Section 392-134-015. Enrollment practices and conditions.  

Latest version.
  • Requests for part-time attendance shall be processed by a public school only when made by the student, the student's parent(s), or the student's guardian(s).
    In addition, the enrollment of a part-time public school student who otherwise attends a private school shall be conditioned upon the certification by the student or by the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) as may be required by the public school, that:
    (1) The student is a private school student; and
    (2) The course and/or ancillary service for which enrollment is requested is not available at the private school of attendance.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 28.41.140 [28A.41.140] and 28A.41.145. WSR 86-01-020 (Order 85-15), § 392-134-015, filed 12/9/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.145. WSR 80-05-035 (Order 80-6), § 392-134-015, filed 4/15/80.]
RCW 28.41.140 [28A.41.140] and 28A.41.145. WSR 86-01-020 (Order 85-15), § 392-134-015, filed 12/9/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.145. WSR 80-05-035 (Order 80-6), § 392-134-015, filed 4/15/80.