Section 388-892-0400. How does a contractor receive a subsequent VR service contract after completing their initial VR service contract?  

Latest version.
  • (1) To receive subsequent VR service contracts, a contractor must respond to each RFQ by submitting a proposal showing that they:
    (a) Continue to meet all uniform VR service contract qualifications;
    (b) Have met DVR's performance standards established in the prior VR service contract; and
    (c) Meet the additional qualifications for each VR service to be offered.
    (2) Contractors that have been granted an initial VR service contract between RFQs have two years from the effective date of their initial VR service contract to meet the additional qualifications outlined in this chapter. If the contractor fails to provide documentation of conformance to the additional qualifications within two years from the effective date of the initial contract, DVR may terminate the existing VR service contract with ten days notice to the contractor.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.310(2), 74.29.020(3) and 74.29.080(8). WSR 03-19-075, § 388-892-0400, filed 9/12/03, effective 10/13/03.]
RCW 43.20A.310(2), 74.29.020(3) and 74.29.080(8). WSR 03-19-075, § 388-892-0400, filed 9/12/03, effective 10/13/03.