desired community character, funding capacity, and traveler expectations when selecting level of service methodologies and standards. A county or city may select different ways to measure travel performance depending on how a county or city balances these factors and the characteristics of travel in their community. For example, counties and cities may measure performance at different times of day, week, or month (peak versus off-peak, weekday versus weekend, summer versus winter). Counties and cities may also measure performance at different geographic scales (intersections, road or route segments, travel corridors, or travel zones), or in terms of the supply of multimodal capacity available in a corridor.
    (vii) In urban areas RCW 36.70A.108 encourages the use of methodologies analyzing the transportation system from a comprehensive, multimodal perspective. Multimodal levels of service methodologies and standards should consider the needs of travelers using the four major travel modes (motor vehicle, public transportation, bicycle, and pedestrian), their impacts on each other as they share the street, and their mode specific requirements for street design and operation. For example, bicycle and pedestrian level of service standards should emphasize the availability of facilities and safety levels for users.
    (f) Travel forecasts. RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(E) requires forecasts of traffic for at least ten years based on the adopted land use plan to provide information on the location, timing, and capacity needs of future growth. Counties and cities must include at least a ten-year travel forecast in the transportation element. The forecast time period and underlying assumptions must be consistent with the land use element. Counties and cities may forecast travel for the twenty-year planning period. Counties and cities may include bicycle, pedestrian, and/or planned transit service in a multimodal forecast. Travel forecasts should be based on adopted regional growth strategies, the regional transportation plan, and comprehensive plans within the region to ensure consistency.
    (g) Identify transportation system needs.
    (i) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(D) requires that the transportation element include specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance locally owned transportation facilities or services that are below established level of service standards.
    (ii) System needs are those improvements needed to meet and maintain adopted levels of service over at least the required ten-year forecasting period. If counties and cities use a twenty-year forecasting period, they should also identify needs for the entire twenty-year period.
    (iii) RCW 47.80.030(3) requires identified needs on regional facilities or services to be consistent with the regional transportation plan and the adopted regional growth and transportation strategies. RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(F) requires identified needs on state-owned transportation facilities to be consistent with the statewide multimodal transportation plan.
    (iv) Counties and cities should cooperate with public transit providers to analyze projected transit services and needs based on projected land use assumptions, and consistent with regional land use and transportation planning. Coordination may also include identification of mixed use centers, and consider opportunities for intermodal integration and appropriate multimodal access, particularly bicycle and pedestrian access.
    (v) Counties and cities must include state transportation investments identified in the statewide multimodal transportation plan required under chapter 47.06 RCW and funded in the Washington state department of transportation's ten-year improvement program. Identified needs must be consistent with regional transportation improvements identified in regional transportation plans required under chapter 47.80 RCW. The transportation element should also include plans for new or expanded public transit and be coordinated with local transit providers.
    (vi) The identified transportation system needs may include: Considerations for repair, replacement, enhancement, or expansion of vehicular, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities; enhanced or expanded transit services; system management; or demand management approaches.
    (vii) Transportation system needs may include transportation system management measures increasing the motor vehicle capacity of the existing street and road system. They may include, but are not limited to signal timing, traffic channelization, intersection reconfiguration, exclusive turn lanes or turn prohibitions, bus turn-out bays, grade separations, removal of on-street parking or improving street network connectivity.
    (viii) When identifying system needs, counties and cities may identify a timeline for improvements. Identification of a timeline provides clarity as to when and where specific transportation investments are planned and provides the opportunity to coordinate and cooperate in transportation planning and permitting decisions.
    (ix) Counties and cities should consider how the improvements relate to adjacent counties or cities.
    (h) Local impacts to state transportation facilities. RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(ii) requires counties and cities to estimate traffic impacts to state-owned transportation facilities resulting from land use assumptions to assist the Washington state department of transportation in monitoring the performance of state facilities, to plan improvements for the facilities, and to assess the impact of land-use decisions on state-owned transportation facilities. Traffic impacts should include the number of motor vehicle, and, as information becomes available, bicycle, public transit, and pedestrian trips estimated to use the state highway and ferry systems throughout the planning period.
    (i) Transportation demand management.
    (i) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(vi) requires that the transportation element include transportation demand management strategies. These strategies are designed to encourage the use of alternatives to single occupancy travel and to reduce congestion, especially during peak times.
    (ii) Where applicable, counties and cities may include the goals and relevant strategies of employer-based commute trip reduction programs developed under RCW 70.94.521 through 70.94.555. All other counties and cities should consider strategies which may include, but are not limited to ridesharing, vanpooling, promotion of bicycling, walking and use of public transportation, transportation-efficient parking and land use policies, and high occupancy vehicle subsidy programs.
    (j) Pedestrian and bicycle component. RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(vii) requires the transportation element to include a pedestrian and bicycle component that includes collaborative efforts to identify and designate planned improvements for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and corridors that address and encourage enhanced community access and promote healthy lifestyles.
    (i) Collaborative efforts may include referencing local, regional, and state pedestrian and bicycle planning documents, if any. Designated shared use paths, which are part of bicycle and pedestrian networks, should be consistent with those in the parks, recreation and open space element.
    (ii) To identify and designate planned improvements for bicycle facilities and corridors, the pedestrian and bicycle component should include a map of bicycle facilities, such as bicycle lanes, shared use paths, paved road shoulders. This map should identify state and local designated bicycle routes, and describe how the facilities link to those in adjacent jurisdictions.
    (iii) To identify and designate planned improvements for pedestrian facilities and corridors, the pedestrian and bicycle component should include a map of pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks, pedestrian connectors, and other designated facilities, especially in areas of high pedestrian use such as designated centers, major transit routes, and route plans designated by school districts under WAC 392-151-025.
    (iv) The pedestrian and bicycle component should plan a network that connects residential and employment areas with community and regional destinations, schools, and public transportation services.
    (v) The pedestrian and bicycle component should also review existing pedestrian and bicycle collision data to plan pedestrian facilities that improve pedestrian and bicycle safety.
    (k) Multiyear financing plan.
    (i) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iii)(B) requires that the transportation element include a multiyear financing plan based on the needs identified in the comprehensive plan, the appropriate parts of which develop a financing plan that addresses all identified transportation facilities and strategies throughout the twenty-year planning period. The identified needs shall serve as the basis for the six-year street, road, or transit program required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation systems. The multiyear financing plan should reflect regional improvements identified in regional transportation plans required under chapter 47.80 RCW and be coordinated with the ten-year investment program developed by the Washington state department of transportation as required by RCW 47.05.030;
    (ii) The horizon year for the multiyear plan should be the same as the time period for the travel forecast and identified needs. The financing plan should include cost estimates for new and enhanced locally owned roadway facilities including new or enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities to estimate the cost of future facilities and the ability of the local government to fund the improvements.
    (iii) Sources of proposed funding may include:
    (A) Federal or state funding.
    (B) Local funding from taxes, bonds, or other sources.
    (C) Developer contributions, which may include:
    (I) Impact or mitigation fees assessed according to chapter 82.02 RCW, or the Local Transportation Act (chapter 39.92 RCW).
    (II) Contributions or improvements required under SEPA (RCW 43.21C.060).
    (III) Concurrency requirements implemented according to RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(b).
    (D) Transportation benefit districts established under RCW 35.21.225 and chapter 36.73 RCW.
    (iv) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iv)(A) requires an analysis of funding capability to judge needs against probable funding resources. When considering the cost of new facilities, counties and cities should consider the cost of maintaining facilities in addition to the cost of their initial construction. Counties and cities should forecast projected funding capacities based on revenues that are reasonably expected to be available, under existing laws and ordinances, to carry out the plan. If the funding strategy relies on new or previously untapped sources of revenue, the financing plan should include a realistic estimate of new funding that will be supplied.
    (l) Reassessment if probable funding falls short.
    (i) RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(a)(iv)(C) requires reassessment if probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs. Counties and cities must discuss how additional funding will be raised or how land use assumptions will be reassessed to ensure that level of service standards will be met.
    (ii) This review must take place, at a minimum, as part of the ((seven-year)) periodic review and update required in RCW 36.70A.130 (1)((, during the review of urban growth areas required by RCW 36.70A.130)) and (3), and as major changes are made to the transportation element.
    (iii) If probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs, counties and cities have several choices. For example, they may choose to:
    (A) Seek additional sources of funding for identified transportation improvements;
    (B) Adjust level of service standards to reduce the number and cost of needed facilities;
    (C) Revisit identified needs and use of transportation system management or transportation demand management strategies to reduce the need for new facilities; or
    (D) Revise the land use element to shift future travel to areas with adequate capacity, to lower average trip length or to avoid the need for new facilities in undeveloped areas;
    (E) If needed, adjustments should be made throughout the comprehensive plan to maintain consistency.
    (m) Implementation measures. Counties and cities may include an implementation section that broadly defines regulatory and nonregulatory actions and programs designed to proactively implement the transportation element. Implementation measures may include:
    (i) Public works guidelines to reflect multimodal transportation standards for pedestrians, bicycles and transit; or adoption of Washington state department of transportation standards or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials standards for bicycle and pedestrian facilities;
    (ii) Transportation concurrency ordinances affecting development review;
    (iii) Parking standards, especially in urban centers, to reduce vehicle parking requirements and include bicycle parking;
    (iv) Commute trip reduction ordinances and transportation demand management programs;
    (v) Access management ordinances;
    (vi) Nonmotorized transportation funding programs;
    (vii) Maintenance procedures and pavement management systems to include bicycle, pedestrians and transit considerations;
    (viii) Subdivision standards to reflect multimodal goals; and
    (ix) Transit compatibility policies and rules to guide development review procedures to incorporate review of bicycle, pedestrian and transit access to sites.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-03-085, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10)
    WAC 365-196-600 Public participation.
    (l) Requirements.
    (a) Each county and city planning under the act must establish procedures for early and continuous public participation in the development and amendment of comprehensive plans and development regulations. The procedures are not required to be reestablished for each set of amendments.
    (b) The procedures must provide for broad dissemination of proposals and alternatives, opportunity for written comments, public meetings after effective notice, provision for open discussion, communication programs, information services, and consideration of and response to public comments.
    (c) Errors in exact compliance with the established procedures do not render the comprehensive plan or development regulations invalid if the spirit of the procedures is observed.
    (2) Record of process.
    (a) Whenever a provision of the comprehensive plan or development regulation is based on factual data, a clear reference to its source should be made part of the adoption record.
    (b) The record should show how the public participation requirement was met.
    (c) All public hearings should be recorded.
    (3) Recommendations for meeting public participation requirements. These recommendations are a list of suggestions for meeting the public participation requirement.
    (a) Designing the public participation program.
    (i) Implementation of the act requires a series of interrelated steps, including: Development of the initial comprehensive plan, evaluating amendments as part of the docket cycle, conducting the ((seven-year)) periodic update and reviewing the urban growth boundaries, amending development regulations, and conducting subarea planning. Each of these has different levels of significance and different procedural requirements.
    (ii) Counties and cities are not required to establish individual public participation programs for each individual amendment. Counties and cities may wish to consider establishing a public program for annual amendments, and establishing separate or updated programs for major periodic updates. When developing a public participation plan for a project not covered by the existing public participation plan, a county or city should develop a public participation plan tailored to the type of action under consideration. This public participation plan should be focused on the type of public involvement appropriate for that type of action.
    (iii) The public participation plan should identify which procedural requirements apply for the type of action under consideration and how the county or city intends to meet those requirements.
    (iv) To avoid duplication of effort, counties and cities should integrate public involvement required by the State Environmental Policy Act, chapter 43.21C RCW, and rules adopted thereunder, into the overall public participation plan.
    (v) Where a proposed amendment involves shorelines of the state, a county or city should integrate the public participation requirements of the Shoreline Management Act, chapter 90.58 RCW, into its public participation plan, as appropriate.
    (vi) Once established, the public participation plan must be broadly disseminated.
    (b) Visioning. When developing a new comprehensive plan or a significant update to an existing comprehensive plan, counties and cities should consider using a visioning process. The public should be involved, because the purpose of a visioning process is to gain public input on the desired features of the community. The comprehensive plan can then be designed to achieve these features.
    (c) Planning commission. The public participation program should clearly describe the role of the planning commission, ensuring consistency with requirements of chapter 36.70, 35.63, or 35A.63 RCW.
    (4) Each county or city should try to involve a broad cross-section of the community, so groups not previously involved in planning become involved.
    (5) Counties and cities should take a broad view of public participation. The act contains no requirements or qualifications that an individual must meet in order to participate in the public process. If an individual or organization chooses to participate, it is an interested party for purposes of public participation.
    (6) Providing adequate notice.
    (a) Counties and cities are encouraged to consider a variety of opportunities to adequately communicate with the public. These methods of notification may include, but are not limited to, traditional forms of mailed notices, published announcements, electronic mail, and internet web sites to distribute informational brochures, meeting times, project timelines, and design and map proposals to provide an opportunity for the public to participate.
    (b) Counties and cities must provide effective notice. In order to be effective, notice must be designed to accomplish the following:
    (i) Notice must be timely, reasonably available and reasonably likely to reach interested persons. Notice of all events where public input is sought should be broadly disseminated at least one week in advance of any public hearing. Newspaper or online articles do not substitute for the requirement that jurisdictions publish the action taken. When appropriate, notices should announce the availability of relevant draft documents and how they may be obtained.
    (ii) Broad dissemination means that a county or city has made the documents widely available and provided information on how to access the available documents and how to provide comments. Examples of methods of broad dissemination may include:
    (A) Posting electronic copies of draft documents on the county and city official web site;
    (B) Providing copies to local libraries;
    (C) Providing copies as appropriate to other affected counties and cities, state and federal agencies;
    (D) Providing notice to local newspapers; and
    (E) Maintaining a list of individuals who have expressed an interest and providing them with notice when new materials are available.
    (iii) Certain proposals may also require particularized notice to specific individuals if required by statute or adopted local policy.
    (iv) The public notice must clearly specify the nature of the proposal under consideration and how the public may participate. Whenever public input is sought on proposals and alternatives, the relevant drafts should be available. The county or city must make available copies of the proposal that will be available prior to the public hearing so participants can comment appropriately. The notice should specify the range of alternatives considered or scope of alternatives available for public comment in accordance with RCW 36.70A.035 (2)(b)(i) and (ii).
    (7) Receiving public comment.
    (a) Public meetings on draft comprehensive plans. Once a comprehensive plan amendment or other proposal is completed in draft form, or as parts of it are drafted, the county or city may consider holding a series of public meetings or workshops at various locations throughout the jurisdiction to obtain public comments and suggestions.
    (b) Public hearings. When the final draft of the comprehensive plan is completed, at least one public hearing should be held prior to the presentation of the final draft to the county or city legislative authority adopting it.
    (c) Written comment. At each stage of the process when public input is sought, opportunity should be provided to make written comment.
    (d) Attendance for all meetings and hearings to which the public is invited should be free and open. At hearings all persons desiring to speak should be allowed to do so. A county or city may establish a reasonable time limitation on spoken presentations during meetings or public hearings, particularly if written comments are allowed.
    (8) Continuous public involvement.
    (a) Consideration of and response to public comments. All public comments should be reviewed. Adequate time should be provided between the public hearing and the date of adoption for all or any part of the comprehensive plan to evaluate and respond to public comments. The county or city should provide a written summary of all public comments with a specific response and explanation for any subsequent action taken based on the public comments. This written summary should be included in the record of adoption for the plan.
    (b) Ending the opportunity for comment prior to deliberation. After the end of public comment, the local government legislative body may hold additional meetings to deliberate on the information obtained in the public hearing.
    (c) Additional meetings may be necessary if the public hearings provided the county or city with new evidence or information they wish to consider. If during deliberation, the county or city legislative body identifies new information for consideration after the record of adoption has been closed, then it must provide further opportunity for public comment so this information can be included in the record.
    (9) Considering changes to an amendment after the opportunity for public review has closed.
    (a) If the county or city legislative body considers a change to an amendment, and the opportunity for public review and comment has already closed, then the county or city must provide an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the proposed change before the legislative body takes action.
    (b) The county or city may limit the opportunity for public comment to only the proposed change to the amendment.
    (c) Although counties and cities are required to provide an opportunity for public comment, alternatives to a scheduled public hearing may suffice. Adequate notice must be provided indicating how the public may obtain information and offer comments.
    (d) A county or city is not required to provide an additional opportunity for public comment under (a) of this subsection if one of the following exceptions applies (see RCW 36.70A.035 (2)(a)):
    (i) An environmental impact statement has been prepared under chapter 43.21C RCW, and the proposal falls within the range of alternatives considered in the environmental impact statement;
    (ii) The proposed change is within the range of alternatives available for public comment. When initiating the public participation process, a county or city should consider defining the range of alternatives under consideration;
    (iii) The proposed change only corrects typographical errors, corrects cross-references, makes address or name changes, or clarifies language of a proposed ordinance or resolution without changing its effect;
    (iv) The proposed change is to a resolution or ordinance making a capital budget decision as provided in RCW 36.70A.120; or
    (v) The proposed change is to an ordinance or resolution enacting a moratorium or interim control adopted in compliance with RCW 36.70A.390.
    (e) If a county or city adopts an amendment without providing an additional opportunity for public comment as described under (a) of this subsection, the findings of the adopted ordinance or resolution should identify which exception under RCW 36.70A.035 (2)(b) applies.
    (10) Any amendment to the comprehensive plan or development regulation must follow the applicable procedural requirements and the county or city public participation plan. A county or city should not enter into an agreement that is a de facto amendment to the comprehensive plan accomplished without complying with the statutory public participation requirements. Examples of a de facto amendment include agreements that:
    (a) Obligate the county or city, or authorizes another party, to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan;
    (b) Authorize an action the comprehensive plan prohibits; or
    (c) Obligate the county or city to adopt a subsequent amendment to the comprehensive plan.
    AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 10-22-103, filed 11/2/10, effective 12/3/10)
    WAC 365-196-610 Periodic review and update of comprehensive plans and development regulations.
    (1) Requirements.
    (a) Counties and cities must periodically take legislative action to review and, if necessary, revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure the plan and regulations comply with the requirements of the act. This review and revision, required under RCW 36.70A.130(1), is referred to in this section as the periodic update.
    (b) Deadlines for periodic update. Comprehensive plans and development regulations are subject to periodic update ((every seven years)) on a schedule established in RCW 36.70A.130(((4))) (5).
    (i) Deadlines for completion of periodic review are as follows:
    Table WAC 365-196-610.1
    Deadlines for Completion of Periodic Review ((2010 - 2021)) 2015 - 2018
    Update must be complete by
    ((December 1)) June 30 of:
    Affected counties and
    the cities within:
    ((2014/2021)) 2015/2023
    ((Clallam, Clark, Jefferson,)) King, ((Kitsap,)) Pierce, Snohomish, ((Thurston, Whatcom))
    ((2015/2022)) 2016/2024
    ((Cowlitz)) Clallam, Clark, Island, ((Lewis)) Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason, San Juan, Skagit, ((Skamania)) Thurston, Whatcom
    ((2016/2023)) 2017/2025
    Benton, Chelan, Cowlitz, Douglas, ((Grant,)) Kittitas, Lewis, Skamania, Spokane, Yakima
    ((2017/2024)) 2018/2026
    Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pacific, Pend ((Orielle)) Oreille, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, Whitman
    (ii) Certain smaller, slower-growing counties and cities may take up to an additional ((three)) two years to complete the update.
    (A) The eligibility of a county for the ((three-year)) two-year extension does not affect the eligibility of the cities within the county.
    (B) A county is eligible if it has a population of less than fifty thousand and a growth rate of less than seventeen percent.
    (C) A city is eligible if it has a population of less than five thousand, and either a growth rate of less than seventeen percent or a total population growth of less than one hundred persons.
    (D) Growth rates are measured using the ten-year period preceding the due date listed in RCW 36.70A.130(((4))) (5).
    (E) If a city or county qualifies for the extension on the statutory due date, they remain eligible for the entire ((three-year)) extension period, even if they no longer meet the criteria due to population growth.
    (c) Taking legislative action.
    (i) The periodic update must be accomplished through legislative action. Legislative action means the adoption of a resolution or ordinance following notice and a public hearing including, at a minimum, a finding that a review and evaluation has occurred and identifying the revisions made, or that a revision was not needed and the reasons therefore.
    (ii) Legislative action includes two components. It includes a review of the comprehensive plan and development regulations and it includes the adoption of any amendments necessary to bring the comprehensive plan and development regulations into compliance with the requirements of the act.
    (d) What must be reviewed.
    (i) Counties and cities that plan under RCW 36.70A.040 must review and, if needed, revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations for compliance with the act. This includes the critical areas ordinance.
    (ii) Counties and cities that do not plan under RCW 36.70A.040 must review and, if needed, revise their resource lands designations and their development regulations designating and protecting critical areas.
    (e) The required scope of review. The purpose of the review is to determine if revisions are needed to bring the comprehensive plan and development regulation into compliance with the requirements of the act. The update process provides the method for bringing plans into compliance with the requirements of the act that have been added or changed since the last update and for responding to changes in land use and in population growth. This review is necessary so that comprehensive plans are not allowed to fall out of compliance with the act over time through inaction. This review must include at least the following:
    (i) Consideration of the critical areas ordinance;
    (ii) Analysis of ((the population allocated to a city or county from the most recent ten-year)) urban growth area review required by RCW 36.70A.130(3) (see WAC 365-196-310);
    (iii) Review of mineral resource lands designations and mineral resource lands development regulations adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 and 36.70A.060; and
    (iv) Changes to the act or other applicable laws since the last review that have not been addressed in the comprehensive plan and development regulations.
    (2) Recommendations for meeting requirements.
    (a) Public participation program.
    (i) Counties and cities should establish a public participation program that includes a schedule for the periodic update and identifies when legislative action on the review and update component are proposed to occur. The public participation program should also inform the public of when to comment on proposed changes to the comprehensive plan and clearly identify the scope of the review. Notice of the update process should be broadly disseminated as required by RCW 36.70A.035.
    (ii) Counties and cities may adjust the public participation program to best meet the intent of the requirement. RCW 36.70A.140 notes that errors in exact compliance with the established program and procedures shall not render the comprehensive land use plan or development regulations invalid if the spirit of the program and procedures is observed. For example, if an established public participation program included one public hearing on all actions having to do with the ((seven-year)) periodic update process, the public participation program could be adjusted later to provide additional public hearings to accommodate strong public interest.
    (b) Review of relevant statutes and local information and analysis of whether there is a need for revisions.
    (i) Amendments to the act. Counties and cities should first review amendments to the act that have occurred since the initial adoption or previous periodic update, and determine if local amendments are needed to maintain compliance with the act. The department will maintain a comprehensive list of legislative amendments and a checklist to assist counties and cities with this review.
    (ii) Review and analysis of relevant plans, regulations and information. Although existing comprehensive plans and development regulations are considered compliant, counties and cities should consider reviewing development and other activities that have occurred since adoption to determine if the comprehensive plans and development regulations remain consistent with, and implement, the act. This should include at least the following:
    (A) Analysis of the population allocated to a city or county during the most recent ((ten-year)) urban growth area review (see WAC 365-196-310);
    (B) Consideration of critical areas and resource lands ordinances;
    (C) Review of mineral resource lands designations and development regulations adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 and 36.70A.060;
    (D) Capital facilities plans. Changes in anticipated circumstances and needs should be addressed by updating the ten-year transportation plan and six-year capital facilities elements. This includes a reassessment of the land use element if funding falls short;
    (E) Land use element;
    (F) Changes to comprehensive plans and development regulations in adjacent jurisdictions, special purpose districts, or state plans that create an inconsistency with the county or city's comprehensive plan or development regulations;
    (G) Basic assumptions underlying key calculations and conclusions in the existing comprehensive plan. If recent data demonstrates that key existing assumptions are no longer appropriate for the remainder of the twenty-year plan, counties and cities should consider updating them as part of the ((seven-year)) periodic update((, or the ten-year urban growth area update)) (see WAC 365-196-310). Counties and cities required to establish a review and evaluation program under RCW 36.70A.215, should use that information in this review (see WAC 365-196-315); and
    (H) Inventories. Counties and cities should review required inventories and to determine if new data or analysis is needed. Table 2 contains summary of the inventories required in the act.
    Table WAC 365-196-610.2
    Inventories Required by the Act
    RCW Location
    WAC Location
    Housing Inventory
    Inventory and analyze existing and projected housing needs, identifying the number of housing units necessary to manage project growth.
    Capital Facilities
    Inventory existing capital facilities owned by public entities, showing the locations and capacities of the capital facilities, and forecast future needs and proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new facilities.
    An inventory of air, water and ground transportation facilities and services, including transit alignments and general aviation airport facilities, to define existing capital facilities and travel levels and a basis for future planning. This inventory must include state-owned transportation facilities within the city's or county's jurisdictional boundaries.
    (c) Take legislative action.
    (i) Any legislative action that completes a portion of the review and update process, either in whole or in part, must state in its findings that it is part of the update process.
    (ii) Any public hearings on legislative actions that are, either in whole or in part, legislative actions completing the update must state in the notice of hearing that the actions considered are part of the update process.
    (iii) At the end of the review and update process, counties and cities should take legislative action declaring the update process complete, either as a separate legislative action, or as a part of the final legislative action that occurs as part of the update process. This action should reference all prior legislative actions occurring as part of the update process.
    (d) Submit notice of completion to the department. When adopted, counties and cities should transmit the notice of adoption to the department, consistent with RCW 36.70A.106. RCW 36.70A.130 requires compliance with the review and update requirement as a condition of eligibility for state grant and loan programs. The department tracks compliance with this requirement for agencies managing these grant and loan programs. Providing notice of completion to the department will help maintain access to these grant and loan programs.
    (3) Relationship to other review and amendment requirements in the act.
    (a) Relationship to the comprehensive plan amendment process. Cities and counties may amend the comprehensive plan no more often than once per year, as required in RCW 36.70A.130(2), and referred to as the docket. If a city or county conducts a comprehensive plan docket cycle in the year in which the review of the comprehensive plan is completed, it must be combined with the ((seven-year)) periodic review process. Cities and counties may not conduct the ((seven-year)) periodic review and a docket of amendments as separate processes in the same year.
    (b) ((Relationship to the ten-year)) Urban growth area (UGA) review. (((i) At least every ten years,)) As part of the periodic review, cities and counties must review the areas and densities contained in the urban growth area and, if necessary, revise their comprehensive plan to accommodate the growth projected to occur in the county for the succeeding twenty-year period, as required in RCW 36.70A.130(3) (see WAC 365-196-310). ((This is referred to in this section as the ten-year urban growth area review.
    (ii) The ten-year urban growth area review and the seven-year periodic update may be combined or may occur separately. The seven-year periodic update requires an assessment of the most recent twenty-year population forecast by the office of financial management, but does not require that land use plans or urban growth areas be updated to accommodate existing or future growth forecasts, which must be undertaken as part of the ten-year UGA review. Counties and cities may consider the most recent forecast from the office of financial management, and the adequacy of existing land supplies to meet their existing growth forecast allocations, in determining when to initiate the ten-year urban growth area review.))