Section 460-24A-130. Contents of investment advisory contract.  

Latest version.
  • If you are an investment adviser registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040, it is unlawful under RCW 21.20.020 and 21.20.030 for you to enter into, extend, or renew any investment advisory contract unless it provides in writing:
    (1) The services to be provided, the term of the contract, the investment advisory fee, the formula for computing the fee, the amount of prepaid fee to be returned in the event of termination or nonperformance of the contract, and whether and the extent to which the contract grants discretionary authority to you and any limits on such authority;
    (2) That no direct or indirect assignment or transfer of the contract may be made by you without the written consent of the client or other party to the contract;
    (3) That you shall not be compensated on the basis of a share of capital gains upon or capital appreciation of the funds or any portion of the funds of the client except as permitted under WAC 460-24A-150;
    (4) That if you are a partnership, you shall notify the client or other party to the investment contract of any change in the membership of the partnership within a reasonable time after the change;
    (5) That if you are an investment adviser who has custody as a consequence of your authority to make withdrawals from client accounts to pay your advisory fee, that the contract gives you the authority to deduct your advisory fees from the account held with the qualified custodian;
    (6) The nature and extent to which you are granted proxy voting authority with respect to client securities;
    (7) The terms for termination of the contract;
    (8) The nature and extent to which you may deliver electronically the documents specified in WAC 460-24A-145, account statements, fee invoices, and other documents and the extent and manner in which a client may opt out of receiving documents electronically; and
    (9) For clients residing in Washington, the advisory contract shall not waive or limit compliance with, or require indemnification for any violations of, any provision of the Securities Act of Washington, chapter 21.20 RCW.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.005, 21.20.020, 21.20.030, 21.20.040, 21.20.050, 21.20.060, 21.20.070, 21.20.080, 21.20.090, 21.20.100, 21.20.330, 21.20.340, 21.20.450, and 21.20.702. WSR 14-13-068, § 460-24A-130, filed 6/12/14, effective 7/13/14.]
RCW 21.20.005, 21.20.020, 21.20.030, 21.20.040, 21.20.050, 21.20.060, 21.20.070, 21.20.080, 21.20.090, 21.20.100, 21.20.330, 21.20.340, 21.20.450, and 21.20.702. WSR 14-13-068, § 460-24A-130, filed 6/12/14, effective 7/13/14.

