PREPROPOSAL STATEMENT OF INQUIRYDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH [ Filed October 26, 2010, 4:17 p.m. ] The department of health (department) is withdrawing the CR-101 for chapter 246-296 WAC, Drinking water state revolving fund loan program (DWSRF), filed on February 9, 2010, and published as WSR 10-05-030. The original preproposal was to consider new federal Safe Drinking Water Act criteria for water systems to obtain a DWSRF loan.
Since the publication of WSR 10-05-030, the department evaluated its DWSRF program. The department will file a new CR-101 with an expanded purpose to consider both the results of the program evaluation and the new federal Safe Drinking Water Act criteria expected to be passed by congress in fall 2010.
Individuals requiring information on this rule revision should contact Kristin Bettridge, policy and finance section manager, at (360) 236-3166 or
Mary C. Selecky