Section 388-877B-0630. Substance use disorder information and assistance services requiring program-specific certification—Alcohol and drug information school services.  

Latest version.
  • Alcohol and drug information school services are a substance use disorder information and assistance services educational program about the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. These services are for an individual referred by a court or other jurisdiction(s) who may have been assessed and determined not to require treatment. The services require program-specific certification by the department's division of behavioral health and recovery. An agency providing alcohol and drug information school services must:
    (1) Ensure courses are taught by a certified information school instructor or a chemical dependency professional (CDP) who:
    (a) At the time of enrollment, informs each student of the course fees.
    (b) Advises each student there is no assumption the student has a substance use disorder, and that the course is not a therapy session.
    (c) Discusses the class rules.
    (d) Reviews the course objectives.
    (e) Follows a department-approved curriculum.
    (f) Ensures each course has no fewer than eight and no more than fifteen hours of classroom instruction.
    (g) Ensures adequate and comfortable seating in a well-lit and ventilated room.
    (h) Administers each enrolled student the post-test for each course after the course is completed.
    (2) Ensure a school instructor who is not a CDP:
    (a) Has a certificate of completion of an alcohol and other drug information school instructor's training course approved by the department, and the personnel file contains documentation of the training.
    (b) Maintains school instructor status by completing fifteen clock hours of continuing education. The fifteen hours of continuing education must:
    (i) Occur during each two-year period beginning January of the year following the instructor's initial qualification; and
    (ii) Be in subject areas that increase knowledge and skills in training, teaching techniques, curriculum planning and development, presentation of educational material, laws and rules, and developments in the substance use disorder field.
    (3) Ensure each individual student record contains:
    (a) An intake form, including demographics;
    (b) The hours of attendance, including dates;
    (c) The source of the student's referral;
    (d) A copy of all reports, assessments, letters, certificates, and other correspondence to the courts and the department of licensing, including noncompliance reporting under chapter 46.61 RCW;
    (e) A record of any referrals made; and
    (f) A copy of the scored post-test.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.02.290, 70.02.340, 70.96A.040(4), 71.05.560, 71.24.035 (5)(c), 71.34.380, and 2014 c 225. WSR 16-13-087, § 388-877B-0630, filed 6/15/16, effective 7/16/16. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.02, 70.96A, 71.05, 71.24, 71.34, 74.50 RCW, RCW 74.08.090, 43.20A.890, and 42 C.F.R. Part 8. WSR 13-12-053, § 388-877B-0630, filed 5/31/13, effective 7/1/13.]
RCW 70.02.290, 70.02.340, 70.96A.040(4), 71.05.560, 71.24.035 (5)(c), 71.34.380, and 2014 c 225. WSR 16-13-087, § 388-877B-0630, filed 6/15/16, effective 7/16/16. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.02, 70.96A, 71.05, 71.24, 71.34, 74.50 RCW, RCW 74.08.090, 43.20A.890, and 42 C.F.R. Part 8. WSR 13-12-053, § 388-877B-0630, filed 5/31/13, effective 7/1/13.