Chapter 456-10. Informal hearings—Practice and procedure.  

Section 456-10-001. Purpose and application of chapter.
Section 456-10-010. Distinction between formal and informal hearing and converting an appeal.
Section 456-10-110. Definitions.
Section 456-10-120. Alternative procedures.
Section 456-10-140. Organization and office.
Section 456-10-150. Quorum.
Section 456-10-160. Meetings of the board.
Section 456-10-210. Appearance and practice before the board.
Section 456-10-215. Notice of appearance by representatives.
Section 456-10-220. Rules of professional conduct.
Section 456-10-230. Ex parte communication.
Section 456-10-300. Commencing the appeal.
Section 456-10-310. Contents of notice of appeal.
Section 456-10-315. Deadlines for submitting the notice of appeal.
Section 456-10-325. Date and manner of submitting the notice of appeal.
Section 456-10-330. Amendments to notice of appeal.
Section 456-10-335. Response.
Section 456-10-410. Service of papers on parties and proof of service.
Section 456-10-500. Prehearing conference.
Section 456-10-501. Limitation on discovery.
Section 456-10-503. Summary judgment.
Section 456-10-505. Time in which evidence, briefs, and replies must be submitted.
Section 456-10-507. Amicus.
Section 456-10-510. Motions.
Section 456-10-515. Postponement, continuance, and extensions of time.
Section 456-10-520. Teleconference proceeding.
Section 456-10-530. Notice of hearing.
Section 456-10-540. Hearing procedure.
Section 456-10-545. Testimony under oath.
Section 456-10-547. Recording devices.
Section 456-10-550. Failure to attend and hearing on the record.
Section 456-10-555. Dismissal, stipulations, and withdrawal of actions.
Section 456-10-560. Rules of evidence and admissibility criteria.
Section 456-10-565. Official notice.
Section 456-10-710. Assistance to board.
Section 456-10-715. Presentation of posthearing evidence.
Section 456-10-725. Proposed decision.
Section 456-10-730. Exceptions to proposed decision, replies, and disposition.
Section 456-10-755. Petition for reconsideration of a final decision.
Section 456-10-970. Applicability of SEPA guidelines.