Section 460-32A-400. Sales in condominiums or units in real estate development.

Latest version.
  • The Washington Securities Act provides that its interpretation and administration be coordinated with related federal regulations. In light of such policy and due to the relevance and importance of the Securities and Exchange Commission Securities Act Release No. 5347, the division of securities hereby adopts Securities and Exchange Commission Securities Act Release No. 5347.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. WSR 98-18-033, § 460-32A-400, filed 8/26/98, effective 9/26/98; Order 304, § 460-32A-400, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-32 WAC.]
RCW 21.20.450. WSR 98-18-033, § 460-32A-400, filed 8/26/98, effective 9/26/98; Order 304, § 460-32A-400, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-32 WAC.