Chapter 415-106. Public safety employees' retirement system.  

Section 415-106-010. Definitions.
Section 415-106-080. Actuarial factors and schedules.
Section 415-106-100. Am I eligible for PSERS membership?
Section 415-106-105. May I join PSERS if my duties qualify for PSERS membership, but my employer is not specifically listed in WAC 415-106-010(2)?
Section 415-106-110. If I am a member of PERS, may I change my membership to PSERS?
Section 415-106-200. Purpose and scope of reportable compensation rules.
Section 415-106-205. What is reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-210. What types of payments are considered reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-215. Are salary increases based on longevity or educational attainment considered reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-220. Are overtime payments reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-225. Is standby pay reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-230. Is performance pay reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-235. Is a retirement bonus or incentive reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-240. Are payments for reinstatement or payment instead of reinstatement reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-245. Are retroactive salary increases reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-250. Is severance pay reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-255. Is sick leave or vacation leave, whether used or cashed out, reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-260. Is paid leave, which is not earned over time, reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-265. Is the pay I receive from my employer when I am on union leave reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-270. Is compensation for periods of absence due to sickness or injury reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-275. Are disability insurance or workers' compensation payments reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-280. Will the compensation that is imputed to periods of unpaid leave be used in the calculation of my AFC?
Section 415-106-285. Is the pay I receive while on legislative leave reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-290. Is compensation applied toward cafeteria plans reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-295. Are fringe benefits reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-300. Are payroll deductions reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-305. Are payments, which are outside my employer's legal authority, reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-310. Are optional payments reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-315. Are nonmoney payments from my employer reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-320. Are reimbursements for business expenses reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-325. Vehicles—Is the value of my use of an employer's vehicle reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-330. Are vehicle allowances reportable compensation?
Section 415-106-400. If I establish PSERS membership and now hold a state elective position, may I continue to accrue service credit in PSERS?
Section 415-106-401. If I hold a state elective position before establishing PSERS membership, may I establish service credit for my prior service in the state elective position?
Section 415-106-405. May I retire from PSERS while holding a state elective position?
Section 415-106-500. PSERS disability benefits.
Section 415-106-600. What are my retirement benefit options?
Section 415-106-610. How do I apply for retirement benefits?
Section 415-106-620. How does the department calculate my retirement allowance?
Section 415-106-700. What are the return to work rules for PSERS?
Section 415-106-710. How does the department calculate my retirement allowance if I reenter PSERS membership and then reretire?
Section 415-106-725. If I have retired from another retirement system or am eligible to retire, am I excluded from participating in PSERS?
Section 415-106-900. How do I designate a beneficiary, and who will receive a distribution if I die before retirement?