Section 460-10A-00101. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The terms used in these rules shall have the meanings set forth in the statutes pursuant to which these rules are adopted, if defined therein, or the meanings expressed in the definitions contained in these rules.
    Additional definitions may be found in the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) statement of policy regarding corporate securities definitions, which has been adopted pursuant to WAC 460-16A-205 (1)(m).
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. WSR 98-17-013, § 460-10A-00101, filed 8/10/98, effective 9/10/98; Order 304, § 460-10A-000 (codified as WAC 460-10A-00101), filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-10 WAC.]
RCW 21.20.450. WSR 98-17-013, § 460-10A-00101, filed 8/10/98, effective 9/10/98; Order 304, § 460-10A-000 (codified as WAC 460-10A-00101), filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-10 WAC.

