WHATCOM COMMUNITY COLLEGE [ Memorandum -- October 2, 2006 ] You are hereby notified that the board of trustees of Whatcom Community College, District Number Twenty-One, will hold a community forum during the special board of trustees meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, from 5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. in the Heiner Theater at Whatcom Community College. Community members are invited to attend the community forum, led by Dr. Bob Barringer of Gold Hill Associates, the consulting firm hired by the board to facilitate the search process, and share their comments on desirable qualities of a president. The board of trustees will convene into executive session at the conclusion of the forum, with the search committee, Dr. Bob Barringer, and the assistant attorney general for WCC in the Syre Student Center Conference Room 216. No action items are expected from the executive session. The college is located at 237 West Kellogg Road, Bellingham, WA.You are also hereby notified that on Wednesday, October 11, 2006, the board of trustees of Whatcom Community College, District Number Twenty-One, will hold their scheduled monthly board of trustees meeting at 2:00 p.m. in the Whatcom Community College in the Laidlaw Center Board Room. The college is located at 237 West Kellogg Road, Bellingham, WA.