Section 388-829A-110. What minimum skills and abilities must alternative living procedures demonstrate?  

Latest version.
  • Alternative living providers must:
    (1) Be able to read, understand, and provide services as outlined in the ISP;
    (2) Participate in the development of the client's ISP;
    (3) Communicate in a language of the client served;
    (4) Accommodate the client's individual preferences;
    (5) Know the community resources such as medical facilities, emergency resources, recreational opportunities;
    (6) Protect the client's financial interests;
    (7) Fulfill reporting requirements as required in this chapter and the alternative living contract;
    (8) Know how and when to contact the client's representative and the client's case manager;
    (9) Maintain all necessary license, and certification as required by law (see WAC 388-829A-140, 388-829A-160, and 388-829A-270);
    (10) Successfully complete the training required in this chapter; and
    (11) Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policy, and contract requirements.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.30 [71A.12.030] and Title 71A RCW. WSR 07-16-101, § 388-829A-110, filed 7/31/07, effective 9/1/07.]
RCW 71A.12.30 [71A.12.030] and Title 71A RCW. WSR 07-16-101, § 388-829A-110, filed 7/31/07, effective 9/1/07.

