Section 388-877B-0500. Substance use disorder assessment services—General.  

Latest version.
  • The rules in WAC 388-877B-0500 through 388-877B-0550 apply to behavioral health agencies that provide substance use disorder assessment services. The definitions in WAC 388-877-0200 also apply to substance use disorder assessment services. The department requires all agencies and providers affected by this rule to fully comply with the applicable requirements in chapter 388-877 WAC, chapter 388-877A WAC, chapter 388-877B WAC, and chapter 388-877C WAC no later than September 1, 2013.
    (1) Substance use disorder assessment services are provided to an individual to determine the individual's involvement with alcohol and other drugs and determine the appropriate course of care or referral.
    (2) Substance use disorder assessment services include:
    (a) Assessment only services; and
    (b) Driving under the influence (DUI) assessment services.
    (3) A behavioral health agency certified for assessment only services may choose to provide optional program-specific DUI assessment services (see WAC 388-877B-0550). Optional DUI assessment services require additional program-specific certification by the department's division of behavioral health and recovery.
    (4) An agency providing assessment services to an individual must:
    (a) Be licensed by the department as a behavioral health agency;
    (b) Meet the applicable behavioral health agency licensure, certification, administrative, personnel, and clinical requirements in chapter 388-877 WAC, Behavioral health services administrative requirements; and
    (c) Have policies and procedures to support and implement the:
    (i) General requirements in chapter 388-877 WAC; and
    (ii) Program-specific requirements in WAC 388-877B-0500 through 388-877B-0550.
    (5) An agency providing assessment services:
    (a) Must review, evaluate, and document information provided by the individual;
    (b) May include information from external sources such as family, support individuals, legal entities, courts, and employers; and
    (c) Is not required to meet the individual service plan requirements in WAC 388-877-0620.
    (6) An agency must maintain and provide a list of resources, including self-help groups, and referral options that can be used by staff members to refer an individual to appropriate services.
    (7) When an individual is transferring to another service provider, documentation that copies of documents pertinent to the individual's course of treatment were forwarded to the new service provider to include:
    (a) The individual's demographic information; and
    (b) The diagnostic assessment statement and other assessment information to include:
    (i) Documentation of the HIV/AIDS intervention.
    (ii) Tuberculosis (TB) screen or test result.
    (iii) A record of the individual's detoxification and treatment history.
    (iv) The reason for the individual's transfer.
    (v) Court mandated, department of correction supervision status or the agency's recommended follow-up treatment.
    (vi) A discharge summary and continuing care plan.
    (8) An agency providing driving under the influence (DUI) assessment services must meet the additional program-specific standards in WAC 388-877B-0550.
    (9) An agency that offers off-site assessment services must meet the requirements in WAC 388-877B-0300(9).
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.02.290, 70.02.340, 70.96A.040(4), 71.05.560, 71.24.035 (5)(c), 71.34.380, and 2014 c 225. WSR 16-13-087, § 388-877B-0500, filed 6/15/16, effective 7/16/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.550, 70.02.050(3), 70.96A.040(4), 70.96A.155, [70.96A].157, 71.24.035 (5)(m), 74.04.050(1), 74.08.090, and chapters 70.02 and 71.24 RCW. WSR 14-06-093, § 388-877B-0500, filed 3/4/14, effective 4/4/14. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.02, 70.96A, 71.05, 71.24, 71.34, 74.50 RCW, RCW 74.08.090, 43.20A.890, and 42 C.F.R. Part 8. WSR 13-12-053, § 388-877B-0500, filed 5/31/13, effective 7/1/13.]
RCW 70.02.290, 70.02.340, 70.96A.040(4), 71.05.560, 71.24.035 (5)(c), 71.34.380, and 2014 c 225. WSR 16-13-087, § 388-877B-0500, filed 6/15/16, effective 7/16/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.550, 70.02.050(3), 70.96A.040(4), 70.96A.155, [70.96A].157, 71.24.035 (5)(m), 74.04.050(1), 74.08.090, and chapters 70.02 and 71.24 RCW. WSR 14-06-093, § 388-877B-0500, filed 3/4/14, effective 4/4/14. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.02, 70.96A, 71.05, 71.24, 71.34, 74.50 RCW, RCW 74.08.090, 43.20A.890, and 42 C.F.R. Part 8. WSR 13-12-053, § 388-877B-0500, filed 5/31/13, effective 7/1/13.

