Section 392-126-435. Reporting process.  

Latest version.
  • Each school district participating in cooperative partnership shall submit the following reports:
    (1) By September 1 of the third school year of continuous operation, a report on the progress of the cooperative partnership in meeting the objectives set forth in the application pursuant to WAC 392-126-425.
    (2) By September 1 of the fifth school year of continuous operation, a report evaluating the success of the cooperative partnership in meeting the objectives set forth in the application submitted pursuant to WAC 392-126-425.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.100.090(1). WSR 90-01-140 (Order 23), § 392-126-435, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90.]
RCW 28A.100.090(1). WSR 90-01-140 (Order 23), § 392-126-435, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90.

