Section 460-25A-050. Exception for certain job titles.  

Latest version.
  • (1) There is a rebuttable presumption that a certification or professional designation does not include a job title within an organization that is licensed or registered by a state or federal financial services regulatory agency, when that job title:
    (a) Indicates seniority or standing within the organization; or
    (b) Specifies an individual's area of specialization within the organization.
    (2) For purposes of this section, financial services regulatory agency includes, but is not limited to, an agency that regulates broker-dealers, investment advisers, or investment companies as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450, 21.20.020 (1)(c), 21.20.110 (1)(g). WSR 08-14-006, § 460-25A-050, filed 6/19/08, effective 7/20/08.]
RCW 21.20.450, 21.20.020 (1)(c), 21.20.110 (1)(g). WSR 08-14-006, § 460-25A-050, filed 6/19/08, effective 7/20/08.