Section 388-850-015. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The department may approve an exemption to a specific rule in this chapter as defined under WAC 388-850-010(5) provided an:
    (a) Assessment of the exemption request ensures granting the exemption shall not undermine the legislative intent of Title 71A RCW; and
    (b) Evaluation of the exemption request shows granting the exemption shall not adversely affect the quality of the services, supervision, health, and safety of department-served persons.
    (2) Agencies and individual providers shall retain a copy of each department-approved exemption.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. WSR 02-16-014, § 388-850-015, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02. WSR 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-850-015, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.14.030. WSR 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-25-015, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91.]
RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. WSR 02-16-014, § 388-850-015, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02. WSR 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-850-015, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.14.030. WSR 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-25-015, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91.

