Chapter 388-818. Deaf and hard of hearing services.  

Section 388-818-0010. What is the purpose of this chapter?
Section 388-818-0020. What does the office of the deaf and hard of hearing do?
Section 388-818-0030. What does the telecommunications access service do?
Section 388-818-0040. What definitions apply to this chapter?
Section 388-818-0050. What social services relating to hearing loss are available to the public?
Section 388-818-0060. Who are qualified service providers?
Section 388-818-0070. Is telecommunications equipment available for clients?
Section 388-818-0080. What items are not included with telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0090. Who is eligible to apply for telecommunications equipment from TAS?
Section 388-818-0100. Who must certify an applicant's eligibility for telecommunications equipment from TAS?
Section 388-818-0110. How do applicants request specialized telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0120. What types of income are included when requesting equipment from TAS?
Section 388-818-0130. How are applicants notified about decisions for telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0140. What are reasons for denying telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0150. When may clients renew their applications for telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0160. How do clients renew their application for telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0170. Are nonprofit organizations eligible for telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0180. What process do nonprofit organizations follow to receive telecommunications equipment from TAS?
Section 388-818-0190. How much does an applicant have to pay for telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0200. How does an applicant request a waiver (exception) of equipment cost?
Section 388-818-0210. What conditions must be met for a client to receive purchased telecommunication equipment?
Section 388-818-0220. When is telecommunications equipment owned by the client?
Section 388-818-0230. May clients return purchased telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0240. When may telecommunications equipment be loaned to an applicant?
Section 388-818-0250. What are the conditions for loaning telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0260. When does state-loaned equipment have to be returned to TAS?
Section 388-818-0270. May a person take loaned telecommunications equipment outside the state?
Section 388-818-0280. Will training be provided on the use and care of telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0290. What services do trainers provide to clients?
Section 388-818-0300. When may telecommunications equipment be replaced?
Section 388-818-0310. When may requests for replacement telecommunications equipment be denied?
Section 388-818-0320. Who may receive reconditioned telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0330. May an applicant disagree with a DSHS decision about telecommunications equipment?
Section 388-818-0340. What is a relay complaint?
Section 388-818-0350. What may a client do when dissatisfied with relay services?
Section 388-818-0360. May a client file a formal complaint about the relay service?
Section 388-818-0370. When is customer service available for clients?
Section 388-818-0380. May clients file their complaint about relay services with the FCC?
Section 388-818-0390. May the FCC file a complaint?
Section 388-818-0400. What documents must ODHH keep for complaints?
Section 388-818-500. How do I qualify to be on the list of sign language interpreters who work in Washington courts?
Section 388-818-510. What authority does ODHH have to establish these standards?
Section 388-818-520. What are the different categories of court interpreters?
Section 388-818-530. What are the requirements for certified court sign language interpreters?
Section 388-818-540. What are the requirements for certified court intermediary interpreters?
Section 388-818-550. Are there any ongoing requirements for court interpreters?
Section 388-818-560. If I have a criminal conviction in my history, am I automatically disqualified?
Section 388-818-570. What is included in the Washington courts training?
Section 388-818-580. How do I find out when and where training is available?
Section 388-818-590. How do I add my name to the court interpreter list?
Section 388-818-600. What sign language interpreters can be hired to work in Washington courts?
Section 388-818-610. Where may a court obtain a list of qualified interpreters?
Section 388-818-620. What are the standards for fee considerations that interpreters might charge a court?
Section 388-818-630. What recourse do I have if I disagree with ODHH's decision to omit or remove my name from the list?