Section 434-120-050. Signatures for online filings.  

Latest version.
  • When submitting an online filing, the person completing the filing shall sign the application by following the directions for signing the web form.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 19.09.075, [19.09.]079, [19.09.]097, and [19.09.]520. WSR 12-14-114, § 434-120-050, filed 7/5/12, effective 8/5/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 23B.01.200(2), 24.03.007, [24.03.]008, 25.15.007, 19.09.020(15), [19.09].315, 19.77.115, and 43.07.170. WSR 04-04-018, § 434-120-050, filed 1/23/04, effective 2/23/04.]
RCW 19.09.075, [19.09.]079, [19.09.]097, and [19.09.]520. WSR 12-14-114, § 434-120-050, filed 7/5/12, effective 8/5/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 23B.01.200(2), 24.03.007, [24.03.]008, 25.15.007, 19.09.020(15), [19.09].315, 19.77.115, and 43.07.170. WSR 04-04-018, § 434-120-050, filed 1/23/04, effective 2/23/04.