
  • WSR 12-21-045


    [ Filed October 12, 2012, 9:25 a.m. ]

    Fee Schedule
    Type of Record Fee
    Standard sized (8 1/2 x 11) black and white paper copies of public records maintained on paper or maintained electronically and printed onto paper. 15 cents per page (each side is one page).
    Standard sized (8 1/2 x 11) color paper copies of public records maintained on paper or maintained electronically and printed onto paper. 15 cents per page (each side is one page).
    CD of copies. $1 per CD plus scanning fee for any scanned records; no additional fee for copying electronic records onto CD.
    DVD of copies. $1 per DVD plus scanning fee for any scanned records; no additional fee for copying electronic records onto DVD.
    Nonstandard copies (oversized copies, photographs, etc.). Actual cost.
    Scanned paper records. Scanning fee is 10 cents per page (each image is one page).
    Statements and reports filed under chapter 42.17A RCW. Actual cost for paper copies; many statements and reports are available for inspecting online at no cost. RCW 42.17A.020.
    Video tapes, cassette tapes, or slides. Actual cost.
    Records copied by an outside vendor. Actual cost. An outside vendor may be used due to volume, current workload of commission staff, unique nature of the request, or any other reason.
    Records on public disclosure commission (PDC) web site. No charge for viewing.
    Records inspected at PDC office. No charge for viewing.
    Any other record not described above. Actual cost.
    Other Information Concerning Fees
    ? Actual costs are determined at the time the record is produced. Factors include but are not limited to materials, outside vendor costs and other direct costs in producing the request.
    ? Actual costs of mailing records, including postage and mailing containers, are added to the above fees.
    ? There is no charge for e-mailing records if e-mailing is feasible, but other costs may apply (scanning fees, outside vendor costs). It may not be feasible to e-mail records if the volume is too large to be sent or received, or for other reasons based upon limitations in technology (the agency's or the requester's).
    ? Payment must be made by cash, or check or money order payable to the Washington state treasurer. The PDC has no ability to accept credit card payments.
    ? The public records officer may require a deposit, and/or payment for each installment before providing the next installment. The public records officer may require full payment before providing records.
    ? No charges will be assessed if records responsive to a request total less than ten pages.
    ? The public records officer may also waive the charges when the expenses of processing payment exceed the cost of providing copies.
    ? The PDC does not provide customized access to its databases.
    ? The executive director may modify this fee schedule at any time.

         Fees Established: October 1, 2012.