Section 388-730-0030. Maximum security.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A maximum security classification must be assigned to a juvenile if:
    (a) Indicated by the initial security classification assessment; or
    (b) Following the initial security classification, it is determined the juvenile:
    (i) Does not meet the community placement eligibility requirements for minimum security; and
    (ii) Requires maximum security restrictions to protect public safety, encourage the juvenile to participate in treatment and follow facility rules, or enhance the safe and orderly operation of the facility.
    (2) A juvenile classified as maximum security must:
    (a) Reside in an institution with the capability of:
    (i) Security windows;
    (ii) Locked exterior doors;
    (iii) Lockable single-person rooms; and
    (iv) A security fence.
    (b) Be permitted movement between secured buildings only if accompanied by a close staff escort;
    (c) Be confined to facility grounds, except for court appearances or emergencies, in which case a staff escort, and transportation in restraints and in a security vehicle, are required; and
    (d) Be allowed authorized leave only for emergency and medical purposes pursuant to RCW 13.40.205.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapter 72.05 RCW. WSR 00-22-019, recodified as § 388-730-0030, filed 10/20/00, effective 11/20/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.05.400, [72.05.]405, [72.05.]410, [72.05.]415, [72.05.]425, [72.05.]430, [72.05.]435, [72.05.]440, 74.15.210, 13.40.460 and [13.40.]480. WSR 98-18-056, § 275-46-030, filed 8/31/98, effective 9/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.460. WSR 96-18-041, § 275-46-030, filed 8/29/96, effective 9/29/96.]
Chapter 72.05 RCW. WSR 00-22-019, recodified as § 388-730-0030, filed 10/20/00, effective 11/20/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.05.400, [72.05.]405, [72.05.]410, [72.05.]415, [72.05.]425, [72.05.]430, [72.05.]435, [72.05.]440, 74.15.210, 13.40.460 and [13.40.]480. WSR 98-18-056, § 275-46-030, filed 8/31/98, effective 9/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.460. WSR 96-18-041, § 275-46-030, filed 8/29/96, effective 9/29/96.