WSR 14-21-105
[Filed October 15, 2014, 2:22 p.m.]
Notice of Interpretive or Policy Statement
In accordance with RCW
34.05.230(12), following is a list of policy and interpretive statements issued by the department of social and health services (DSHS).
Aging and Long-Term Support Administration
Division of Home and Community Services (HCS)
and Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
Document Title: Public Notice.
Subject: Development of statewide transition plan for compliance with new federal rules.
Effective Date: January 20, 2015.
Document Description: A final federal rule, published in January 2014, created requirements for home and community-based settings (HCBS) in medicaid programs operated under sections 1915 (c), (i), and (k) of the Social Security Act. The rule supports opportunities to maximize access to the benefits of community living and to receive services in the most integrated setting for HCBS program participants. DSHS is conducting an assessment of settings where medicaid funded HCBS are provided and is preparing a report for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that will include a transition plan for settings that don't meet the new federal requirements. The transition plan includes actions the state will take to address identified issues. Those steps may include but are not limited to revised contractual requirements, standardized residential admission agreements, changes to licensing survey elements and changes to WAC.
To view the new rules and get more information, please visit The draft transition plan will be posted on this web site on December 17, 2014. Please note this timeline supersedes the timeline published on WSR 14-19. A webinar will be held on December 17 to review the draft transition plan and gather public comments. To register for this webinar, please go to
DSHS welcomes all public, tribal, and stakeholder comments. Comments on the development of the transition plan will be received through December 1, 2014. Comments on the posted draft transition plan will be received through January 20, 2015. For a copy of the draft transition plan, when it becomes available, or to submit comments, contact Barbara Hanneman, HCS Program Manager, HCS, P.O. Box 45600, phone (360) 725-2525, TDD/TTY (360) 438-2637, fax (360) 586-9727, e-mail, web site