Section 460-16A-125. Prospectus or offering circular.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The administrator shall require the use of an offering circular or prospectus for each registration that is filed with the division.
    (2) The prospectus or offering circular may be printed, mimeographed, lithographed, or typewritten, or prepared by any similar process which will result in clear legible copies. If printed, it shall be set in clear roman type at least as large as ten point modern type, with financial data or other statistical or tabular matter at least as large as eight point (all type shall be leaded at least two point).
    (3) Every offering circular or prospectus must disclose all material facts affecting the sale of securities.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. WSR 96-11-024, § 460-16A-125, filed 5/6/96, effective 6/6/96; Order 304, § 460-16A-125, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-16 WAC.]
RCW 21.20.450. WSR 96-11-024, § 460-16A-125, filed 5/6/96, effective 6/6/96; Order 304, § 460-16A-125, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-16 WAC.