Section 388-818-0130. How are applicants notified about decisions for telecommunications equipment?  

Latest version.
  • (1) When approving an application for telecommunications equipment, TAS staff must inform the applicant in writing about:
    (a) The receipt of the applicant's completed application form;
    (b) Any cost that applicants will incur for equipment; and
    (c) The time frame when the applicant may expect a qualified trainer to set up the equipment and provide training.
    (2) When denying an application for telecommunications equipment, TAS must inform the applicant in writing about:
    (a) The receipt of the applicant's completed application form;
    (b) The reasons for the denial; and
    (c) Any applicable procedures for appeal, as well as the circumstances under which the applicant may reapply. (See WAC 388-818-0150.)
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.725, 43.20A.720, 2001 c 210. WSR 03-05-100, § 388-818-0130, filed 2/19/03, effective 3/22/03.]
RCW 43.20A.725, 43.20A.720, 2001 c 210. WSR 03-05-100, § 388-818-0130, filed 2/19/03, effective 3/22/03.

