Section 388-892-0420. What are the additional qualifications for vocational evaluation services contracts?  

Latest version.
  • (1) Individuals or organizations providing brief vocational assessment and/or comprehensive vocational evaluation services must maintain conformance to all uniform VR service contract qualifications and be:
    (a) Qualified as a certified vocational evaluator (CVE) by the commission on certification of work adjustment and vocational evaluation specialists (CCWAVES); or
    (b) Accredited in comprehensive vocational evaluation services by CARF - The rehabilitation accreditation commission; or
    (c) Hold a current certification as a certified rehabilitation counselor (CRC) by the commission on rehabilitation counselor certification (CRCC) and have successfully completed three graduate level courses, from an accredited college or university, in vocational evaluation; standardized assessment; psychological testing and measurement; or any combination of the above mentioned coursework.
    (2) Individuals or organizations providing situational assessment services must maintain conformance to all uniform VR service contract qualifications, and be:
    (a) Qualified as a certified vocational evaluator (CVE) by the commission on certification of work adjustment and vocational evaluation specialists (CCWAVES); or
    (b) Accredited in employment planning services by CARF - the rehabilitation accreditation commission; or
    (c) Licensed in employment services by the department of social and health services (DSHS)/mental health division (MHD); or
    (d) Certified by the International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD); or
    (e) Hold a current certification as a certified rehabilitation counselor (CRC) by the commission on rehabilitation counselor certification (CRCC) and have successfully completed three graduate level courses, from an accredited college or university, in vocational evaluation; standardized assessment; psychological testing and measurement; or any combination of the above mentioned coursework.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.310(2), 74.29.020(3) and 74.29.080(8). WSR 03-19-075, § 388-892-0420, filed 9/12/03, effective 10/13/03.]
RCW 43.20A.310(2), 74.29.020(3) and 74.29.080(8). WSR 03-19-075, § 388-892-0420, filed 9/12/03, effective 10/13/03.