WSR 12-02-066 AGENDA
[ Filed January 3, 2012, 2:56 p.m. ]
Semi-Annual Rule-Making Agenda January through June 2012
The following is the department of retirement systems' semi-annual rule-making agenda for publication in the Washington State Register pursuant to RCW 34.05.314.There may be additional rule-making activity not on the agenda as conditions warrant. If you have questions about this rule-making agenda, please contact Ken Goolsby, Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 48380, Olympia, WA 98504-8380, phone (360) 664-7291, e-mail
WAC Chapter Why rule making is needed Anticipated rule-making action 415-108 415-110
To amend rules regarding retiree return to work for PERS, SERS, and TRS to ensure compliance with ESHB 1981 (2011). File CR-102, hold public hearing,
file CR-103
415-200 415-111
To amend rules to implement E2SHB 2617 (2010) which eliminates the employee retirement benefits board (ERBB). Agency rules will need repealing and updating for implementation. File CR-102, hold public hearing,
file CR-103
New To create rules to implement ESHB 1981 (2011) requires department of retirement systems to collect employer contributions from each state institution of higher education and deposit those contributions into a newly established higher education retirement plan supplemental benefit fund. File CR-102, hold public hearing,
file CR-103
415-02 To amend, rewrite, and ensure WAC 415-02-130 is accurate, up-to-date, and written in plain English. File CR-102, hold public hearing,
file CR-103
Ken Goolsby
Rules and Contracts