
  • WSR 14-20-029
    [Filed September 23, 2014, 9:31 a.m., effective October 24, 2014]
    Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
    Purpose: Chapter 132S-40 WAC, Code for student rights and responsibilities, new sections with supplemental definitions and appeals were added to this WAC for Columbia Basin College (CBC) to be compliant with requirements of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA). The adopted new sections will supplement the college's student rights and responsibilities code related to sexual misconduct procedures, complaint process and appeal rights.
    Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.50.140.
    Other Authority: 42 U.S.C. Chapter 136, Subchapter III - Violence Against Women.
    Adopted under notice filed as WSR 14-15-148 on July 23, 2014.
    Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: CBC's student code needed additional definitions to be in compliance with VAWA: WAC 132S-40-315, adds supplemental definitions; WAC 132S-40-365, adds supplemental sexual misconduct procedures; WAC 132S-40-375, adds supplemental appeal rights; and WAC 132S-40-425, adds supplemental complaint process.
    Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 4, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 4, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
    Date Adopted: September 23, 2014.
    Camilla Glatt
    for Human Resources
    and Legal Affairs
    WAC 132S-40-315 Supplemental definitions.
    The following supplemental definitions shall apply for the purposes of student conduct proceedings which includes allegations of sexual misconduct by a student:
    (1) A "complainant" is an alleged victim of sexual misconduct, as defined in subsection (5) of this section.
    (2) A "respondent" is the student against whom disciplinary action is initiated.
    (3) A "Conduct Officer", also referred to as the "Chief Student Services Officer (CSSO)" and or "Student Conduct Officer" is the person designated by the College to be responsible for the student conduct area within student services, which includes the administration of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
    (4) "Preponderance of the evidence" is the standard of proof used with all student disciplinary matters at Columbia Basin College that fall within the Student Rights and Responsibilities, which means that the amount of evidence needs to be at 51% or "more likely than not" before a student is found responsible for a violation.
    (5) "Sexual misconduct" is prohibited sexual or gender-based conduct by a student, including, but not limited to:
    (a) sexual activity for which clear and voluntary consent has not been given in advance;
    (b) sexual activity with someone who is incapable of giving valid consent because, for example, she or he is underage, sleeping or otherwise incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs;
    (c) sexual harassment;
    (d) sexual violence, which includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, intimate violence, and sexual or gender-based stalking;
    (e) non-physical conduct such as sexual or gender-based digital media stalking, sexual or gender based on-line harassment, sexual or gender-based cyber-bullying, nonconsensual recording of a sexual activity, and nonconsensual distribution of a recording of a sexual activity.
    WAC 132S-40-365 Supplemental sexual misconduct procedures.
    (1) Both the respondent and the complainant in cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct shall be provided the same procedural rights to participate in student discipline matters, including the right to participate in the initial disciplinary decision-making process and to appeal any disciplinary decision.
    (2) Application of the following procedures is limited to student conduct code proceedings involving allegations of sexual misconduct by a student. In such cases, these procedures shall supplement the student disciplinary procedures in WAC 132S-40-360. In the event of conflict between the sexual misconduct procedures and the student disciplinary procedures, the sexual misconduct procedures shall prevail.
    WAC 132S-40-375 Supplemental appeal rights.
    (1) The following actions by the conduct officer may be appealed by the complainant:
    (a) the dismissal of a sexual misconduct complaint; or
    (b) any disciplinary sanction(s) and conditions imposed against a respondent for a sexual misconduct violation, including a disciplinary warning.
    (2) A complainant may appeal a disciplinary decision by filing a notice of appeal with the conduct officer within twenty-one (21) days of service of the notice of the discipline decision provided for in WAC 132S-40-360. The notice of appeal may include a written statement setting forth the grounds of appeal. Failure to file a timely notice of appeal constitutes a waiver of this right and the disciplinary decision shall be deemed final.
    (3) If the respondent timely appeals a decision imposing discipline for a sexual misconduct violation, the college shall notify the complainant of the appeal and provide the complainant an opportunity to intervene as a party to the appeal.
    (4) Except as otherwise specified in this supplemental procedure, a complainant who timely appeals a disciplinary decision or who intervenes as a party to respondent's appeal of a disciplinary decision shall be afforded the same procedural rights as are afforded the respondent.
    (5) An appeal by a complainant from the following disciplinary actions involving allegations of sexual misconduct against a student shall be handled as a brief adjudicative proceeding:
    (a) exoneration and dismissal of the proceedings;
    (b) a disciplinary warning;
    (c) a written reprimand;
    (d) disciplinary probation;
    (e) suspensions of ten instructional days or less; and/or
    (f) any conditions or terms imposed in conjunction with one of the foregoing disciplinary actions.
    (6) An appeal by a complainant from disciplinary action imposing a suspension in excess of ten (10) instructional days or an expulsion shall be reviewed by the student conduct board.
    (7) In proceedings before the student conduct board, respondent and complainant shall have the right to be accompanied by a non-attorney assistant of their choosing during the appeal process. Complainant may choose to be represented at the hearing by an attorney at his or her own expense, but will be deemed to have waived that right unless, at least four (4) business days before the hearing, he or she files a written notice of the attorney's identity and participation with the committee chair, and with copies to the respondent and the student conduct officer.
    (8) In proceedings before the student conduct board, complainant and respondent shall not directly question or cross examine one another. All questions shall be directed to the board chair, who will act as an intermediary and pose questions on the parties' behalf.
    (9) Student conduct hearings involving sexual misconduct allegations shall be closed to the public, unless respondent and complainant both waive this requirement in writing and request that the hearing be open to the public. Complainant, respondent and their respective non-attorney assistants and/or attorneys may attend portions of the hearing where argument, testimony and/or evidence are presented to the student conduct board.
    (10) The chair of the student conduct board, on the same date as the initial decision is served on the respondent, will serve a written notice upon complainant informing the complainant whether the allegations of sexual misconduct were found to have merit and describing any disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions imposed upon the respondent for the complainant's protection, including suspension or dismissal of the respondent. The notice will also inform the complainant of his or her appeal rights.
    (11) Complainant may appeal the student conduct board's initial decision to the president subject to the same procedures and deadlines applicable to other parties.
    (12) The president, on the same date that the final decision is served upon the respondent, shall serve a written notice informing the complainant of the final decision. This notice shall inform the complainant whether the sexual misconduct allegation was found to have merit and describe any disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions imposed upon the respondent for the complainant's protection, including suspension or dismissal of the respondent.
    WAC 132S-40-425 Supplemental complaint process.
    The following supplemental procedures shall apply with respect to complaints or other reports of alleged sexual misconduct by a student.
    (1) The college's Title IX compliance officer shall investigate complaints or other reports of alleged sexual misconduct by a student. Investigations will be completed in a timely manner and the results of the investigation shall be referred to the acting conduct officer for disciplinary action.
    (2) Informal dispute resolution shall not be used to resolve sexual misconduct complaints without written permission from both the complainant and the respondent. If the parties elect to mediate a dispute, either party shall be free to discontinue mediation at any time. In no event shall mediation be used to resolve complaints involving allegations of sexual violence.
    (3) College personnel will honor requests to keep sexual misconduct complaints confidential to the extent this can be done without unreasonably risking the health, safety and welfare of the complainant or other members of the college community or compromising the college's duty to investigate and process sexual harassment and sexual violence complaints.
    (4) The conduct officer, prior to initiating disciplinary action, will make a reasonable effort to contact the complainant to discuss the results of the investigation and possible disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions (if any) that may be imposed upon the respondent if the allegations of sexual misconduct are found to have merit.
    (5) The conduct officer, on the same date that a disciplinary decision is served on the respondent, will serve a written notice informing the complainant whether the allegations of sexual misconduct were found to have merit and describing any disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions imposed upon the respondent for the complainant's protection, including disciplinary suspension or dismissal of the respondent. The notice will also inform the complainant of his or her appeal rights. If protective sanctions and/or conditions are imposed, the conduct officer shall make a reasonable effort to contact the complainant to ensure that prompt notice of the protective disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions are met.

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Effective Date: