Section 388-892-0210. How does an RFQ work?  

Latest version.
  • (1) RFQs are issued on a periodic cycle to be determined by DVR, for example, every two years. The duration of the VR service contracts resulting from the RFQ will be announced in the RFQ. DVR reserves the right to extend the contracts by offering up to three one-year extensions.
    (2) DVR may advertise the RFQ in a variety of ways, including but not limited to the DVR web site, newspapers, and notices sent to potentially interested contractors.
    (3) The scope of work, fee to be paid, and contractor qualifications are defined in a separate RFQ and contract for each specific type of VR service:
    (a) Brief vocational assessment,
    (b) Comprehensive vocational evaluation,
    (c) Situational assessment,
    (d) General job placement/retention,
    (e) Specialized job placement/retention level 1,
    (f) Specialized job placement/retention level 2, and
    (g) Transitional employment.
    (4) Service providers, that are interested in obtaining a VR service contract as outlined in the RFQ, are instructed to submit their qualifications.
    (5) First time respondents that demonstrate full conformance to the uniform VR service contract qualifications, as outlined in this chapter, may be granted an initial VR service contract.
    (6) DVR may limit the number of VR service contracts it issues in a service delivery area as a result of an RFQ.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.310(2), 74.29.020(3) and 74.29.080(8). WSR 03-19-075, § 388-892-0210, filed 9/12/03, effective 10/13/03.]
RCW 43.20A.310(2), 74.29.020(3) and 74.29.080(8). WSR 03-19-075, § 388-892-0210, filed 9/12/03, effective 10/13/03.