Chapter 388-823. Developmental disabilities administration intake and eligibility determination.  

Section 388-823-0010. Definitions.
Section 388-823-0015. How does the state of Washington define developmental disability?
Section 388-823-0020. How do I become a client of the developmental disabilities administration?
Section 388-823-0025. Who can apply for DDA eligibility determination?
Section 388-823-0050. For DDA eligibility, who is considered to be a resident of the state of Washington?
Section 388-823-0055. Who is responsible for obtaining the documentation needed to make my eligibility determination?
Section 388-823-0075. What if I do not have written evidence that my disability began before my eighteenth birthday?
Section 388-823-0080. How does DDA determine whether I meet eligibility criteria?
Section 388-823-0090. How long will it take to complete a determination of my eligibility?
Section 388-823-0100. What is the effective date of my eligibility determination?
Section 388-823-0105. How will DDA notify me of the results of my eligibility determination?
Section 388-823-0115. If I am eligible to be a client of DDA, will I receive DDA services?
Section 388-823-0200. How do I show that I have intellectual disability as an eligible condition?
Section 388-823-0210. If I have intellectual disability, how do I meet the definition of substantial limitations?
Section 388-823-0300. How do I show that I have cerebral palsy as an eligible condition?
Section 388-823-0310. If I have cerebral palsy, how do I meet the definition of substantial limitations?
Section 388-823-0400. How do I show that I have epilepsy as an eligible condition?
Section 388-823-0410. If I have epilepsy, how do I meet the definition of substantial limitations?
Section 388-823-0500. How do I show that I have autism as an eligible condition?
Section 388-823-0510. If I have autism, how do I meet the definition of substantial limitations?
Section 388-823-0600. How do I show that I have another neurological or other condition similar to intellectual disability?
Section 388-823-0610. If I have another neurological or other condition similar to intellectual disability, how do I meet the definition of substantial limitations?
Section 388-823-0720. What evidence do I need of my FSIQ?
Section 388-823-0730. If I have more than one FSIQ score, what criteria will DDA use to select the FSIQ for determining eligibility?
Section 388-823-0740. What evidence do I need of my adaptive skills limitations?
Section 388-823-0750. If I have more than one adaptive test score, what criteria will DDA use to select the adaptive test for determining eligibility?
Section 388-823-0760. What evidence do I need to show my need for direct physical assistance?
Section 388-823-0770. What evidence do I need of developmental delays?
Section 388-823-0910. What is the purpose of ICAP?
Section 388-823-0920. What sections of the ICAP does DDA or a designee contracted with DDA complete and score?
Section 388-823-0930. How does DDA or a designee contracted with DDA administer the ICAP?
Section 388-823-0940. What happens if DDA or a designee contracted with DDA cannot identify a qualified respondent?
Section 388-823-1000. Once I become an eligible DDA client, is there a time limit to my eligibility?
Section 388-823-1005. When does my eligibility as a DDA client expire?
Section 388-823-1010. When will DDA review my eligibility to determine if I continue to meet the eligibility requirements for DDA?
Section 388-823-1015. What is the definition of "DDA paid services" in WAC 388-823-1010(2)?
Section 388-823-1020. Can DDA terminate my eligibility if I no longer am a resident of the state of Washington?
Section 388-823-1030. How will I know that my eligibility is expiring or is due for review?
Section 388-823-1060. How will DDA notify me of its decision?
Section 388-823-1070. What are my appeal rights to a department decision that I am not eligible to be a client of DDA?
Section 388-823-1080. If DDA decides that I do not meet the requirements for eligibility, can I reapply for another decision?
Section 388-823-1090. If I am already eligible, how do these new rules affect me?
Section 388-823-1095. What are my rights as a DDA client?
Section 388-823-1100. How do I complain to DDA about my services or treatment?