Section 392-121-033. Definition—School day.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, "school day" means a calendar day except school holidays on which students enrolled in the school district or charter school are afforded the opportunity to be engaged in educational activity which is planned, supervised, and conducted by or under the supervision of the school district or charter school certificated staff, and on which day all or any portion of the students enrolled in the program actually participate in such educational activity.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290 and 28A.710.220. WSR 15-18-078, § 392-121-033, filed 8/28/15, effective 9/28/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.055 and 28A.41.170. WSR 88-03-013 (Order 88-8), § 392-121-033, filed 1/11/88.]
RCW 28A.150.290 and 28A.710.220. WSR 15-18-078, § 392-121-033, filed 8/28/15, effective 9/28/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.055 and 28A.41.170. WSR 88-03-013 (Order 88-8), § 392-121-033, filed 1/11/88.