Section 460-33A-100. Written statement.  

Latest version.
  • Every person selling a mortgage paper security that is required to be registered under the regulations of this chapter shall obtain a signed receipt for the general and the specific offering circulars containing all the applicable information required by WAC 460-33A-025 and 460-33A-030 from the investor or his agent before the investor shall be obligated to fund the transaction. No person shall permit the investor to sign such receipt if any of the required information is omitted. The mortgage broker-dealer shall retain an executed copy of receipt for four years.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.060, [21.20].070, [21.20].090, [21.20].100, [21.20].180, [21.20].210, [21.20].250, [21.20].270, and [21.20].450. WSR 12-11-087, § 460-33A-100, filed 5/17/12, effective 6/17/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. WSR 86-21-107 (Order SDO-140-86), § 460-33A-100, filed 10/20/86; WSR 83-03-025 (Order SDO-7-83), § 460-33A-100, filed 1/13/83.]
RCW 21.20.060, [21.20].070, [21.20].090, [21.20].100, [21.20].180, [21.20].210, [21.20].250, [21.20].270, and [21.20].450. WSR 12-11-087, § 460-33A-100, filed 5/17/12, effective 6/17/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. WSR 86-21-107 (Order SDO-140-86), § 460-33A-100, filed 10/20/86; WSR 83-03-025 (Order SDO-7-83), § 460-33A-100, filed 1/13/83.

