
  • WSR 13-19-005
    [Filed September 5, 2013, 9:41 a.m.]
    A regular meeting of the Washington State Convention Center public facilities district (WSCC PFD) board of directors will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2013. The meeting will take place in Room 3A of the Convention Center, 800 Convention Place, Seattle.
    Please note that this notice of public meeting will be the last one provided in paper format. The meeting notice for the WSCC PFD board of directors will be posted on the web site http://www.wscc.com/about_us/PFD.aspx. As per the Open Public Meetings Act, notice will be provided to media and persons that have on file a request to be notified of public meetings and to be notified of special meetings.
    If you wish to continue to receive such notice, please provide your name, company, e-mail address, mailing address, by e-mail to Lorrie.Starkweather@wscc.com.
    If you have any questions regarding the board meeting, please call (206) 694-5000.