Chapter 388-892. Purchase of services—Selection criteria—DVR vocational rehabilitation service contracts.

Section 388-892-0100. What vocational rehabilitation (VR) services does DVR purchase by contract?
Section 388-892-0110. What are vocational evaluation services?
Section 388-892-0120. What are job placement/retention services?
Section 388-892-0130. What levels of support are available under specialized job placement/retention services?
Section 388-892-0140. What are transitional employment (TE) services?
Section 388-892-0200. How does DVR procure vocational evaluation, job placement/retention and transitional employment services?
Section 388-892-0210. How does an RFQ work?
Section 388-892-0300. What are the uniform qualifications for an initial VR service contract?
Section 388-892-0310. How long does an initial VR service contract last?
Section 388-892-0320. Can an initial VR service contract be granted between RFQs?
Section 388-892-0400. How does a contractor receive a subsequent VR service contract after completing their initial VR service contract?
Section 388-892-0410. What are the additional qualifications for VR service contracts?
Section 388-892-0420. What are the additional qualifications for vocational evaluation services contracts?
Section 388-892-0430. What are the additional qualifications for job placement/retention services contracts?
Section 388-892-0440. What are the additional qualifications for a transitional employment services contract?
Section 388-892-0450. How long does a subsequent VR service contract last?
Section 388-892-0500. What is DVR's payment system for VR service contracts?
Section 388-892-0510. Can VR service contracts be denied or terminated?
Section 388-892-0520. What exceptions does DVR have to contract for vocational evaluation, job placement/retention and/or transitional employment services outside of these rules?