Section 460-24A-072. Registration exemption for investment advisers to venture capital funds.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Exemption for venture capital fund advisers. You are exempt from the registration requirements for investment advisers in RCW 21.20.040 if you are exempt from registration under Section 203(l) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. 80b-3(l), and Rule 203 (l)-1 adopted thereunder, 17 C.F.R. 275.203 (l)-1, provided you satisfy each of the following conditions:
    (a) Neither you nor any of your advisory affiliates are subject to a disqualification as described in WAC 460-44A-505 (2)(d); and
    (b) You file with the division each report and amendment thereto that an exempt reporting adviser is required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 204-4, 17 C.F.R. 275.204-4.
    (2) Federal covered investment advisers. If you are a venture capital fund adviser that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, you are not eligible for the exemption provided in subsection (1) of this section and you must comply with the state notice filing requirements applicable to federal covered investment advisers in WAC 460-24A-070.
    (3) Investment adviser representatives. You are exempt from the registration requirements for investment adviser representatives set forth in RCW 21.20.040 if you are employed by or associated with an investment adviser that is exempt from registration in this state pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and you do not otherwise act as an investment adviser representative.
    (4) Electronic filing. You must make the report filings described in subsection (1)(b) of this section electronically through IARD. A report shall be deemed filed when the report is filed and accepted by the IARD on the state's behalf.
    (5) Transition. If you become ineligible for the exemption provided in subsection (1) of this section, you must comply with all applicable laws and rules requiring registration or notice filing within ninety days from the date your eligibility for this exemption ceases.
    (6) Waiver authority with respect to statutory disqualification. Subsection (1)(a) of this section shall not apply upon a showing of good cause and without prejudice to any other action of the securities division, if the securities administrator determines that it is not necessary under the circumstances that an exemption be denied.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.005, 21.20.020, 21.20.030, 21.20.040, 21.20.050, 21.20.060, 21.20.070, 21.20.080, 21.20.090, 21.20.100, 21.20.330, 21.20.340, 21.20.450, and 21.20.702. WSR 14-13-068, § 460-24A-072, filed 6/12/14, effective 7/13/14.]
RCW 21.20.005, 21.20.020, 21.20.030, 21.20.040, 21.20.050, 21.20.060, 21.20.070, 21.20.080, 21.20.090, 21.20.100, 21.20.330, 21.20.340, 21.20.450, and 21.20.702. WSR 14-13-068, § 460-24A-072, filed 6/12/14, effective 7/13/14.

