Section 388-818-0100. Who must certify an applicant's eligibility for telecommunications equipment from TAS?  

Latest version.
  • (1) A professional must certify that applicants have hearing loss and/or speech impairments and are eligible to receive telecommunications equipment from TAS.
    (2) These professionals include:
    (a) A person who is licensed or certified by the department of health to provide health care in the state of Washington;
    (b) An audiologist or hearing aid fitter/dispenser in Washington;
    (c) A vocational rehabilitation counselor;
    (d) A deaf specialist or coordinator at one of the community service centers for the deaf and hard of hearing in the state;
    (e) A deaf-blind specialist or coordinator at an organization that serves deaf-blind people;
    (f) A certified speech pathologist practicing in the state of Washington;
    (g) A licensed occupational therapist;
    (h) Staff from a qualified state agency as determined and specified by the TRS advisory committee on deafness; or
    (i) Any in-state nonprofit organization serving the hearing or speech impaired.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.725, 43.20A.720, 2001 c 210. WSR 03-05-100, § 388-818-0100, filed 2/19/03, effective 3/22/03.]
RCW 43.20A.725, 43.20A.720, 2001 c 210. WSR 03-05-100, § 388-818-0100, filed 2/19/03, effective 3/22/03.