TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION [ Filed October 31, 2011, 11:30 a.m. ] Following is the transportation commission's 2012 meeting schedule.The meetings will be held between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in Room 1D2 of the Transportation Building, 310 Maple Park Drive S.E., Olympia, WA.
Once we have determined the locations for the local jurisdiction meetings, we will forward the information.
2012 WSTC Meeting and Outreach Calendar
Meeting Dates Type of Meeting Location January 17-18 (T, W) Regular Commission Meeting Olympia February 21-22 (T, W) Regular Commission Meeting Olympia March 20-21 (T, W) Regular Commission Meeting Olympia April 17 (T) Local Area Meeting Mt. Vernon May 22 (Tu) Joint Mtg. w/MPO-RTPO Grp. Sea-Tac May 23-24 (W, Th) Regular Commission Meeting Seattle June 19 (Tu) Local Area Meeting East Wenatchee July 17-18 (T, W) Regular Commission Meeting Olympia September 18 (Tu) Local Area Meeting Pasco October 16-17 (T, W) Regular Commission Meeting Olympia November 13-14 (T, W) Local Area Meeting Tacoma December 11-12 (T, W) Regular Commission Meeting Olympia