
  • WSR 12-02-071



    [ Filed January 4, 2012, 8:37 a.m. ]

         Following please find the department of commerce's semi-annual rules development agenda for publication in the Washington State Register, pursuant to RCW 34.05.314. There may be additional rule-making activity not on the agenda as conditions warrant.

         Please contact Nick Demerice if you have questions, nick.demerice@commerce.wa.gov or (360) 725-4010.

    Semi-Annual Rule-Making Agenda

    January 1 through June 30, 2012

    WAC Citation Subject Matter/Purpose of Rule Current Activity/

    Approximate Filing Date

    New rule within TITLE 365 WAC

    Per RCW 43.325.080, the department shall define practicability, and clarify how state agencies and local government subdivisions will be evaluated in determining whether they have met the goals set out in RCW 43.19.648. Anticipated completion in summer 2012.
    365-230 Update lead-based paint accreditation to be consistent with EPA due out this July around dust wipe sampling. Changes may make current rules obsolete. Anticipated completion in Spring 2012.
    365-120 Repeal chapter 365-120 WAC, State funding of local emergency shelter and transitional housing, operating and rent. These rules are no longer necessary due to the enactment of chapter 43.185C RCW that governs the operation of commerce homeless programs. Anticipated completion in January 2012.

    Nick Demerice

    Rules Coordinator

Document Information
