Section 388-818-0300. When may telecommunications equipment be replaced?  

Latest version.
  • (1) TAS may replace telecommunications equipment without a client renewing the application for equipment if:
    (a) The equipment is no longer working; and
    (b) Less than three years have passed since the client's initial application date for equipment.
    (2) Clients may renew their application with TAS to replace telecommunications equipment if:
    (a) The equipment is no longer working; and
    (b) Three years have passed from the last time they applied and received their equipment. (See WAC 388-818-0160 for the renewal process.)
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.725, 43.20A.720, 2001 c 210. WSR 03-05-100, § 388-818-0300, filed 2/19/03, effective 3/22/03.]
RCW 43.20A.725, 43.20A.720, 2001 c 210. WSR 03-05-100, § 388-818-0300, filed 2/19/03, effective 3/22/03.

