
  • WSR 10-02-053


    [ Filed December 31, 2009, 10:45 a.m. ]

    Notice of Intent to Develop a New General Permit for Biosolids Management

         The department of ecology (ecology) intends to develop a new general permit for biosolids management (biosolids general permit) because the existing biosolids general permit is expiring. The new biosolids general permit will apply to public and private entities that treat, store, transfer, apply, or dispose of biosolids in the state; there are currently about three hundred seventy-five applicable facilities. This permit is the primary regulatory mechanism for approving the final use or disposal of biosolids in the state.

         Ecology will use the standards for biosolids management adopted in chapter 173-308 WAC and the accepted best management practices to assure that conditions in the biosolids general permit protect human health and the environment. Ecology has previously issued two biosolids general permits (1998 and 2005).

         A list of facilities that have expressed their intent to be covered under a new biosolids general permit is available from the person identified below or on-line at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/swfa/biosolids/forms.html.

         Ecology requests your response to the following questions:

         (a) Should ecology develop a biosolids general permit to cover all facilities that use or dispose of biosolids? (Note: Each facility would still be required to individually apply for and obtain coverage under the biosolids general permit.)


         (b) Should ecology require each facility that uses or disposes of biosolids to obtain an individual permit?

         By February 20, 2010, please send your response, comments, questions, or requests to Daniel Thompson, Department of Ecology, Waste 2 Resources Program, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, Daniel.Thompson@ecy.wa.gov.

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