WSR 08-02-091 AGENDA
DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY [ Filed January 2, 2008, 10:53 a.m. ] Pursuant to RCW 34.05.314, following is the department of ecology's rule agenda for January 2008 through June 2008.If you have any questions please contact Jerry Thielen at (360) 407-7551 or e-mail at
Rule-making Agenda *The bolded dates indicate filings that have occurred. WAC Chapter Program Chapter Title CR-101 Filing Date CR-102 Filing Date CR-103 Filing Date 173-400 and 173-460 AO # 05-19
AQ General regulation for air pollution sources (WAC 173-400-110 only) and controls for new sources of toxic air pollutants. Jan-06 Jul-08 Dec-08 173-406 and 173-400 AO # 07-07
AQ Acid rain regulation (mercury emissions from coal burning power plants) and general regulation for air pollution sources (WAC 173-400-112 and 173-400-113 only). Mar-07 Mar-08 Jul-08 173-407 and 173-218 AO # 07-11
AQ/WQ Chapter 173-407 WAC, Carbon dioxide mitigation program for fossil-fueled thermal electric generating facilities; and chapter 173-218 WAC, Underground injection control program. Jul-07 Feb-08 Jun-08 173-700 AO # 04-13
SEA Wetland mitigation banking -- Pilot rule. Jul-04 Jun-08 Dec-08 173-351 AO # 07-15
SWFAP Criteria for municipal solid waste landfills. Aug-07 May-08 Sep-08 173-345 AO # 07-16
SWFAP Transporter rule. Nov-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 173-303 AO # 07-12
HWTR Dangerous waste regulations. Oct-07 Jun-08 Nov-08 173-219 AO # 06-12
WQ Reclaimed water use. Nov-06 Aug-10 Dec-10 173-525 AO # 05-03
WR Grays Elochoman instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 25. Mar-05 Under Development Under Development 173-526 AO # 05-04
WR Cowlitz instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 26. Mar-05 Under Development Under Development 173-527 AO # 05-05
WR Lewis instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 27. Mar-05 Feb-08 Spring -08 173-528 AO # 05-06
WR Salmon-Washougal instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 28. Mar-05 Feb-08 Spring -08 173-503A AO # 04-01
WR Instream flow rule for the Samish subbasin. Feb-05 Under Development Under Development 173-134A AO # 06-05
WR Quincy ground water subarea management policy. Apr-07 Under Development Under Development 173-517 AO # 04-02
WR Quilcene-Snow instream resources protection and water management program. Mar-04 Jun-08 Winter - 08 173-518 AO # 07-17
WR Focusing on the Dungeness only: Dungeness instream resources protection and watershed management program. Nov-07 Jul-08 Winter - 08 Jerry Thielen
Rules Coordinator